824 041 To the RIGHT HONOURABLE JAMES CRAGGS, Esq; His MAJESTY's Principal Secretary of State. I Dear SIR, Cannot wish that any of my writings should last longer than the memory of our friendship, and therefore I thus publicly bequeath them to you, in return for the many valuable instances of your affection. A 3 That That they may come to you with as little disadvantage as possible, I have left the care of them to one, whom, by the experience of some years, I know well qualified to answer my intentions. He has already the honour and happiness of being under your protection; and, as he will very much stand in need of it, I cannot wish him better, than that he may continue to deferve the favour and countenance of such a patron. I have no time to lay out in forming such compliments, as would but ill fuit that familiarity between us, which was once my greatest plea fure, |