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portant qualities of a good business letter are:

1. Clearness. Unless a business letter states clearly and definitely its main point, it is a failure.

2. Brevity. Next to clearness, the most important quality of a business letter is brevity. A busy man has no time to wade through a long-drawn-out statement. The story is told of a man who after writing a very long letter explaining some matter of business, added this apology: "Please excuse the length of this letter; I have not time to write a short one." This sounds contrary, but when you come to think it over you will see that the writer spoke truly. It really takes time to think out a short letter that will say clearly and exactly what you mean.



3. Courtesy. Though brevity is important in a business letter, it should not encroach upon courtesy. It is a mistake to suppose that a letter sounds more businesslike for using such abbreviated expressions as "Beg to advise,” “Yours of the first inst. received," etc. Neither should a business letter be so brief that it omits a courteous address and close.

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4. Persuasiveness. Most letters of business are written to gain some particular point. It is important, then, that the writer put his case in such an attractive form that he will gain that point. Whether you are applying for a position, offering goods for sale, or seeking to appease an angry customer, your letter must persuade the recipient that your point is well taken. For if your customer is more angered by your letter than he was before he received it, your time has been worse than wasted; or if the employer from whom you are seeking a position does not see in you a possible addition to his staff, your letter is worthless. The purpose of every business letter is to bring the recipient to the point of view of the writer.

Types of Business Letters. trate several types of business

Filing Cabinet Corporation

25 West 36 Street

New York, N. Y.


The following letters illuscorrespondence:

1401 Lee Street

Charleston, W. Va.
April 15, 1922

Kindly send me your catalogue of steel filing cabinets.

Yours very truly,

Augustus Brown

Sometimes the lines of the headings and address are "blocked," as in the letters below, instead of being indented.

Charles and George Lyman, Inc.

201 Fourth Avenue

New York, N. Y.


110 Morningside Drive

New York, N. Y.

August 10, 1922

Replying to your advertisement in this morning's New York Times, I wish to apply for the position of office assistant. I have had several years' experience in the office of my uncle, John M. Rea, 259 Broadway, who is also a manufacturer of silk ribbons. I am thoroughly familiar with loom books as well as with the usual routine of an office. I am twenty-one years old, a graduate of high school, and have had three years' experience in office work. I am willing to start on a small salary if there is good opportunity for advancement.

If you wish for a personal interview, I shall be glad to call on you.
Yours very truly,

(Miss) Mary Darnett

1246 Fourth Street
Fort Worth, Texas

April 20, 1922

The New York Antique Shop

212 Fourth Avenue

New York, N. Y.


Inclosed you will find a check for $150 in payment of the chair and table I selected when I was in your store last week. Please have these articles shipped by freight to the address given above.

Yours very truly,

(Mrs. Arthur H. Branch) Frances Branch


Miss Adaline Parker

Manager Girls' Basket-ball Team
Maxwell School, Charleston, S. C.

My dear Miss Parker:

The Cooper School
Charleston, S. C.
April 22, 1922


The girls' basket-ball team of Cooper School wish to challenge the Maxwell School to a game of basket ball to be played in the Cooper School gymnasium, if agreeable to you. You remember that the last game between the two teams was played in the gymnasium of your school.

If you have no objection, we should like to have Miss Scovill, our coach, for referee, and whomever you choose for umpire.

These are the possible dates on which we can play you: May 3, 10, or 17. Any one of these dates is convenient for us, so if you will decide on one and let us know, we shall gladly meet you then.

Cordially yours,

Charlotte Wells

Manager Girls' Basket-ball Team
Cooper School



May 20, 1922

Johnson, Clark, and Company

Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sirs:

On account of a strike in our dyeing department the shipment of your order has been delayed. We expect our help to return to work to-morrow, however, and we will ship your order complete next Monday. We regret this delay and hope that it will not inconvenience you.

Yours truly,

Frank Jarrold



1. Assuming that you are a merchant who has received a complaint from a customer because his order was not shipped promptly, write a letter explaining the delay. Try to make your customer your friend, so that you may receive future orders from him.

2. As manager of your basket-ball team write to the manager of a neighboring team, asking for a game and suggesting possible dates.

3. Select from a catalogue or advertisement something you wish to buy, and write a letter ordering it. In your order describe exactly the article you wish, either by referring to the advertisement or the catalogue number; tell how you wish it sent; and inclose check or money order in payment of it.

4. Apply by letter for one of the positions mentioned in the following advertisements:


Assistant bookkeeper and typist, at $18 per week. Reply, stating age, education, and experience. M. W. Tomason, 46 Dearborn St.

BOOKKEEPER WANTED Young lady, good penman, familiar with customers' ledgers; permanent position with old established company of high standing. State salary desired and previous experience. E. M. S., 435 East 49 Street.

WANTED - Saleslady experienced in selling watches, jewelry, silverware; state age, references, salary. M. G., 42 Jackson Street.

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WANTED Boy to take charge of mailing; unlimited opportunity for bright boy; state age, education, and salary. Frank and Company, 411 Pennsylvania Avenue.

WANTED Boy, bright and willing, sixteen years or over, in publishing house. Give reference. Salary to start $11 per week. Box 139 Madison Square.

CHAUFFEUR -Young single man to drive small sedan. Salary $20 to start. References required. H. M., 245 Harrison Street.

Receipted Bills. The following receipted bill shows one form used by business houses:

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