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U.S. Territories

U.K. Colonies

Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi

French Colonies and Protectorates

French Morocco and Tunisia

Portuguese Colonies

(Curaçao and Surinam included with Netherlands)

(South West Africa included with Union of South Africa)

(For those which have formally ratified or acceded to the 1947 Atlantic City Convention, see p. 280.)

A protocol to the 1947 ITU Convention provides for German accession to the Convention "at such time as the responsible authorities consider such accession appropriate" and for the accession of Spain, the Spanish Zone of Morocco and the totality of the Spanish possessions when the provisions of the United Nations General Assembly resolution of Dec. 12, 1946, barring them from membership in the specialized agencies, “shall be abrogated or cease to be applicable."

In addition to the 72 members shown on this chart, UPU's total membership of 83 includes those listed below:


Belgian Congo


The whole of the British Overseas Territories, including the Colonies, the Protectorates, and the Territories under Mandate or under Trusteeship exercised by the United Kingdom

French Morocco


Curaçao and Surinam

Portuguese Colonies in West Africa

Portuguese Colonies in East Africa, in Asia, and Oceania


The whole of the possessions of the United States

The final protocol of the UPU Convention, signed in July 1947, provides for German adherence to the Convention "when the responsible authorities consider it opportune", and for the adherence of Spain, the Spanish Zone of Morocco and the Whole of the Spanish Colonies when the provisions of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution of Dec. 12, 1946, barring them from membership, "shall be repealed or become inoperative."

"Byelorussia, Ukraine, and the U. S. S. R. announced their resignations from the WHO. However, inasmuch as the WHO Constitution does not provide for withdrawal, the WHO Assembly on June 25, 1949, adopted a resolution designed to obtain the reconsideration of these countries.


Aerial Legal Experts, International | Bank, International, for Reconstruction
Technical Committee of (CITEJA), and Development, 82.


Africa, Liquor Traffic in, Central Inter-
national Office for Control of, 205.
Agricultural Sciences, Inter-American
Institute of, 44.

Agriculture, International Institute of,

Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Food and (FAO), 36.
Allied Bank Commission, 175.
Allied Commission for Austria, 148.
Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria,

Allied Control Commission for Hun-


Bank Commission, Allied, 175.

Bulgaria, Allied Control Commission
for, 311.

Cape Spartel Light, International Com-
mission of the, 277.

Caribbean Commission, 192.
Central Bureau of the International
Map of the World on the Millionth
Scale, 109.

Central Commission for Navigation of
the Rhine, 265.

Central International Office for the Con-
trol of the Liquor Traffic in Africa,

Allied Control Commission for Ru- Childhood, American International In-
mania, 311.
stitute for the Protection of, 202.

Allied Control Council for Germany, Children's Emergency Fund, United

Allied Council for Japan, 152.
Allied High Commission for Germany,

Nations International (UNICEF), 249.
Civil Affairs Committee, Combined, 312.
Civil Aviation Organization, Interna-
tional (ICAO), 271.

Allied Mission to Observe the Greek Coal Committee, Combined, 312.
Elections, 312.

Coal Control Group, Combined, 175.

Allied Tripartite Customs Committee, Coal Organization, European, 317.

Allocation Committee, Joint, 176.
American International Institute for
the Protection of Childhood, 202.
American States, Organization of (OAS),

Americas and Spain, Postal Unit of
the, 296.

Arbitration, International, Interparlia-
mentary Union for the Promotion of,

Arbitration, Permanent Court of, 187.
Austria, Allied Commission for, 148.
Aviation Organization, International
Civil (ICAO), 271.

Coffee Board, Inter-American, 318.
Combined Civil Affairs Committee, 312.
Combined Coal Committee, 312.
Combined Coal Control Group, 175.
| Combined Food Board, 313.
Combined Hides, Skins, and Leather
Committee, 313.

Combined Liberated Areas Committee,

Combined Production and Resources
Board, 313.

Combined Raw Materials Board, 313.
Combined Rubber Committee, 314.
Combined Siam Rice Commission, 315.
Combined Steel Control Group, 175.


[blocks in formation]

Customs Tariffs, International Union Greek Elections, Allied Mission to Ob-
for Publication of, 98.

Defense Board, Inter-American, 32.
Development Commission, Inter-Ameri-
can, 318.

Diseases and Causes of Death, Inter-
national Lists of, International Com-
mission for Decennial Revision of,


Drug Supervisory Body, 220.

Economic Committee, Emergency, for
Europe, 316.

serve, 312.

Health Organization, World (WHO), 254.
Hides, Skins, and Leather Committee,
Combined, 313.

History, Pan American Institute of,
Geography and, 136.

Hungary, Allied Control Commission
for, 311.

Hydrographic Bureau, International,


Indian Institute, Inter-American, 213.

Economic Cooperation, European, Or- Industrial Property, International Union

ganization for (OEEC), 104.
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or-
ganization, United Nations (UNESCO),

for Protection of, 95.

Inter-Allied Reparation Agency (IARA),

Inter-Allied Trade Board for Japan, 163.

Emergency Advisory Committee for Inter-American Commission of Women,
Political Defense, 315.


Emergency Economic Committee for Inter-American Conference on Social
Europe, 316.

Security, 210.

Europe, Emergency Economic Com- Inter-American Coffee Board, 318.

mittee for, 316.

Inter-American Defense Board, 32.

sion, 318.

European Central Inland Transport Inter-American Development Commis-
Organization, 316.

European Coal Organization, 317.
European Economic Cooperation, Or-
ganization for (OEEC), 104.
Export-Import Agency, Joint, 174.

Inter-American Economic and Social
Council, 24.

Inter-American Indian Institute, 213.
Inter-American Institute of Agricultural
Sciences, 44.

Far Eastern Advisory Commission, 317. Inter-American

Far East, Military Tribunal for, 162.

Far Eastern Commission (FEC), 158.




Film Committee, United Nations Cen- Inter-American Radio Office, 267.

[blocks in formation]

Intergovernmental Maritime Consulta- | International Seed-Testing Association,
tive Organization (IMCO), proposed,

Interim Commission for the Interna-
tional Trade Organization (Iro), 79.
Interim Coordinating Committee for
International Commodity Arrange-
ments, 54.


International Statistical Institute, 112
International Sugar Council, 60.
International Technical Committee of
Aerial Legal Experts, 321.
International Telecommunication Union

Intermunicipal Cooperation, Pan Ameri- International Tin Committee, 322.
can Commission of, 322.
International Arbitration, Interparlia-
mentary Union for the Promotion of,

International Authority for the Ruhr,


International Bank for Reconstruction

and Development, 82.
International Bureau of Weights and
Measures, 116.

International Children's Emergency
Fund, United Nations (UNICEF), 249.
International Civil Aviation Organiza-
tion (ICAO), 271.

International Commission for the De-
cennial Revision of the International
Lists of Diseases and Causes of
Death, 319.

International Commission of the Cape
Spartel Light, 277.

International Tin Study Group, 65.
International Trade Organization (Iro),
Interim Commission for, 79.
International Union for the Protection
of Industrial Property, 95.
International Union for the Publication
of Customs Tariffs, 98.
International Union of Official Travel
Organizations, 286.

International Whaling Commission, 51.
International Wheat Council, 67.
International Wool Study Group, 73.
Interparliamentary Union for the Pro-
motion of International Arbitration,

Japan, Allied Council for, 152.
Japan, Inter-Allied Trade Board for,

Joint Allocation Committee, 176.

International Cotton Advisory Com- Joint Export-Import Agency, 174.

mittee, 56.

International Criminal Police Commis-
sion, 224.

Joint Program and Coordination Com-
mittee, 176.

Joint Statistics Committee, 176.

Labor Organization, International (ILO),

International Council of Scientific
Unions and Associated Unions, 122
International Court of Justice, 2, 10.
International Emergency Food Council,
International Hydrographic Bureau, Liberated Areas Committee, Combined,

Leather, Hides, and Skins Committee,
Combined. See Hides.


International Institute of Agriculture, Liquor Traffic in Africa, Central Inter-

International Labor Organization (ILO),

International Meteorological Organiza-
tion (IMO), 131.

International Military Tribunal, 320.
International Monetary Fund, 88.
International Office of Public Health,

International Penal and Penitentiary
Commission, 236.

International Refugee Organization,
(IRO), 239.

national Office for Control of, 205.

Map of the World on the Millionth
Scale, International, Central Bureau
of, 109.

Maritime Authority, United, 323.
Maritime Consultative Council, Pro-
visional, 300.

Maritime Consultative Council, United,

Maritime Consultative Organization,
Intergovernmental Iмco), proposed,


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