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cities whereof the parties plaintife are citizens, of the damages and grievances any way unjustly inflicted upon them or any of them by the English) to the end that they may there by articles conveniently declare and prove, before the Ambassadours, Procurators, messengers, and Commissioners of both partes, the rate and value of their saide goods and that in so doing they may obtaine convenient, just, and reasonable restitution, for all acts unjustly attempted against them, then, or at some other times effectually to bee set downe and limited at the foresaid place by the consent of the Ambassadors and Commissioners of both parts, even as it was above promised unto the marchants of Livonia.

But if they of Prussia last above-mentioned, shall not upon the first of May, and at the place appointed, for some cause, make their appearance, that then it shalbe lawful for them, at any time within one whole yeere next following, to repaire unto the lord Chancelor of England, at the citie of London, and to insinuate and declare unto him their complaints before exhibited unto the saide English Ambassadours in the land of Prussia, or which complaints should have bene delivered at the foresaid terme and place, or els, the which were not then and there fully finished and dispatched and also by articles as is aforesaide, to declare and prove the true worth and estimation of all damages and grievances any wayes unjustly offered by the English unto them or any of them to the ende that they may (as it is above mentioned) effectually receive, and also speedily and easily obtaine convenient, just, and reasonable reformation and satisfaction, for al acts unjustly attempted against them, which are contained in the complaints not as yet fully declared and finished.

Moreover, it is appointed and agreed upon betweene the foresaide Ambassadours and Commissioners: that the forenamed sovereign Lord & the said lord the Master general are to send and set forward their Ambassadours, messengers, and Commissioners, upon the first of May unto the place appointed, to treate, parle, agree, and conclude about those affaires, which shal then and there happen to be treated of and handled among them.

Furthermore, betweene the often mentioned Ambassadours, Procurators, and Commissioners, it is enacted and concluded that unto all and singular lawful statutes,

ordinations, and prohibitions framed, made, and ordained, by the saide lorde the Master generall, in his land of Prussia, or by his Proconsuls and Consuls, and his governours of cities, townes, villages, and of other places in the land of Prussia, unto the observation whereof, aswell the subjectes of the said Master general, as foreners and strangers, are tyed and bound: unto the very same statutes, ordinations, and prohibitions, al English marchants whatsoever resorting unto the land of Prussia, must be firmely bounden and subject.

Also it is ordained, that whatsoever sale-clothes are already transported, or at any time hereafter to bee transported out of England into Prussia by the English marchants, and shall there be offered to bee solde, whether they be whole cloathes or halfe cloathes, they must containe both their endes.

Lastly, that the matters above-mentioned fall not short and voyde of their wished effect; the treaty and conference about all and singular damages and grievances (whereof there is not as yet done, but there must be, by the vertue of these presents, performed, a reformation and amendment) must be continued and proroged untill the first of May next ensuing as by these presents they are continued and proroged with the continuation of the dayes then immediately following, at the towne of Dordract aforesaide: at the which time and place, or at other times and places, in the meane space, as occasion shall serve, by both parties to be limited and assigned, or else within one yeere after the said first day of the moneth of May next ensuing bee expired: the hurt and damaged parties generally before-mentioned, shall have performed unto them a convenient, just, and reasonable reformation on both partes. Provided alwayes, if within the terme of the saide yeere, some convenient, just, and reasonable reformation bee not performed unto the parties injuried, and endamaged, which are generally above mentioned that then, within three whole moneths after the foresaid yere shall expired, the Prussians shall depart out of the realmes and dominions of the saide Soveraigne Lorde the king of England, together with their marchandize, and with other goods which they shal have gotten or bought, within the space of the foresaide three moneths and that the English men also are likewise in all respects bounden to avoid and (no lawfull impedi

ment hindering them) to withdrawe themselves and to depart out of the territories and dominions of the saide Master generall, without all molestation, perturbation, and impediment whatsoever, none other intimation or admonition being necessarie in this regard.

Howbeit least that by the robberies and piracies of some insolent and perverse people, matter should be ministred unto the said lord the Master generall, of swarving from the faithfull observation of the foresaide agreements, or (which God forbid) any occasion bee given him of not observing them: it is also decreed by the often above mentioned Ambassadours and messengers, that if the goods and marchandize of any of the saide lorde Master generall his subjectes whatsoever shall be from hencefoorth unjustly taken upon the Sea, by any English Pirates, and shalbe caried into the realme of England, and there received, that the Governours and keepers of portes, and of other places (with whatsoever names they be called) at the which portes and places such marchandises and goods shall chaunce to arrive, beeing onely informed of the saide goods and marchandises, by sole report, or (other proofes wanting) by probable suspition are bound to arrest and to keep them in safe custodie, favourably to be restored unto the owners therof, whensoever they shall be lawfully demaunded: which if they shall omit or deny to performe, from thenceforth the saide governours and keepers are bound to make unto the parties endamaged, a recompense of their losses.

And for fault of justice to be executed, by the said governours and keepers, our soveraign lord the king above named, after he shall conveniently be requested by the parties damnified, is bound within three months next ensuing (all lawful impediments being excepted), to make correspondent, just, and reasonable satisfaction, unto the saide parties endamaged. Otherwise, that it shal be right lawful for the saide lorde the Master generall, to arrest, and after the arrest to keepe in safe custodie the goods of the English marchants being in the land of Prussia, to the condigne satisfaction of such injuries, as have bene offered unto his subjects, untill his said subjects be justly and reasonably contented.

Likewise also in all respects, the same justice is to be done unto the English by the said Lord the Master

general and his subjects in Prussia, even as it hath bene enacted and decreed in the above written clause, beginning, Howbeit least that &c. for the said Master general, and his subjects by the foresaide ambassadors of England, and the commissioners of the said lord the Master generall, that in like cases justice ought to be administred on the behalfe of himselfe, and of his subjects in the realme of England.

And that all and singular the covenants above written, may in time to come, by the parties whom they concerne, firmly and inviolably be observed; the forenamed ambassadors, messengers, and commissioners, all and every of them, for the full credite, probation, and testimonie of all the premisses, have unto these present Indentures, made for the same purpose, caused everie one of their seales with their owne hands to be put. One part of the which indentures remaineth in the custodie of the English ambassadors, and the other part in the hands of the commissioners of Prussia. Given at the castle of Marienburgh in Prussia, in the yeere of our Lorde 1405. upon the 8. day of the moneth of October.

An agreement made betweene King Henrie the fourth and the common societie of the Marchants of the Hans.

THIS Indenture made betweene the honourable Sir William Esturmy knight, and John Kington clearke, procurators, messengers, and commissioners sufficiently deputed and authorized by the most mighty Prince, Lord Henry, by the grace of God king of England, & France, and lord of Ireland, for the performation of ye things underwritten, on the one part: & the hon. personages M. Henry Uredeland, M. Riman Salum chief notaries, Thederic Knesvolt secretary, M. Simon Clovesten chief notary, and John Zotebotter citizen, being sufficiently made and ordained procurators and messengers, on the behalfe of the cities of Lubec, Bremen, Hamburg, Sund, and Gripeswold, for the demanding & obtaining severally, of due reformation, and recompense at the hands of our saide sovereigne lord the king, and of his messengers and commissioners aforesayde, for all injuries, damages, grievances, and manslaughters, any wayes unjustly done, and offred severally by the liege people and subjects of our soveraigne lord the king, unto the common societie

of the marchants of the Hans, and unto any of the Citizens, people and inhabitants of the cities aforesaide whatsoever on the other part, Witnesseth: That betweene all and every of the saide Procurators, messengers, and Commissioners, by vertue of the authoritie committed unto them, it hath bene and is appointed, concluded, and decreed that the liege marchants and subjects of our said soveraigne lord the king, and the marchants of the common societie of the Dutch Hans aforesaide, from hencefoorth for one whole yeere and seven moneths immediately next ensuing and following, shalbe permitted and licenced friendly, freely, and securely, to exercise mutual traffike, and like marchants to buy & sell together, one of, and unto another, even as in times past, namely, in the yeere 1400. and before that time also, they have bin accustomed to exercise mutuall traffike and marchandise, and to buy and sell.

Also the saide William and John agreed and consented, that they themselves, or some other perhaps to be appointed in this behalfe by their saide lord the king in their stead, shall upon the first day of the moneth of May next to come, with the continuation of the dayes following, at the towne of Dordract in Holland, or upon any other terme or termes, then perhaps to bee limited, competently satisfie, and performe convenient recompence unto the saide common societie, citizens, people, and inhabitants of the cities aforesaide, and also of other cities, townes, and villages of the Hans, of and for all injuries, damages, grievances, and drownings, or manslaughters done and committed, as they alleage, against them, delivered and exhibited in written articles, unto the above named William and John, or els heereafter to bee delivered and exhibited, either by the same procurators or by some others, which shall perhaps be authorized in their stead, or by the messengers procurators and commissioners of other cities, townes, and places of the Hans, in equall and like maner and forme, even as at the saide terme limited, or then perhaps to be proroged, there is appointed by the said William and John, reparation, reformation, and recompence unto the inhabitants of Prussia, and Livonia, for the injuries, damages, and grievances unjustly done and committed against them by the liege people and subjects of the saide soveraigne lord the king, in the presence of the mightie

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