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Walden, P. T., double chlorides, bro-
mides and iodides of cæsium and
cadmium, vi, 425; cæsium-cupric
bromides, vii, 94; double chlorides
and bromides of cæsium, rubidium,
potassium and ammonium, viii, 283.
Waldo, F., Brückner's Klimaschwank-
ungen, i, 141; wind velocities in
the United States, ix, 431; diurnal
rise and fall of the wind in the
U. S., 1, 235.
Walker, T. L., nickeliferous pyrite,
Sudbury, Ont., vii, 312.
Walther, J., die Denudation in der
Wüste, etc., ii, 177; Bionomie des
Meeres, vi, 240.

Ward, H. A., meteorite from Japan,
v, 153; Plymouth meteorite, ix, 53.
Ward, L. F., age of plants of Ameri-
can Trias, iii, 157.

Washburn Observatory publications,
i, 76.

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Washington Philosophical Society,
Bulletin, iv, 258.

Water, amount of, in the soil after a
drought, Reiset, vi, 157.

density variation with tempera-
ture, Mendeléeff, iii, 239.

determination, Penfield, viii, 30.
expansion of, Marek, ii, 427.
of the salt lake of Oahu, ii, 522.
volumetric composition, Worley,
i, 220, 276.

Watts, George, vegetable resources
of India, viii, 511.

Wave, explosive, in solid and liquid
bodies, Berthelot, ii, 66.
Waves in air, Raps, vi, 479.

electric, see under Electric.
Wead, C. K., intensity of sound, i,
232; ii, 21.

Weather, a short cycle in, Hall, v, 227.
Weather periods, Clayton, vii, 223.
Weed, W. H., formation of travertine

and siliceous sinter, i, 158; gold-
bearing hot spring deposit, ii, 166;
sulphur, orpiment and realgar in
the Yellowstone, ii, 401; Laramie
and Livingston formations in Mon-
tana, vii, 404; igneous 1ocks of
Montana, 1, 309, 467; phonolitic
rocks from Montana, 1, 506.
Weichmann, F. C., Lecture notes on
Theoretical Chemistry, vi, 300.
Weinschenk, E., meteoric stone,
Washington Co., Kansas, iii, 65;
meteoric irons, Floyd Co., Va., and
Atacama, Chili, iii, 424.

Weisbach, Mechanics of Hoisting
Machinery, vii, 159.

Weissmann, A., Essays upon Heredity,
iii, 166.

Well at Wheeling, W. Va., Hallock,
iii, 234.

Weller, S., fossil faunas at Spring-
field, Missouri, ix, 185.

Wells, H. L., composition of pollu-
cite, i, 213; self-feeding Sprengel
pump, i, 390.

cæsium trihalides, iii, 17; rubid-
ium and potassium trihalides, iii,

alkali-metal pentahalides, iv,
herderite from Hebron, Me., iv,
114; double halides of silver and
the alkali-metals, iv, 155; cæsium
and rubidium chloraurates and bro-
maurates, iv, 157; cæsium-mercuric
halides, iv, 221.

caesium-lead and potassium-lead
halides, v, 121.

ammonium-lead halides, vi, 25;
rubidium-lead halides, etc., vi, 34;
double salts of lead tetra-chloride,
vi, 180; quantitative determination
of cæsium, vi, 186; peculiar halides
of potassium and lead, vi, 190;
double chlorides, bromides, and
iodides of cæsium and cadmium,
vi, 425; double chlorides, bromides
and iodides of cæsium and zinc, vi,

cæsium-cupric chlorides, vii, 91,
96; cæsium-cupric bromides, vii,

leadhillite, Missouri, viii, 219.

compounds containing lead and
extra iodine, 1, 21; double salts of
cæsium chloride, etc., 1, 249; am-
monium cuprous double halogen
salts, 1, 390.

West Indies, observations in, Agassiz,
v, 78, 358.

Wheeler, H. A., ferro-goslarite, i, 212;

Missouri barite, ii, 495; rubidium
and potassium trihalides, iii, 475;
alkali-metal pentahalides, iv, 42;
alkaline iodates, iv, 123; double
halides of silver and the alkali-
metals, iv, 155; cæsium and rubid-
ium chloraurates and bromaurates,
iv, 157; double halides of tellu-
rium with potassium, rubidium and
cæsium, v, 267; double halides of
arsenic with cæsium and rubidium,
vi, 88; double halides of antimony
with rubidium, vi, 269.
Whidborne, G. F., Devonian Fauna
of So. England, vii, 402.
White. C. A., Bear River formation,
iii, 91.

White, D., a new taeniopterid ferd | Williamson, W. C., fossil plants of

its allies, v, 439.

White, I. C., stratigraphy of
bituminous coal field of Peni

vania, Ohio, and W. Virginia,,
156; Mannington oil-field, iv, 7
Whiteaves, J. F., Devonian fos
iv, 429; Unio-like shell from,
Coal Measures, vii, 146.
Whitely, R. L., Chemical calculati
iv, 73.

Whitfield, R. P., Cretaceous fossil
Syria, iii, 159; geol. survey of
Jersey, vi, 308; Paleozoic corallin
ix, 323.

Whitmore, J., method of increas
the range of capillary electromet
iv, 64.

Whitney, A. W., refraction of lig
upon the snow, v, 389.
Whittle, C. L., an ottrelite-beari
phase of a metamorphic conglo
erate in the Green Mts., iv, 27
main axis of the Green Mts., v

Whymper, E., Appendix to Trave

amongst the Andes, iii, 436.
Wiechmann, F. G., sugar analysis
i, 69.

the Coal-Measures, i, 437; v, 437.
Willis, B., Appalachian faulting, vi,


Willis, O. R., Practical Flora, ix, 77.
Willson, R. W., thermal conductivi-
ties of marble and slate, 1, 435.
Wilson, H. M., Manual of Irrigation
Engineering, v, 442.

Winchell, H. V., age of the Saganaga
syenite, i, 386; Cretaceous in Min-
nesota, vii, 146.

Winchell, N. H., geological survey of
Minnesota, i, 246; v, 73.

Wind, internal work of, Langley, vii,
41; in the U. S. diurnal, rise and
fall, Waldo, 1, 235; velocities of,
in the U. S., Waldo, ix, 431.
Winslow, A., geological survey of
Missouri, bulletin, i, 248, 329, 435,
444, v, 354; flexibility of lime-
stone, iii, 133; coal-deposits of
Missouri, iii, 435; Cambrian in
Missouri, v, 221.

Wilde's explication of terrestrial mag
netism, Bauer, iii, 496.
Wilder, quarter century book, vii, 80
Wiley, H. W., Agricultural Analysis.
1, 431.

Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, trans-
actions, iv, 262.

Wolff, J. E., Cambrian fossils in the
Stockbridge limestone of Vermont,
i, 435.

apparatus for geological labora-
tory, vii, 355.
Wood, H., Cretaceous of northwest-
ern Montana, iv, 401.
Wood, R. W., Jr., pressure on ice, i,
30; combustion of gas jets under
pressure, i, 477; demonstration of
caustics, 1, 301.

Williams, E. H., Jr., age of extra-
moraine fringe in East. Pennsyl-
sylvania, vii, 34; southern ice limit
in Eastern Pennsylvania, ix, 174. Woods, H., Elementary Paleontology,
Williams, G. H., anatase from Buck- vii, 79.
ingham Co., Va., ii, 431; green-Woodward, A. S., Devonian fishes of
stone schist areas of Michigan, ii, Canada, v, 73.
259; Baltimore and the geology of
its environs, iii, 435; volcanic rocks
of South Mt., in Pennsylvania and
Maryland, iv, 482; geological map
of Baltimore, v, 73; rock-cutting
and grinding machine, v, 102; pied-
montite, and scheelite in rhyolite
of South Mt., Pa., vi, 50; volcanic
rocks of East. N. A., vii,140; geology
and physical features of Maryland,
vii, 320.

Woodward, H. B., Ramsay's physical
geology and geography of Great
Britain, viii, 430.
Woodward, R. S., iced-bar base ap-
paratus of the U. S. Coast and Geo-
detic Survey, v, 33.
Voodworth, J. B., post-glacial eolian
action in So. New England, vii, 63;
Carboniferous fossils, Norfolk Co.,
basin, viii, 145; dinosaur tracks in
New Jersey, 1, 481.
Woollcombe, W. G., general physics,
viii, 429.

Worthen, A. H., geological survey of

Williams, H. S., ventral plates of the
Holonema of Newberry, vi, 285;
dual nomenclature in geological
classifications, vii, 143; age of man- Illinois, i, 159.
ganese beds of Arkansas, viii, 325;
Devonian fossils in the Carbonifer-
ous, ix, 94, 160.
Williams, J. F., newtonite and recto-
rite, ii, 11; igneous rocks of Arkan-
sas, iii, 159.

Wright, A. A., Nikitin on the Quater-
nary deposits of Russia, v, 459.
Wright, B., Native Silica, 1, 274.
Wright, G. F., interglacial submer-
gence in England, iii, 1; unity of
the glacial epoch, iv, 351; extra-

[blocks in formation]

morainic drift of New Jersey, vi, | 304; continuity of the glacial period, vii, 161; glacial phenomena of Newfoundland, etc., ix, 86, 156. Wright, M. R., Heat, vi, 301. Wyatt, F., Phosphates of America, iii, 79.

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Ze, R., fossil flora of French Cariferous, ii, 75; Paléontologie étale, iv, 334; l'appareil fructiteur des Sphenophyllum, viii, Zarovich, V. von, Mineral Lexicon

Oesterreich, iii Band, vi, 482. Zoxide, artificial crystals, Ries, i, 256.

Zbearing spring waters from Mis-
ari, Hillebrand, iii, 418.
Zel, F., Lehrbuch der Petrographie,
152; vii, 320; ix, 323.

21, K. A. von, Handbuch der
alæontologie, i, 330; Grundzüge
er Palæontologie, 1, 268.

Zahm, J. A., Sound and Music, v, 69. Zogical Station, Naples, vi, 80.

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