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in summer the Sea was frozen over between the Russian and American coasts. This shews, that whatever may be the result of the present attempt to the East or West of Southampton Island, there cannot remain the slightest hope of effecting the passage through Behring's Straits. In former statements, there was some reason to suppose that the passage would be achieved through the Polar Basin, considerably to the Northward of the parallel of the new discoveries, with the disadvantage of a longer run than by the usual course. If, however, the Northwest Passage can be made along the North Coast of America, as now attempting, certainly the run to India, and especially to China, will be shorter; but in such case, the risk, hazard, and danger would be constantly imminent. Ships so situated would be liable to be crushed to pieces by icebergs; would be frequently rendered immoveable by sudden and continued congelations of the ice; would at a certain time of the year be enveloped in darkness; or would always have the greater part of their crews disabled by intensity of cold, and undergoing the amputation of limbs mortified by the stoppage of the current of life.

If commerce is to derive benefit from any new or additional productions to be yielded by these unexplored seas,islands,and coasts, it is evident that the Hyperborean Coast itself, and not ships, must be the medium of procuring such advantage. It is probable that sledges may travel along the ice on this coast, or at various stations on it, such as Mackenzie's River, or Copper-mineRiver (provided wood is found on, or can be floated down to, the coast), stout small vessels might be constructed for the purpose of proceeding Northward among (as yet undiscovered) islands, in favourable seasons. But this is under a supposition that incurred expence would be more than defrayed by commercial returns.

Having premised this much, I come now to the most important object of this paper, and paramount to every other consideration attached to the subject. If no other advantage arose from the present Voyages than the recent discovery of a North-west Magnetic Pole, that alone is so valuable to Science in establishing, in process of time, a sure theory of the Magnetic Variation, so indispensable for nautical purposes, that the best thanks of the country are due to the admiralty for the efficient manner in which these Voyages have been directed. In giving such requisite efficacy, the talents, knowledge, and general information of that able and useful character, Mr. Barrow, have been essentially subservient.

When your Number for January was published, it was not distinctly known, that among the Georgian Islands, the movement of a balanced needle became so weak and sluggish as to be nearly annihilated; that is to say, the magnetic action of the real North Pole of the Earth became as nothing compared to the strong and direct attraction of

the North-west Magnetic Pole, evidently situated within the Earth, and in a site very nearly under the sea-surface moved over by the Discovery-ships. For centuries have ingenious philosophers been conjecturing the existence of one or more Magnetic Poles, in endeavouring to reduce visible effects to causes, and to form theories, if not demonstrable, at least plausible. At length, to the honour of the Britsh Nation, the first in arts, arms, and philanthropy, all doubt and uncertainty are happily removed; and by proceeding on scientific principles, through the medium of accurate experiments, the complete establishment of a theory of the Mag

netic Variation is now attainable. The continued course of experiments formerly recommended to be made in a situation contiguous to the Magnetic Pole will not be practicable in that situation, on account of a strength of attraction downwards, so great there as to turn the needle nearly into a continuation of that Pole, an effect shown to demonstration, by experiments made by means of powerful magnets acting on common needles. It is fortunate that the requisite series of experiments cannot be efficiently made near the site of the newly-discovered Pole, as the intensity of the cold there would render a continuance of life nearly impossible. It is evident that the Discoveryships crossed a meridian under which this Pole, and the North Pole of the Earth, became in one and the same vertical plane.

Here, of course, there would be no variation, as the needle would be acted on by both Poles in a line, or in conjunction with its position. On the parallel of latitude 60°, such line of no variation must be found by trial made by scientific, persevering, and skilful men, to be employed for this very important purpose. These men must travel Westward from Hudson's Bay, till they, by accurate magnetic observations, find themselves in this requisite situation". Here, then,a building for their accommodation should be erected; and a smaller one,devoid of iron, must cover a meridian accurately laid off, according to a process described in my papers on this subject, in the Philosophical Transac tions. Such an instrument as is used at our Society's rooms must be applied to this meridian, as that is superior in construction to that used by me for similar purposes, on Sumatra, and St. Helena. The primary and direct object in view, is to ascertain by three daily observations, the decrease of variation, under the meridian, in order to arrive ultimately at the law of movement of the NorthWest Magnetic Pole, either round the Terrestrial Pole, on a parallel of latitude, or otherwise in a straight line, within the earth, and between two points in its parallel of position. This motion will be so slow, as to

*From the supposed position of the Magnetic Pole, it might not be necessary to proceed inland, Westward, above five degrees, or 150 miles, about the parallel of 60° North latitude.

require a series of years to arrive at the proper scientific conclusions deducible from such requisite experiments. It may be again urged, that such a magnetic movement is compatible with the supposed solidity of the earth. I refer to my former statement on this part of the subject, and such philosophers as are Christians (and the most able have been such), I refer to St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, chap. iv. verse 9. It being highly probable, from close considerations of the variation in South latitude, that the South-east end of the new pole has a corresponding movement round the South pole of the earth, I would strongly recommend that a similar series of experiments be made on the South side of New Shetland, which I conjecture to be a continuation of the Southern Thule, in longitude 30° West, and 60° South latitude. Similar observations ought to be made on the Island of Desolation in latitude 49° South, and longitude 700 East; and also in North latitude, on Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla.

Royal patronage and munificence could not be more nobly applied, than in pursuits so honourable to man, and beneficial to human happiness. Monarchs or men thus occupied, might legitimately say," Tentanda via est, qua me quoque, possim, tollere humo, victorque virum (rerum) volitare per ora."

If in time it became ascertained that the N. W. and S. E. magnetic poles had a regular movement round the poles of the globe, the variation and all its anomalies would be accounted for, and other magnetic phenomena, equally surprising and unaccountable, would be reduced to a certain theory. As things are, we observe effects which we

cannot trace to any satisfactory cause. I am in habits of collecting facts which may, aided by the observations of others, lead at some future period to legitimate conclusions. I try all bodies of iron by means of a sensitive magnet, and find in them properties not generally understood. I find that a good magnet will equally, as by elec tricity or galvanisms, impart polarity to needles, by mere juxta-position. I have rendered magnetic three pieces of wire,situated in a semi-circular form,opposite to the poles of a powerful magnet.-All bars standing or fixed perpendicularly (such as all iron railings in streets,) are magnetic; the North pole being at the bottom, and the South at the top. The bottom or lower parts of all common chimney-grates are North, while the tops are South poles. The iron handles of pumps are magnetic; the farthest out-end being a North, while the end nearest to the pump is a South pole. Large weighing weights possess polarity; as also all iron bars for sale in shops.

It is a curious fact, that the uppermost part or top of the iron round a carriagewheel attracts the North end of a magnet, and is consequently a South pole, while the lower part of the same iron in contact with the ground, attracts the South end of the needle, and is therefore a North pole. Turn the same wheel round half a circle, and these poles will immediately become reversed.

I mention these few out of many experiments, in order to induce others to assist in ascertaining facts, with a view to establishing what is now wanting,-a sure Magnetic Theory. Yours, &c. JOHN MACDONALD. July 12, 1821.

FROM thy coach of orient pearl,
From thy amber halls arise;
Thy banner, Constancy, unfurl,
Serene as cloudless summer skies.

Thy hyacinthine garland bring;

Nor leave the sacred mystic ring,

Apt emblem of unfading spring.

By Maj. Parlby.

With thee bring a heavenly guest, Modesty in russet vest,

Gently leading young Desire Curbing with modest look his fire;

Thou, whom chaste nymphs delight to sing, Till half-alarm'd, perchance she spy

Wake, God of Love, smile on the fair,

And crown with soft delight this noble pair.

The wandering of his wanton eye,
And smiling, blushing rosy red,
On thy bosom hides her head.
Wake, God of Love, protect the fair,
And crown, with rapture crown, this noble

By William Meyrick.

SEE at length indulgent gales
Gently fill our swelling sails,
Swiftly through the foamy sea,
Shoots our vessel gallantly,
Still approaching, as she flies,
Warmer suns and brighter skies.
Winter on my native plains,

Robed in clouds and tempests reigns ;
Fann'd by Zepyr's gentle wing,

re I breathe the balmy spring;

Yet, fair Isle, thy lovely shades,
Flowery groves, and tranquil glades;
Nor yon mountain's pride the vine,
Parent of delicious wine,
Mantling o'er its craggy side,
Here shall tempt me to abide ;
Still my native plains are dear,
All my joys still centre there.



AND thou hast walk'd about (how strange a story!)

In Thebes' streets three thousand years ago,

When the Memnonium was in all its glory,

And Time had not begun to overthrow
Those temples, palaces, and piles stupendous,
Of which the very ruins are tremendous.

Speak! for thou long enough hast acted Duty
Thon best a tongue-come-let us hear its tune;
Thou'rt standing on thy legs, above-ground, Mummy!
Revisiting the glimpses of the moon,

Not like thin ghosts or disembodied creatures,
But with thy bones and flesh, and limbs and features.

Tell us for doubtless thou canst recollect,

To whom should we assign the Sphinx's fame;

Was Cheops or Cephrenes architect

Of either Pyramid that bears his name?
Is Pompey's Pillar really a misnomer?

Had Thebes a hundred gates, as sung by Homer?
Perhaps thou wert a Mason, and forbidden

By oath to tell the mysteries of thy trade,-
Then say what secret melody was hidden

In Memnon's statue which at sun-rise play'd?
Perhaps thou wert a Priest-if so, my struggles
Are vain, for priestcraft never owns its juggles.
Perchance that very hand, now pinion'd flat,
Has hob-a-nob'd with Pharaoh, glass to glass;
Or dropp'd a halfpenny in Homer's hat,

Or doff'd thine own to let Queen Dido pass,
Or held, by Solomon's own invitation,
A torch at the great Temple's dedication.

I need not ask thee if that hand, when arm'd,
Has any Roman soldier maul'd and knuckled,
For thou wert dead, and buried, and embalm'd,

Ere Romulus and Remus had been suckled :-
Antiquity appears to have begun
Long after thy primeval race was run.

Thou could'st develope, if that wither'd tongue
Might tell us what those sightless orbs have seen,
How the world look'd when it was fresh and young,
And the great Deluge still had left it green-
Or was it then so old that History's pages
Contain'd no record of its early ages?

Still silent, incommunicative elf?

Art sworn to secrecy? then keep thy vows;

But prythee tell us something of thyself,

Reveal the secrets of thy prison-house;

Since in the world of spirits thou hast slumber'd,

What hast thou seen-what strange adventures number'd?

Since first thy form was in this box extended,

We have, above-ground, seen some strange mutations;

The Roman empire has begun and ended,

New worlds have risen-we have lost old nations,
And countless kings have into dust been humbled,
While not a fragment of thy flesh has crumbled.

Didst thou not hear the pother o'er thy head
When the great Persian conqueror Cambyses
March'd armies o'er thy tomb with thundering tread,

O'erthrew Osiris, Orus, Apis, Isis,

And shook the Pyramids with fear and wonder,
When the gigantic Memnon fell asunder?


If the tomb's secrets may not be confess'd,

The nature of thy private life unfold :

A heart has throbb'd beneath that leathern breast,

And tears adown that dusty cheek have roll'd :-
Have children climb'd those knees, and kiss'd that face?
What was thy name and station, age and race?

Statue of flesh-Immortal of the dead!
Imperishable type of evanescence!

Posthumous man, who quitt'st thy narrow bed,
And standest undecayed within our presence,
Thou wni hing till the Judgment morning,
When the great Trump shall tnrin tee with it warning.

Why should this worthless tegument endure,

If its undying guest be lost for ever?
O let us keep the soul embalm'd and pure

In living virtue, that when both must sever,
Although corruption may our frame consume,
Th' immortal spirit in the skies may bloom.



WE have often said to persons who author is decidedly religious, and we have

had visited unexplored regions, "Think nothing too minute for description-tell us how the sun rose, how the land looked, how the animals moved; state every idea produced on your mind during only twenty-four hours of that period, when every thing had an aspect different to use and wont, and every perception was new; do not wait till custom had enfeebled the effect, and because you no longer wondered yourself, you ceased to feel what was really curious: do this, and your book will be as admirable as Robinson Crusoe, over every step of whose island we could wander without a guide." But it must be more easy to advise than to execute this method: for we could not mention five examples of its being successfully completed, and bave, in the course of our intercourse with the most intelligent travellers, scarcely met one from whom we did not gather more interesting matter in an hour's conversation, than in any quarto volume the individual might have published.

These reflections will show that we are favourable to works of the class now before us; but, in the present case, the plan has more of our approbation than the mode in which it has been filled up. There is, however, much of what we like, though rather overlaid with recollections and comments. The

more moralizing than enough for a volume whose title is "Sketches of India.” There is, says the wisest of men, a time for all things; and it could have been wished, that, instead of only about one-third of these 300 pages being strictly conformable to their name, the writer had pencilled more and sermonized less. Still we have read his lucubrations with great gratification, and shall now endeavour to communicate a portion of it to the public, by extracting parts most consonant to the project of rendering a “ familiar picture of Indian scenery and manners."

The author arrived at Madras, and thus delineates the new country

"I landed with troops in the afternoon, and marched from the beach to a station or depôt thirteen miles inland. For three miles we moved along amid a curious talking crowd, perpetually changing. We followed a fine broad road, with avenues of trees; passed the fort; and half a mile beyond it passed continually, for a long distance, gateways leading to large garden-houses in spacious compounds, until at length we left the signs of the presidency behind us. With the exception of a few followers in employ, or seeking it, the crowds dropped off, and we pursued our march unmolested. No, I shall never forget the sweet and strange sensations which, as I went peacefully

forward, the new objects in nature excited in my bosom. The rich, broadleaved plantain; the gracefully drooping bamboo; the cocoa nut, with that mat-like looking binding for every branch; the branches themselves waving with a feathery motion in the wind; the bare lofty trunk and fan-leaf of the tall palm; the slender and elegant stem of the areca; the large aloes; the prickly pear; the stately banian,* with its earth-seeking and reproductive drop-branches; and among them birds, all strange in plumage and in note, save the parroquet (at home, the lady's pet-bird in a gilded cage,) here spreading his bright green wings in happy fearless flight, and giving his natural and untaught scream. These, and more than I can name, were the novelties we looked upon. My dream of anticipation realized gave me a delight which found no expression in words. I felt grateful that I had been led and permitted to see India; I wondered at my own ignorance, and at the poverty of my imagination, when I reflected how much the realities around me differed from what my fancy had painted them. How some things surpassed, and some fell short of my foolish expectations; and yet how natural, how easy all appeared! All so fitted and adapted by the hand of the bountiful and wise Creator, that, other than they were, they had deformed instead of decking the face of nature. It was late and dark when we reached Poonamallee; and during the latter part of our march we had heavy rain. We found no fellow-countryman to welcome us, but the mess-room was open and lighted, a table laid, and a crowd of smart, roguish-looking natives seemed waiting our arrival to seek service.

"Drenched to the skin, without changes of linen, or any bedding, we sat down to the repast provided; and it would have been difficult to have found in India, perhaps, at that moment, a more cheerful party than ours.

"Four or five clean-looking natives, in white dresses, with red or white tur

bans, ear-rings of gold or with emerald drops, and large silver signet rings on their fingers, crowded round each chair, and watched our e ery glance to anticipate our wishes. Curries, vegetables, and fruits all new to us, were tasted and pronounced upon; and, after a meal, of which every one seemed to partake with grateful good-humour, we lay down for the night. One attendant brought a small carpet, another a mat, others again a sheet or counterpane, till all were provided with something; and thus closed our first evening in India.

"The morning-scene was very ludicrous. Here a barber, uncalled for, was shaving a man as he still lay doz ing; there another was cracking the joints of a man half-dressed; here were two servants, one pouring water on, the other washing, a Saheb's hands. In spite of my efforts to prevent them, two well-dressed men were washing my feet; and near me was a lad dexterously putting on the clothes of a sleepy brother officer, as if he had been an infant under his care."

Soon after his arrival in India, our countryman went with his company from Madras to Bellary. He says,

"Marching in this country is certainly pleasant, altho' perhaps you rise too early for comfort. An hour before day-break you mount your horse ; and, travelling at an easy pace, reach your ground before the sun has any power; and find a small tent pitched with breakfast ready on the table. Your large tent follows with couch and baggage, carried by bullocks and coolies; and, before nine o'clock, you may be dressed and employed with your books, pen, or pencil. Mats, made of the fragrant roots of the Cuscus grass, are hung before the doors of your tent to windward, and, being constantly wetted, admit, during the hottest winds, a cool, refreshing air.

"Three o'clock is the common hour of dinner; and in the evening you ride, or stroll out on foot, as inclination leads. If your habits are those of a

The banian-tree throws out fibres from its extreme branches, which taking root in the earth, again become parent stems; and in this manner, not unfrequently, produces a grove of great extent and singular beauty.

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