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Enumerate the Battles of the Persian War. 1. At Marathon, near Athens, when Miltiades defeated Datis and Artaphernes with a numerous army of Persians.

2. About ten years afterwards, at the pass of Thermopyla, in Thessaly, where Leonidas and 300 Spartans devoted themselves to death in opposing the passage of Xerxes.

3. At Salamis, in the Gulf of Ægina, where Themistocles destroyed the Persian fleet.

4. At Platææ, in Boeotia, where Pausanias and Aristides, with very inferior numbers, defeated Mardonius, at the head of an immense army. 5. At Mycăle, in Ionia, on the same day, where the Spartan and Athenian admirals destroyed the fleet and army of the Persians under Tigranes. 6. At the mouth of the river Eurymědon, in Pamphylia, where Cimon, the Athenian, obtained a double victory over the sea and land forces of the Persians,

Enumerate the principal battles of the Greeks, in their wars between one another.

1. At Charonea, where the Athenians were overthrown by the Baotians.

2. The sea fight of Arginusæ, near Lesbos, in which Callicratidas, the Spartan, was killed.

3. The sea fight of Egos-potamos, in the Hellespont, where Lysander, the Lacedæmonian, destroyed the Athenian fleet, and put an end to the Peloponnesian war.

4. At Coronea, in Bæotia, where Agesilaus, the Lacedæmonian, defeated the united forces of Athens, Thebes, Corinth, and Argos.

5. At Leuctra, in Bæotia, where Epaminondas, the Theban, defeated the Lacedæmonians, and for ever destroyed the power of Sparta.

6. At Mantinēa, in Arcadia, where Epaminondas died in the moment of victory.

7. At Charonea, (110 years after the first battle of that name,) where Philip of Macedon conquered the liberties of Greece.

Q. What battle was fought by the Greeks in Asia, soon after the end of the Peloponnesian war'? A. The battle of Cunaxa, in Assyria, between Cyrus and Artaxerxes, after which the 10,000 Greeks effected their retreat under Xenophon, the Athenian.

Q. What were the battles by which Alexander the Great overthrew the Persian empire?

A. 1. At the passage of the Granicus, a river in


2. At Issus, in Cilicia;

3. At Arbēla, in Persia.

Q. What battle gave the Family of Seleucus the command of Asia?

A. The battle of Ipsus, in Phrygia, in which Antigonus was killed.


Mention three of the more remarkable battles in the early History of Rome.

1. The battle of the lake Regillus, in Etruria, the last struggle of the Tarquins.

2. The battle of Crěměra, a river of Etruria, me

morable for the slaughter of the 300 Fabii. 3. Of Allia, a river near Rome, which was won by Brennus, King of the Gauls.

Q. What were the two great battles in the war with Pyrrhus?

A. 1. The battle of the river Siris, near Tarentum, gained by the elephants of Pyrrhus;

2. The battle of Beneventum, where the elephants were repelled by the fire balls, and Pyrrhus was driven out of Italy.

Q. What was the first naval victory of the Romans? A. Of Duilius, the consul, near Sicily, in the first Punic war.

Q. What battle concluded the first Punic war?

A. The sea fight near the Egates Insulæ, won by Lutatius Catulus.

Q. What were the battles won by Hannibal, in Italy, during the second Punic war?

A. Of Ticīnus and Trěbia, two rivers which fall into

the Po;

Of Thrasymēnus, a lake in Etruria; and of
Cannæ, a village in Apulia.

Q. What battle was fatal to the hopes of Hannibal? A. The battle of the Metaurus, where Asdrubal was defeated and slain.

Q. What battle concluded the second Punic war? A. The battle of Zama, in Africa, in which Scipio overthrew Hannibal.

Q. What two victories placed Macedonia under the power of Rome?

A. The victory of Cynos-cephalæ, in Thessaly, and

(30 years afterwards) of Pydna, in Thrace. Q. What battle checked the progress of the Roman arms in the East?

A. The battle of Carræ, in Mesopotamia, where Crassus was defeated and slain by the Parthians. Q. What battle placed Rome under the power of Julius Cæsar?

A. Pharsalia, in Thessaly.

Q. What battle completed the destruction of the party of Pompey?

A. Of Munda, in Spain.

Q. After the death of Cæsar, what battle was favourable to the party of Brutus ?

A. Of Mutina, in Cisalpine Gaul.

Q. What battle avenged his death, by the destruetion of the conspirators?

A. The battle of Philippi, in Macedonia.

Q. What battle established the empire of the Cæsars?

A. The sea-fight of Actium, a promontory of Epirus.


Q. What battle led to the Norman conquest?
A. The battle of Hastings, in Sussex.

Q. What were the two great battles in the Civil
War between Henry III. and his Barons ?

A. The battle of Lewes, in Sussex, where Henry was taken prisoner;

The battle of Evesham, in Worcestershire, where the Barons were defeated, and Leicester was slain.


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