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57. ON Travelling-Danger of Travel
to a Man of moderate Fortune
58. Good Effects of Complacency and
gentle Reformation Story of Ho-
ratio and Emilia
59. Esychus on Lounging
60. Advantage, even to the greatest and
most illustrious, of being able to
trifle occasionally
61. Account of some Peculiarities in Mr.
Umphraville-of Attachment to in-
animate Objects, and to Home.... MACKENZIE
62. Of romancing in Conversation-Anec-
dotes of a French Company, in a
Letter from Eutrapelus....
63. Of private and domestic Virtues-
Character of Miss Hargrave..
64. Of Good Company; in a Letter from
65. The Hardship of educating a young
Lady in an expensive Manner, and
then leaving her with a very slender
Provision for her Support-His-
tory of herself, by S. M...
66. Criticism on a Scene in Shakspeare's
Richard III..
67. Letter from Lorenzo-He goes in
search of a Wife
Bad Effects of neglected Educa- tion in Men of Fortune..........
68. Description of a Macaroni Member of
Parliament; Mr. Umphraville's Re-
flections on that Character...... ABERCROMBY
69. Account of a younger Brother in the
Country, in a Letter from Joseph
70. Danger of too much Intimacy with
the Great-a Spirit of Independence
the best Guardian of Virtue-Story
of Antonio......
71. Sequel of the Story of Antonio......
72. Advantages to be drawn from Scenes
of Sorrow-the Funeral of Maria.. MACKENZIE
73. Essay on Dreams by Insomniosus.
74. Essay on Dreams concluded...
75. Letter from Timothy Shuttleworth,
stating his Difficulties in reading
the Newspapers-General Reflec-
tions on the Abuses of those daily
76. Dinner at Mr. Melfort's-Hard Drink-
ing-Mr. Umphraville's Reflec-
tions on modern Manners....
77. The Effect of Difficulty in Attainment
to heighten our Keenness in Pur-
suit-Argument deduced from this
with Regard to the Rule of Poeti-
cal Justice..
78. Letter from John Hearty, giving an
Account of his Sufferings from an
extreme Propensity to Friendship.. MACKENZIE
79. Integer on negatively good Men: TYT-
LER.-Scheme of a Newspaper to
relate what Things are not done
Observations on Pastoral Poetry UNKNOWN
80. Critique on that Species of Composi-
tion known by the Name of Ad-
81. Distresses of an Heiress; in a Letter
from Olivia...
82. On Sign-posts, as the Reward of Pub-
lic Merit, and Criterion of National
83. Inquiry into the Causes of the Scar-
city of humorous Writers in Scot-
84. Of the Privilege of Fashion to alter
Nature-Some Account of certain
fashionable Peculiarities in Edin-
85. Apology to Poetical Correspondents:
CRAIG The Exile, an Elegy....
86. Antiquarius, on the Virtues of certain
ancient Medicines....
87. On Superstition and the Fear of Death ABERCROMBY
88. The Hardships of a private Tutor, in
a Letter from K. B.-Reflections
suggested by it..
89. Emilia on Female Accomplishments:
UNKNOWN-Answer by the Author:
MACKENZIE-Letter from Letitia
Lappet, going to set up Shop as
90. Calamities incident to extreme old Age,
particularly the Loss of Friends;
Feelings of the Author on a Misfor-
tune of that kind.
91. On the Duties of the Great, in Beha-
viour as well as Conduct...
92. On the Desire of Figure-making.
93. Character of a Self-important Trifler;
in a Letter from Miss C. F.....
94. Effects of the Representation of certain
Characters in the Mirror: CRAIG
Letter from a Gentleman in London
on the Improvements of Edinburgh STRAHAN 95. Description of a dangerous Species of Coquette; in two Letters from Mr. and Mrs. B..
96. Bad Effects of an Education too re-
fined for the Society in which we
live; in a Letter from Mary Muslin
-The Marriage of Eval, a Poem
RICHARDSON-The Plagiarisms of
the Mirror, in a short Letter from
97. Account of the Flint Family, and their
Conduct with regard to the Educa- tion of Master Flint, by the young
Gentleman's Tutor, Hypodidascalus LORD HAILES
98. Hypodidascalus's Relation continued Journal of Master Flint's Studies
for a Week..
99. Criticism on the Character and Tra-
gedy of Hamlet
100. Criticism of Hamlet concluded..
101. Danger of regulating our Conduct
by the Rules of romantic Senti-
ment-Story of Emilia....
102. Moderatus, on the Character of a
Man of Spirit: GORDON-Reflections
on Female Spirit..
103. Letter from Simon Softly, containing
an Account of his Visit to Sir Ralph
Holdencourt, a Man of great Fami-
ly, with whom he had a Law-suit :
HUME-Short Remarks on the Letter MACKENZIE
104. Ill Consequences of retiring from
Society-Character of Acasto, a
105. Some Cautions with regard to the
Behaviour of People in the Coun-
106. Education necessary not only to fit