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Q. Why does a circle consist of 360 degrees?
A. The Ancients made it so, erroneously supposing

that the Sun made the circuit of our Earth in

360 days, advancing one Gradus, or degree, each day.

Q. What is a degree?

A. 60 Geographical miles, or 69% English miles. Q. What is the highest Northern Latitude hitherto attained by our Navigators?

A. 82° 45' by Capt. Parry, in 1827.

Q. What is the most Northern region hitherto discovered?

A. Spitzbergen, about 80° North Latitude.

Q. What is the Latitude of the North Cape of Europe?

A. About 70 degrees?

Q. What is the Latitude of the Orkney Isles?

A. About 60 degrees North.

Q. What countries are situated on the same parallel?

A. Russia in Europe, Siberia in Asia, and Labrador

in North America.

Q. What is the Latitude of London?

A. About 50 or 51.

Q. What countries are situated about this parallel?
A. Holland, Saxony, Poland, Russian and Chinese
Tartary, and the northern parts of Canada.
Q. What countries lie about the parallel of 45
North Latitude?

A. Bourdeaux, and the central parts of France, Ge

neva, and the Alpine regions, Venice, and the mouths of the Danube, Astrachan at the mouth

of the Volga, and Halifax in Nova Scotia. Q. What places are situated about the parallel of 40?

A. Lisbon, Madrid, Naples, Constantinople, Samarcand, Pekin, and Philadelphia.

Q. What places lie on the thirtieth degree of North Latitude?

A. The Barbary Coast, the City of Alexandria in Egypt, the Isthmus of Suez, the mouth of the Euphrates, the mountains of Thibet, the central parts of China, and the mouth of the Missisippi in North America.

Q. What is the Latitude of the Tropic of Cancer? A. Twenty-three degrees and a half.

Q. What countries lie under the Tropic of Cancer? A. The great Desert of Africa, the city of Calcutta

in India, the city of Canton in China, the Sandwich Isles in the Pacific, and the Island of Cuba in the West Indies.

Q. What countries lie about the parallel of 10 degrees North Latitude?

A. The settlement of Sierra Leone in Africa, the

sources of the Nile in Abyssinia, the southern part of India, the great river Oronooko in South America, with the Isle of Trinidad at its mouth. Q. What countries are situated under the Equinoctial Line?

A. The Isle of St. Thomas, the Coast of Guinea, the Isle of Sumatra, and the Indian Archipelago,

the kingdom of Quito in South America, and the mouth of the river Amazon.

Q. What countries lie under the parallel of 10 degrees South Latitude?

A. The unknown parts of South Africa, the Indian Isle of Java, and Lima the capital of Peru.

Q. What countries are situated under the Tropic of Capricorn?

A. The Caffres of South Africa, the Island of Ma

dagascar, the centre of Australasia, the Friendly Isles of the Pacific, and Rio Janeiro the capital of the Brazilian Empire.

Q. What countries lie between 30 and 40 degrees South Latitude?

A. The Cape of Good Hope, the settlements of Botany Bay, Valparaiso in Chili, and the mouth of the River La Plata.

Q. What is the Latitude of Cape Horn, the southernmost point of South America?

A. 55.

Q. What is the highest Southern Latitude attained by Captain Cooke?

A. 71° 10.


Q. What places lie about the Meridian of London ? A. Bourdeaux in France, Barcelona in Spain, the

Island of Ivica in the Mediterranean, and (within 5 degrees west) the Island of St. Helena in the Southern Hemisphere.

Q. Name some places about the Meridian of 15 East Longitude?

A. The Dofrefield mountains of Norway, the city of

Prague in Bohemia, the city of Naples, the
Island of Malta, and the Congo country of
South Africa.

Q. About 30 degrees?

A. St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, and Alexandria. Q. About the Meridian 45?

A. The Rivers Don and Volga, which form the

boundary of Europe and Asia, the city of Teflis in Georgia, of Bagdad in Persia, and the Island of Madagascar on the eastern coast of Africa.

Q. About 60 degrees i

A. Nova Zembla, Sea of Aral, and the eastern coast of Arabia Felix.

Q. About seventy-five degrees?

A. The Samoeides of Siberia, the cities of Delhi and Seringapatam in India, and the Malabar


Q. About ninety degrees?

A. The mouths of the Ganges, and the Bay of


Q. About 105 degrees?

A. Irkoutsk in Siberia and the kingdom of Cochin


Q. About 120 degrees?

A. The Wall of China, the City of Nankin, the Straits of Macassar, and the Spice Islands.

Q. About 135 degrees?

A. The Isles of Japan, and the central parts of Australasia.

Q. About 165?

A. The Sea of Kampschatka in the North, and the western part of New Zealand.

Q. About 180?

A. The north-eastern part of Asia and the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


Q. What places lie about 15 degrees West Longitude?

A. East Greenland, the Canary Islands, and Cape de Verde in Africa.

Q. About 30 degrees?

A. The central parts of Greenland, the Azores, and the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Q. About 45 degrees?

A. Cape Farewell in Greenland, Rio Janeiro in Brazil.

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