Heart of Darkness: Character StudiesBloomsbury Academic, 2008 M05 27 - 110 pages Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (1899) is one of the most important literary works of the early twentieth century. It has provoked much critical debate, on issues such as fin de siècle doubt and pessimism, European colonialism, racism, and misogyny. Engaging with the novel's characters is crucial to understanding its complexity and its criticalhistory. |
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... rivet ' to stop the hole ' ( p . 51 ) . We also cannot trust the narrative of someone who admits to being confused : ' you lost your way on that river as you would in a desert , and butted all day long against shoals , trying to find ...
... rivets : ' What I really wanted was rivets , by heaven ! Rivets . To get on with the work - to stop the hole ... rivet might be a belief in otherness : a conception of the Other can give an individual , group or society a centre ...
... rivet that gives superiority and security to Us . However , ( the ) Master needs ( the ) Slave to exist : ' If you say that one thing is the opposite of another , you are at the same time asserting their mutual depen- dence , in that it ...