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PRESIDENT.-Sir Charles Price, Bart. M. P.

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THIS Infirmary is governed by a President, Vice-Presi

dents, and a Committee.

The Committee is chosen annually at a General Meeting, and consists of 36 Governors, who meet quarterly to regulate its affairs.

A Sub-committee, consisting of 12 Governors, selected at the General Meeting from the Quarterly Committee, may be assembled monthly, or at any period between the quarterly meetings for the dispatch of immediate business.

A General meeting of the Governors is called as soon after the 25th of March, as the necessary arrangements can be made, to receive from the Committee the Report on the past year, and to select a new Committee for the present


This Infirmary is supported by Life-subscribers and Annual Subscribers.

A Subscriber of 10 Guineas is a Life-governor, and has the right of keeping constantly under the care of the Charity one patient, if of twenty guineas two patients, and so on in proportion to his subscription..

An Annual Subscriber of one guinea is a Governor, and has the right of keeping constantly under the care of the Charity one patient, if of two guineas, two patients and so on in proportion to his subscription.

The Patients are divided into two classes.

1st, Out-patients to whom advice and medicines are supplied gratuitously.

2d, In-patients, on whom the operation for the Cataract is performed.

N. B. As the Funds are unequal to the support of many Patients in the house, the blind from Cataracts are alone admitted, and these have hitherto been received according to priority of recommendation or application.

The days of attendance are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from half-past two to half-past four.

Subscriptions received at the following Banking-houses, Messrs. Kensington and Co. Lombard-Street; Messrs. Bond, Sons, and Patesall, Change-Alley; Messrs. Lubbock and Co. Messrs. Chatteris and Co. Lombard-Street; Messrs. Robarts, Curtis, Robarts, and Curtis, Lombard-Street; Messrs. Vere, Lucadou, and Co.

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