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Chemistry and Physics-Inorganic Preparation of Hydrazine, DUDEN, 311.—

Production of Carbon chlorides at ordinary Temperatures, V. MEYER: Atomic

masses of Nickel and Cobalt, WINKLER, 312.-Atomic Mass of Bismuth,

SCHNEIDER: Use of Dihydroxytartaric acid as a Reagent for Sodium, FENTON,

313.-Commercial Synthesis of Acetylene, LEWES, 314.-Theoretical Chemistry

from the Standpoint of Avogadro's rule and Thermodynamics, W. NERNST, 315.

-Qualitative Chemical Analysis of Inorganic Substances: Double refraction of

Electric waves, K. MACK: National Academy of Sciences on Electrical Meas-

urement, 316.

Geology and Mineralogy-Change of level in the West Indian Region, C. T.

STIMPSON, 321.-Glacial phenomena Northwest and West of Hudson Bay, J. B.

TYRRELL: Faults of post-Glacial origin, G. F. MATTHEW: Pre-Cambrian Radi-

olarians, L. CAYEUX, 322.—Geological Survey of Alabama for 1894: Paleozoic

Corallines: Lehrbuch der Petrographie, F. Zirkel, 323.—Chemical Contribu-

tions to the Geology of Canada from the laboratory of the Survey, G. C. HOFF-

MANN: Meteoritenkunde, E. COHEN, 324.

Botany--Field, Forest and Garden Botany, A. GRAY: Popular Treatise on the

Physiology of Plants, P. SORAUER, 325.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence-Prize-Question pertaining to Physical

Science proposed by the Schnyder von Wartensee Foundation for Arts and

Sciences at Zurich, 326.-American Association for the Advancement of Science:

International Zoological Congress: Manual of the Study of Documents, P.

FRAZER: Smithsonian Geographical Tables, R. S. WOODWARD, 327.-French

Academy of Sciences: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History,


Obituary--Dr. G. A. REX: MARQUIS DE SAPORTA: Professor H. WILD: Dr. A.


Chemistry and Physics-Solution and Pseudo-solution, LINDER and PICTON:

Fluidity of Metals below their Melting Points, SPRING, 467.-Light emitted

during Crystallization, BANDROWSKI: Two-fold Spectra of Oxygen, BALY, 468.

-Kräfte der Chemischen Dynamik, L. STETTENHEIMER: Physical Constants of

Hydrogen. OLSZEWSKI: Color Photography, NEUHAUS, 469.-Silvering Glass,

M. M. AUGUSTE and L. LUMIÈRE: Form of Sensitive Galvanometer, M. P. WEISS:

Diselectrification of Air, KELVIN, M. MACLEAN and A. GALT, 470.-Beitraege

zur Kenntniss des Wesens der Saecular Variation des Erdmagnetismus, L. A.

BAUER, 471.-Text Book of the Principles of Physics, A. DANIELL, 472.

Geology and Mineralogy-Discovery of a dicotyledonous Flora in the Cheyenne

sandstone, R. T. HILL: Geological Aspects of Variation, M. GOSSELET, 473.

-Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. iv, C. R. KEYES: Geological Survey of

New Jersey, 475.-Geological Survey of Iowa, vol. iii: Ueber devonische

Pflanzen aus dem Donetz-Becken, SCHMALHAUSEN, 476.-Contributions a

l'Étude des Feldspaths des Roches Volcaniques, F. Fouqué, 477.--Analcite-

Diabase from San Luis, Cal., H. W. FAIRBANKS: Gold m Serpentine. H. W.

TURNER: Brief Notices of some recently described Minerals, 478.-Elements of

Mineralogy, Crystallography and Blowpipe Analysis, A. J. MOSES and C. L.


Botany-Students' Text-Book of Botany, S. H. VINES, 481.-Cellulose: an out-

line of the Chemistry of the structural elements of plants, with reference to

their Natural History and Industrial Uses, C. F. CROSS, E. J. BEVAN and C.

BEADLE, 482.—Interesting Method of Dissemination, DUSÉN: Australian Nar-

cotics, J. H. MAIDEN, 483.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence-Science of Mechanics, E. MACH: Dynam-

ics: R. T. GLAZEBROOK: Few Chapters in Astronomy, C. KENNEDY: North

American Birds, II. NEHRLING, R. RIDGWAY, A. GOERING and G. MUETZEL, 484.


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