Protecting the Homeland: The President's Proposal for Reorganizing Our Homeland Security Infrastructure : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session, June 25, 2002U.S. Government Printing Office, 2003 - Всего страниц: 132 |
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Стр. 2
... service aspects of INS , naturalization and other aspects ? Would that create a kind of mixed mission for the department similar to what some of us , in- cluding myself , have been critical of Customs about ? Customs is both a law ...
... service aspects of INS , naturalization and other aspects ? Would that create a kind of mixed mission for the department similar to what some of us , in- cluding myself , have been critical of Customs about ? Customs is both a law ...
Стр. 3
... service , including the Department of Defense ' Dis- tinguished Service Medal , which is the agency's highest civilian award . So if we could begin with you , Senator Warren Rudman , welcome to the subcommittee . STATEMENT OF HON ...
... service , including the Department of Defense ' Dis- tinguished Service Medal , which is the agency's highest civilian award . So if we could begin with you , Senator Warren Rudman , welcome to the subcommittee . STATEMENT OF HON ...
Стр. 4
... Service the Customs Service , et cetera . The difference is that right now , as we discovered in our three- and - a - half years these agencies in many ways will take umbrage at this , and did during our hearings . But , I will be blunt ...
... Service the Customs Service , et cetera . The difference is that right now , as we discovered in our three- and - a - half years these agencies in many ways will take umbrage at this , and did during our hearings . But , I will be blunt ...
Стр. 12
... service elements . We have 5,000 unaccom- panied alien children a year . Do they belong in a Department of Homeland Security ? I don't think so . What about the naturalization process ? Is it best served by being in a Department of ...
... service elements . We have 5,000 unaccom- panied alien children a year . Do they belong in a Department of Homeland Security ? I don't think so . What about the naturalization process ? Is it best served by being in a Department of ...
Стр. 13
... that splitting them could cause problems . Now , for some of the other things , animal and vegetable , I don't know about those . We haven't recommended those . We didn't rec- ommend the Secret Service . The President must have a 13.
... that splitting them could cause problems . Now , for some of the other things , animal and vegetable , I don't know about those . We haven't recommended those . We didn't rec- ommend the Secret Service . The President must have a 13.
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
acquisition administration Advisory Panel analysis authority Aviation Security Bioterrorism Border Patrol budget bureaucracy Chairperson FEINSTEIN Coast Guard Combating Terrorism Committee Congress consider consolidation coordination create Critical Infrastructure Protection DAALDER Department of Homeland department's domestic defense effective efforts Enhance ensure entities federal agencies federal government FEMA focus going government's homeland defense Homeland Security Council homeland security functions human capital implementation Improve integrate intelligence involving weapons issues June 25 law enforcement leadership legislation Madam Chairman management challenges March 28 mass destruction National Security national strategy nuclear October 17 Office of Homeland operations organization organizational President President's proposal private sector problem programs proposed department Ray Downey recommendations reorganization Response Capabilities role secretary Senator HATCH September 11 September 20 Service structure terrorist Thank threat Tom Ridge transfer Transportation Security U.S. Senate Walker weapons of mass
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 1 - First Annual Report to the President and the Congress of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction, /. Assessing the Threat, December 15, 1999; and.
Стр. 108 - Early attention to strong systems and controls for acquisition and related business processes will be critical both to ensuring success and maintaining integrity and accountability.
Стр. 61 - The panel shall— 1 . assess Federal agency efforts to enhance domestic preparedness for incidents involving weapons of mass destruction; 2. assess the progress of Federal training programs for local emergency responses to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction; 3.
Стр. 63 - ... directors of state emergency management agencies, from California, Iowa, and Indiana, two of whom now also serve their Governor's as Homeland Security Advisors The deputy director of a state homeland security agency A state epidemiologist and director of a state public health agency A former city manager of a mid-size city The chief of police of a suburban city in a major metropolitan area Senior professional and volunteer fire fighters A senior emergency medical services officer of a major metropolitan...
Стр. 129 - August 31, 2001. Federal Emergency Management Agency: Status of Achieving Key Outcomes and Addressing Major Management Challenges. GAO-01-832.
Стр. 110 - ... and agencies, state and local agencies, and the private sector. Working closely with state and local officials, other federal agencies, and the private sector, the Department would help ensure that proper steps are taken to protect high-risk potential targets. In short, the Department would for the first time merge under one roof the capability to identify and assess threats to the homeland, map those threats against our vulnerabilities, issue timely warnings, and organize preventive or protective...
Стр. 72 - Designate the senior emergency management entity in each State as the focal point for that State for coordination with the Federal government for preparedness for terrorism - Improve collective planning among Federal. State, and local entities - Enhance coordination of programs and activities - Improve operational command and control of domestic responses - The President should always designate a Federal civilian agency other than the Department of Defense (DoD) as the Lead Federal Agency Enhance...
Стр. 102 - Based on its prior work, GAO believes that the consolidation of some homeland security functions makes sense and will, if properly organized and implemented, over time lead to more efficient, effective and coordinated programs, better intelligence sharing, and a more robust protection of our people...
Стр. 73 - Make exercise programs more realistic and responsive. Improve Health and Medical Capabilities: • Establish a national advisory board composed of Federal, State, and local public health officials and representatives of public and private medical care providers as an adjunct to the new office, to ensure that such issues are an important part of the national strategy; • Improve health and medical education and training programs through actions that include licensing and certification requirements;...
Стр. 126 - March 20, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Federal Response Teams Provide Varied Capabilities; Opportunities Remain to Improve Coordination.