Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform Available via the World Wide Web: 87-386 PDF U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 2003 DEPOSITORY For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001 JUL 2 5 2003 STANFORD UNIVERSITY JONSSON LIBRARY CONTENTS Page Buturla, Captain, executive officer, Division of Protective Services Clarke, Paul, executive director of operations, EMS Institute, Stamford Craig, Daniel, regional Director, Federal Emergency Management Agen- cy Cugno, Adjutant General William, Connecticut Military Department 118 130 Harris, Harry, bureau chief, Connecticut Department of Transportation 32 103 Craig, Daniel, regional Director, Federal Emergency Management Agen- Cugno, Adjutant General William, Connecticut Military Department, pre- De Martino, Thomas, director of Emergency Preparedness, prepared Farrell, Diane, first selectwoman, Westport, CT, prepared statement of Harris, Harry, bureau chief, Connecticut Department of Transportation, Knopp, Alex, mayor, Norwalk, CT, prepared statement of Maglione, Mr., fire chief, Bridgeport Fire Department, prepared state- Newman, Paul, captain, Stamford Fire Headquarters, prepared statement Schwab, Dr. William, president, Norwalk Community College, prepared Tierney, Hon. John F., a Representative in Congress from the State Yoder, Alan, EMS coordinator, Westport EMS, prepared statement of 106 HOMELAND SECURITY: KEEPING FIRST RESPONDERS FIRST TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2002 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATIONAL SECURITY, VETERANS AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM, Norwalk, CT. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 1:15 p.m., at the Norwalk Community College, East Campus Auditorium, 188 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT, Hon. Christopher Shays (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives Shays and Tierney. Also present: State Representatives Boucher, Duff, San Angelo, Stone, and State Senator McKinney. Staff present: Lawrence Halloran, staff director and counsel; J. Vincent Chase, chief investigator; Dr. Nicholas Palarino, senior policy advisor; Kristine McElroy and Thomas Costa, professional staff members; Sherrill Gardner, detailee and fellow; and Jason M. Chung, clerk. Mr. SHAYS. Good afternoon. I'd like to welcome our witnesses and our guests to this hearing of the National Security, Veterans Affairs and International Relations Subcommittee and Government Reform Committee. Mr. Tierney, my colleague from Massachusetts, and I are conducting this hearing and invited Members from both sides of the from the State House and State Senate. We will be going pretty much by the 5-minute rule. We're going to invite our witnesses to make statements. We will allow them to go over their 5-minute rule. Ms. Farrell, you are right over there. Ms. FARRELL. Oh, thank you, sir. Mr. SHAYS. At least you made it. You know, you can sit right there. The other witnesses will move down and make space. We will be going by the 5-minute rule and we're going to invite our colleagues from the State House to jump in as well if they have some questions. In the course of thirty hearings on terrorism issues, our subcommittee has learned this hard lesson: We are fighting a war for which we are not yet fully prepared. Despite far greater awareness of the threats since September 11th and despite some progress toward improved readiness, the tragic fact remains many first responders to the site of a terrorist attack today would also be the second wave of victims. |