HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY. The gravel ground, with sleeves tied on the helm What hope of speed, what dread of long delays: Give me accounts, where is my noble fere; Echo, alas! that doth my sorrow rue, Returns thereto a hollow sound of plaint. 31 Anne Askewe. { Born 1520. Burnt 1546. ONE of the victims of the persecuting Henry VIII., she was burnt to death at Smithfield in 1546. The following was made and sung by her while a prisoner in Newgate. LIKE as the armed Knighte, Faithe of the fathers olde Which makes me verye bolde I now rejoice in harte, Thou sayst, Lord, whoso knocke, More enemies now I have For every drislinge mist; I sawe a royall throne, Where Justice shulde have sitte; Absorpt was rightwisness, Sucte up the guiltlesse bloude. On these men what will fall. Yet, Lorde, I Thee desire, Richard Edwards. 1523 to 1566. MASTER of the singing boys of the Chapel Royal, he published some pieces under the title of "Amantium Irae," of which the following has been much admired. RENEWING OF LOVE. In going to my naked bed, as one that would have slept, That would not cease, but cried still, in sucking at her breast. prove, The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love." C Then took I paper, pen, and ink, this proverb for to write, In register for to remain of such a worthy wight. As she proceeded thus in song unto her little brat, Much matter uttered she of weight in place whereas she sat ; And proved plain, there was no beast, nor creature bearing life, Could well be known to live in love without discórd and strife: Then kissed she her little babe, and sware by God above, "The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love." "I marvel much, pardie," quoth she," for to behold the rout, To see man, woman, boy, and beast, to toss the world about; Some kneel, some crouch, some beck, some check, and some can smoothly smile, And some embrace others in arms, and there think many a wile. Some stand aloof at cap and knee, some humble, and some stout, Yet are they never friends indeed until they once fall out." Thus ended she her song, and said, before she did remove : “The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love.” Sir Walter Raleigh. Born 1552. THIS unfortunate, though distinguished statesman, warrior, scholar, and poet, was born in 1552 in Devonshire. After serving in the army in various parts of the world with distinction, he prosecuted the discoveries in America, and settled a colony in that country, which he named Virginia. On his return to Europe he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. During the Spanish invasion he acted a most prominent part, and seemed as if he were fast advancing to the summit of greatness, when by an intrigue at court he was dismissed in disgrace. He again rose to a high command, but again by base calumny he was charged with treason, and sent to the Tower, where he remained for twelve years. At last he was released, but without a pardon having been granted. His first act was to endeavour to plant a colony in Guiana, and obtained a patent under the great seal; but failing in his attempts on the Spanish settlements there, his crews became dispirited, and they returned home. To the eternal disgrace of James, he was sentenced on the old conviction to be beheaded, which was carried out on 29th October 1618 at Palace Yard. Some of Raleigh's poems have been lost, and little is known respecting those that have come down to us. THE LIE. Go, soul, the body's guest, The truth shall be thy warrant; Go, tell the court it glows, Tell potentates they live Tell them that brave it most, Who in their greatest cost, Seek nothing but commending. Tell zeal it lacks devotion, Tell age it daily wasteth, |