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Zacher, A., 'Italien von Heute,' 370.
Zoffany, Johann, 39-character-
istics as an artist, ib.-early years,
41-stage pictures, 42-friends, 42,
44-wife, 42-appearance, 43-por-
traits, 44-46, 49, 52-nominated
member of the Royal Academy,
44-patrons, 44, 46, 49-withdraws
from Capt. Cook's second expedi-
tion, 46-commission to Florence,
ib.-second marriage, 47-death of
his son, ib.-title of Baron of the
Holy Roman Empire, 48-strokes
of paralysis and return to England,
48, 55-prosperity and position,
49-rapidity of execution, 50-visit
to India, 51-55-Painter to the
Court of Oudh, 52-Indian paint-
ings, 52, 54-altarpiece, 53-por-
trait of Miss Farren, 55-domestic
troubles, 56-portrait of Dr Horn,
ib.-pictures for Churches, 57-
exhibits in the Royal Academy,
58-death, ib.




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THE QUARTERLY REVIEW tblished quarterly at New York, N. Y., for October 1, 1916.

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III. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville.

By Prof. Paul Hamelius (of Liège) IV. Old and New in the Daily Press. By T. H. S. Escott V. The Foreign Policy of Italy. By William Miller VI. The Origin of the Franco-German War. By Joseph Reinach VII. Cyprus Under British Rule. By Sir John Page Middleton VIII. Agricultural Co-operation in Germany.

By Lionel Smith-Gordon IX. The Music of Wild Flowers. By the Rev. Canon Vaughan X. Dominion Views on Imperial Unity. IV. Canada. XI. The Fleets of Our Allies. XII. The Pontificate of Pius X. XIII. The Archives of the War. XIV. The Dardanelles Report. XV. Indian Cotton Duties.

By Lord XVI. German Steel and Iron. XVII. The Irish Problem. XVIII. The Course of the War.

By Archibald Hurd By the Rev. Alfred Fawkes

By Sydney A. Moseley

Sydenham of Combe, G.C.M.G.
By Prof. W. J. Ashley
By Lord Monteagle, K.P.
(With Maps.) By Colonel Blood

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Canada Subscription, $4.65 per year; Single Copies, $2.00

Entered at New York Post Office as Second Class Matter

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