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oak as it goes up; no mortising machines nor mallets beneath it, though the great arms securely fastened to the column, are swaying bravely aloft.

Who ever sat up late enough at night, or rose long enough before the sun in the morning, to find any thing unfinished? If a bud, 'twas done; if a blossom, perfect; a leaf or a leaflet, alike nonpareil. Bid the "Seven Wise Men of Greece" sit in solemn conclave over a budded rose, and what one of them would dream there was any thing more to be done, any thing more to be desired?

Who ever detected, any where, a leaflet half fashioned or a flower half painted? a brush's careless trail on some little thing that peeps out of the cleft of a rock, and dodges back again at a breath; some little thing of no consequence, that no body hardly ever, if ever, sees? Ah! no; as delicately finished, fashioned, and perfumed, as if it had bloomed in the conservatory of a queen, and been destined for the wreath that encircles her brow.

Every thing of Heaven's handiwork is finished, from first to last; from the Plan of Salvation, 'finished' upon Calvary, to the violet 'finished,' that opens its blue eye to the dew.

"Bugs" and Beauties.

For the last five minutes, a MILLER in a dusty suit of "silver gray" has been fluttering round the candle. Yesterday afternoon, his royal cousin, the BUTTERFLY, that some body, so Cowley-like, called "a winged flower," was fluttering round a sunbeam. But no dusty miller was this, in sober gray, for when Nature painted it, she spared no tint of the richest and rarest that would render it beautiful-that would "show" in the sun. now, creeping over the sheet as I write. It stopped at the word, 'Butterfly,' and crawled contemptuously over it. This Mr. Brown is never seen in the daytime, but looks well enough by lamplight, starlight, or moonlight. Any thing more would be useless, because unsight, unseen,' as the boys say. Had it been other than a night-walker, it would have been spotted with gold, specked with vermilion, tricked out with indigo-blue legs, or rigged with transparencies. Nature is altogether an artist, and though with all the dyes of the rainbow at command, and to spare, exhibits a most remarkable and commendable economy

There's a fellow in dark brown


in her adornings. Show me a flower opening only at night, and I will almost always show you one that has taken the white veil or affects a demure gray. She is equally judicious in her varnishing: the upper surfaces of millions of leaves-how glossy and polished! Three coats of paint and six of varnish, by the palette of Reubens! But the lower surfaces, just as nice, but neither so green nor so glossy; it would be of no use, and besides, they could not breathe freely through new paint.

Speaking of coloring: isn't it a little queer, or is it just as might be expected, that JOHN GALT should come all the way across the ocean, out of two thicknesses of London fog, to tell people "to the manor born" what color an American sky is, in the summer, toward sunset? Or that they should marvel to learn it is an apple-green-the reflection of those great emeralds of earth, the Prairies, and those miles on miles of forest billows, that roll up and up, and fling their green spray into heaven? Poetasters, poor fellows! how blank they'd look-wouldn't they?should a law be passed, forbidding their babble about azure, blue, and cerulean skies; and they compelled, if they spoke at all, to say, 'Oh! apple-green heavens!'

Nature is not half so pains-taking with very early

morning as with the later day, and for the best reason in life, there's no body "up" to see. So she makes it a neat steel-gray, inlaying a piece or two of pearl here and there, and looping up round the edges, a few odd bits of red ribbon. Noon she doesn't mind much. To be sure the coloring is rich and warm, but then, nothing like a master-piece. But come night,' when the labor of the world is pretty near done, she 'lays herself out' in the West, exactly where every body would naturally be looking, and gathers there, the pearl and gold of morning, the glow and glory of noon, and the Tyrian tints of night. She spreads there, unbended rainbows from dismantled clouds; she gives there, patterns for the sea-shells to tint by— a red and a white that set the pattern for York and Lancaster-themes for a thousand preachers, and songs for a thousand bards.

On such a night, in such a June, who has not sat, side by side, with some body, for all the world like "Jenny June?" May-be it was years ago; but it was some time. May-be you had quite forgotten it; but you will be the better for remembering it. Maybe she has "gone on before," where it is June all the year long, and never January at all; but God forbid! There it was, and then it was, and thus it was :

The Beautiful River,

Like a Foundling in slumber, the summer day lay

On the crimsoning threshold of Even,

And I thought that the glow through 'the azure-arched'


Was a glimpse of the coming of Heaven.

There together we sat by the beautiful stream :

We had nothing to do, but to love and to dream,

In the days that have gone on before.

These are not the same days, though they bear the same


With the ones I shall welcome no more.

But it may be, the angels are culling them o'er,

For a Sabbath and Summer for ever,

When the years shall forget the Decembers they wore, And the shroud shall be woven, no, never!

In a twilight like that, Jenny June for a bride,

Oh! what more of the world could one wish for beside, As we gazed on the River unroll'd,

Till we heard, or we fancied, its musical tide,

When it flowed through the Gate-way of gold?

Jenny June, then I said, let us linger no more,
On the banks of the beautiful River-

Let the boat be unmoored, and be muffled the oar,
And we'll steal into Heaven together.

If the Angel on duty our coming descries,

You have nothing to do but throw off the disguise
That you wore while you wandered with me,
And the Sentry shall say, "Welcome back to the skies;
We have long been a-waiting for thee."

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