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Moreover, if Arnold Dassel, who last of all presented your foresayd letters unto us, shal thinke good in the meane season to make his abode here in our dominions (as in very deede it is expedient) he may both by serious consideration and deliberate consulting with our comissioners more conveniently and prosperously finde out wayes and meanes, for the more speedy expedition of all the premisses. Fare ye well in Christ. Given under our privie seale at our palace of Westminster, the seventh of March, in the yere of our lord 1408. according to the computation of the Church of England, and in the tenth yere of our reigne.

A new concord concluded between king Henry the 4. and Ulricus de Jungingen Master generall of Prussia, in the yeare of our Lord 1409.

By this indenture or letters indented be it evidently knowen (for the perpetual memory of the matter) unto all faithfull Christians, that the noble & honourable personages Richard Merlowe Maior and citizen of London, Master John Kington clerke, and William Askham citizen and Alderman of the same citie, the commissioners of the most soveraigne prince and lord, L. Henrie by the grace of God king of England and France, and lord of Ireland, and Tidericus de Longenthorpe knight, Lefardus de Hereford burgomaster of Elbing, and John Crolowe citizen of the citie of Dantzik, the procurators, commissioners, deputies and messengers of the right noble and religious personage Fr. Ulricus de Jungingen Master general of the order of the Dutch knights of S. Maries hospital of Jerusalem, having in the names of the sayd king and Master by vertue of the power on both parts committed unto them, sufficient authority, have appointed and with one consent agreed upon all and singular the things underwritten.

Imprimis for the conservation of mutual love and wonted amitie, and for the tranquilitie of sweete amiable peace, it is decreed and ordained, that all and singular the liege people & subjects of the Realme of England and the Marchants of the territories & dominions of the said Realme and all other persons of what state or condition soever, shall and may safely and securely, as well by land as by water enter into the parts of Prussia, and there mutually converse, and freely after the maner of

Marchants exercise traffique aswell with the Prussians as with others, of what nation or qualitie soever, there also make their abode, and thence unto their owne homes and dwelling places returne, and depart unto any place whither and so often as they shall thinke good, as well by land as by water, with their goods, marchandize, and wares whatsoever; faithfully paying in the meane time all rights & customes due in regard of their said wares and Marchandize. Reserved alwaies unto the said Master and his successours all right and remedie ordained, granted, and vouchsafed in certaine obligations by our Lord the king, whereof mention shall be made in the articles following.

Item it is ordained, that all and singular the subjects of the said Master generall and of his order, of what state and condition soever, shall and may, as well by water as by land enter into the kingdome of England and into the territories and dominions thereof, and there mutually converse, and freely after the maner of Marchants exercise traffique as well with all English people as with others of what nation or qualitie soever, and there also make their abode, and thence returne unto their owne habitations and dwelling places, and to depart whither they will and as oft as they shall thinke good, as well by land as by water, with their goods, marchandize and wares whatsoever: truely paying in the meane time all rights and customes due in regard of their said wares and Marchandize. Reserved alwayes unto the said soveraigne king, his heires and successours, all rights and remedies ordained and graunted unto them in certaine obligations, by the commissioners and procurators of the said Master generall above-named, and in the name of the said Master generall.

Item it is with one consent agreed upon, promised, and graunted that for all and singular damages, grievances, and robberies howsoever done and committed before the date of these presents against the foresaid soveraigne Prince and his subjects whatsoever, and all others which at the time of the grievances, damages, and robberies aforesaid, were, or at this present are the said soveraigne king his subjects; there are due to be payed unto the said king or his successours by the said Master generall or his success ours, in full satisfaction and recompence of the damages, grievances, and robberies above-written,

certaine summes of English money: even as in the letters obligatorie made by the said Master generall his procurators, and messengers above-named in this behalfe, and sealed with their seales, and delivered unto the forenamed procurators and commissioners of our said Lord the king it is expressed more at large.

Item it is covenanted, graunted, and promised, that no subject of the said Master generall or of his successours, by reason or occasion of the damages, grievances, and robberies aforesaid, shall, by the said soveraigne king or his successours, or by their authoritie or commandement, or by any other person whatsoever who in regard of the foresaid losses, grievances and robberies hath bene molested and damnified, or at the procurement or instant suite of any, be attached, arrested, imprisoned, or detained; nor that the goods of the said Master generall, or of his successors, or of any of them, shalbe laid hold on, arrested, or detained.

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Item it is covenanted and ordained, that if any of the liege people and subjects of the sayde Master generall or of his successors shall, contrary to the forme of the concord and graunt next above-written, chance to be molested or endamaged that then the foresaid soveraigne Lord the King and his successors the kings of England are bound to make full satisfaction for all such losses as the subjects of the said Master generall or of his successours or any of them shall for that cause have unjustly sustained, unto the parties endamaged. Which thing, if the foresaide soveraigne Prince, or his successours in the Realme of England, being conveniently requested by the letters of the said Master generall or of his successours, shall refuse to doe, that then after the terme of sixe moneths immediatly following the said deniall or refusall, it shalbe right lawful for the Master generall that now is and for any of his successors in time to come (having first made convenient proofe that the foresaid request was by him or them exhibited) to arrest so many goods of the foresaid king his subjects found in the land of Prussia, as may suffice for the reasonable satisfaction and recompense of any person or persons whatsoever unjustly molested in this behalfe; and also to detaine the said goods under arrestes, untill condigne satisfaction and amends be made unto the party or parties molested.

Item by the commissioners and procuratours often above-named it is covenanted, promised, and graunted, that for all and singular the damages, molestations, and robberies by the foresayde soveraigne king his liege people & subjects howsoever before the date of these presents committed and offred against the said Master general or against any of his subjects whether Prussians or Livonians, and against all others who at the time of the damages, grievances & robberies aforesaid were, or at this present are the subjects of the Master generall aforesaid (except notwithstanding certaine damages & grievances hereafter to be mentioned, whereof also some provisoes shalbe had in the articles following, which damages were before ye date of these presents by ye said soveraigne king his liege people and subjects inflicted upon certaine subjects of the foresaid general Master, especially them of Prussia which hereafter shalbe named) there are certaine summes of money due to be payed unto the said Master generall or unto his successors by the said soveraigne Prince or his successours for the full satisfaction of the foresaid damages, molestations and robberies inflicted upon the Prussians and Livonians, and the others above mentioned, even as in the leters obligatorie of the said soveraigne Lord the king made in this behalfe, being given and delivered unto the said Master generall his procuratours and messengers, it is declared more at large.


Item, it is covenanted, graunted and promised, that none of the liege people or subjects of the foresaid soveraigne prince or of his heires shall, by reason occasion of the damages, grievances, and robberies aforesaid, by the sayd Master generall or his successours or by their authoritie and commandement, or by any other who in respect of the said damages, grievances and robberies above mentioned, hath beene molested or damnified, or by any of their procurements or instant suites, shalbe attached, arrested, imprisoned or detained; nor that any goods of the subjects of the said soveraigne king or his heires or any of them, shall bee attached, arrested, or detained. Reserved alwayes unto the forenamed Master generall and his subjects all right and remedie any way requisite or competent unto them by meanes of the obligations aforesaid.

Item it is covenanted and agreed that if any of the

liege people or subjects of the sayde soveraigne prince or of his heires and successours shall (contrary to the forme of concord and graunt next above-written) chaunce to bee molested or endamaged; that then the saide Master generall and his successours, for all losses and hinderances which the liege people and subjects the foresayde soveraigne prince or of his heires or successours, shall by that meanes have unjustly sustained, are bound to make full satisfaction unto the partie endamaged. Which if the Master generall aforesaid or his successours being conveniently requested by the letters of the sayde soveraigne prince or of his heires, shall refuse to doe; that then, after the space of sixe moneths next ensuing the time of the foresayde request, it may bee right lawful for the forenamed soveraigne prince that nowe is, or that then for that time shall be (convenient proofe being first brought, that the foresayd request had conveniently beene exhibited) to arrest so many goods of the sayde Master generall his subjects founde in the Realme of England, as may suffice for the reasonable satisfaction and amends of any person or persons unjustly molested in this behalfe; and also to detaine the sayde goods under safe custodie, untill condigne satisfaction and amends be made unto the partie or parties aggrieved. Item it is covenanted, that besides the summes due unto the sayde Master generall and his successours in the behalfe of his subjects both of Prussia and of Livonia (whereof mention is made in the former Articles) there are due to bee payed unto the sayde Master generall and his successours, for sundry other damages, grievances, and robberies_against himselfe and divers other of his subjects of Prussia, namely Matthewe Ludekensson, Arnold Ashen, Henri Culeman, John Unkeltop, John Halewater, Egghard Scoffe of Dantzik, and Nicolas Wolmerstene of Elbing, done and committed by the sayde soveraigne king his liege people and subjects underwritten, even before the date of these presents, for the full satisfaction of the sayde damages, grievances and robberies, certaine summes of nobles hereafter following. Namely Inprimis by Tutburie, and Terry of Hull, 82. nobles, which are due unto ye foresaid Matthew Ludekinson. Item by Nicholas Scot of Caleis the sonne of Tutbury, and Hilg of Hull, 256. nobles, which are due unto the foresayd Arnold de Aschen. Item by the

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