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service of the young may be advantageously con veyed to the public.

The contemplated course of publications will more especially embrace such works as are adapted, not to the extremes of early childhood or of advanced youth, but to that intermediate space which lies between childhood and the opening of maturity, when the trifles of the nursery and the simple lessons of the school-room have ceased to exercise their beneficial influence, but before the taste for a higher order of mental pleasure has established a fixed ascendency in their stead. In the selection of works intended for the rising genera tion in this plastic period of their existence, when the elements of future character are receiving their moulding impress, the Publishers pledge themselves that the utmost care and scrupulosity shall be exercised. They are fixed in their determination that nothing of a questionable tendency on the score of sentiment shall find admission into pages consecrated to the holy purpose of instructing the thoughts, regulating the passions, and settling the principles of the young.

In fine, the Publishers of the "Boy's and Girl's Library" would assure the public that an adequate patronage alone is wanting to induce and enable them to secure the services of the most gifted pens in our country in the proposed publication, and thus to render it altogether worthy of the age and the object which calls it forth, and of the countenance which they solicit for it.




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It is the blefsed book.which he has given to tell us how we may be


page 37

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It is the blefsea boo ch he has given to tell us how we

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