Fierce Pafimond, their Passage to prevent, Thrust full on Cymon's Back in his Descent, The Blade return'd unbath'd, and to the Handle bent: Stout Cymon soon remounts, and cleft in two He turn'd the Point: The Sword inur'd to Blood, purple Flood. With vow'd Revenge the gathering Crowd The Ravishers turn Head, the Fight renews; And hear behind loud Groans, and lamentable Cries. The Crew with merry Shouts their Anchors weigh, Then ply their Oars, and brush the buxom Sea, While Troops of gather'd Rhodians croud theKey. What should the People do, when left alone?T : : The Kindred of the Slain forgive the Deed, 1 THE D THE TABLE. Edication to His Grace the Duke of Ormond. Poem to Her Grace the Dutchess of Ormond, Palamon and Arcite: Or, the Knight's Tale, Page I |