Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Protecting Federal Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Developing Analysis, Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Developing Analysis, Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Developing National Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges to Building a Comprehensive Critical Infrastructure Protection: Comments on the Proposed Cyber Security Critical Infrastructure Protection: National Plan for Information Systems Critical Infrastructure Protection: Comments on the National Plan for Information Critical Infrastructure Protection: Fundamental Improvements Needed to Assure Critical Infrastructure Protection: Comprehensive Strategy Can Draw on Year 2000 Disaster Assistance Disaster Assistance: Improvement Needed in Disaster Declaration Criteria and Eligibility Assurance Procedures (GAO-01-837, August 31, 2001). Federal Emergency Management Agency: Status of Achieving Key Outcomes and FEMA and Army Must Be Proactive in Preparing States for Emergencies (GAO-01-850, August 13, 2001). Budget and Management Results-Oriented Budget Practices in Federal Agencies (GAO-01-1084SP, August 2001). Managing for Results: Federal Managers' Views on Key Management Issues Vary Widely Across Agencies (GAO-010592, May 2001). Determining Performance and Accountability Challenges and High Risks (GAO-01-159SP, November 2000). Managing for Results: Using the Results Act to Address Mission Fragmentation and Government Restructuring: Identifying Potential Duplication in Federal Missions and Approaches (GAO/T-AIMD-95-161, June 7, 1995). Government Reorganization: Issues and Principals (GAO/T-GGD/AIMD-95-166, May 17, 1995). Reorganization FBI Reorganization: Initial Steps Encouraging but Broad Transformation Needed (GAO02-865T, June 21, 2002). Grant Design Grant Programs: Design Features Shape Flexibility, Accountability, and Performance Information (GAO/GGD-98-137, June 22, 1998). Federal Grants: Design Improvements Could Help Federal Resources Go Further (GAO/AIMD-97-7, December 18, 1996). Block Grants: Issues in Designing Accountability Provisions (GAO/AIMD-95-226, Management A Model of Strategic Human Capital Management (GAO-02-373SP, March 15, 2002). High Risk Series: An Update (GAO-01-263, January 2001). STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 107-2 Hearing: Protecting The Homeland 30 30 |