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AN HONEST MAN. changeable creature," saith another; all in changeable colors as the peacock, Milton it is well known, was an onlightened and stern republican. It is as often changed as moved. Besides, many friends are not more fickle than said that, at the Restoration, he was offered the situation of secretary to false; like deep ponds, clear at the the king, which he refused, notwith- top, and all muddy at the bottom. standing the most pressing importuni- Fide ergo: sed cui vide. Try before ties of his wife. When she urged him you trust; and when you have tried to comply with the times, and accept your utmost, trust not over far, lest the royal offer, his answer is said to you cry out at length, as Queen Eliza have been to the following effect.-beth did, "In trust, I have found "You are right, my dear: like other women, you are ambitious to ride in your coach, while my whole aim is to live and die an honest man."

BIBLE SOCIETIES. These institutions are generally allowed to be of inestimable value in all disseminating divine truth among nations. It is, however, no unpleasing consideration, that they have induced numbers to listen to the important statements of Christianity, who would probably have treated with indifference or contempt all other means of receiving religious information.


It is a story told of Bishop Wilson, that on ordering a coat, he expressly charged the tailor not to make it in the fashion of the day, and only to put in two rows of buttons (buttons all over being then the fashion.) "My Lord," said the tailor," what then becomes of all the poor button makers?" The Bishop answered, "sayest thou so good master Robert." "Aye master, they will starve, starve!" then replied the bishop, "button me all over.”

WORLDLY FRIENDSHIP. "Friends," said Socrates, "there is no friend." And "a friend is a

treason" or as Julius Caesar, when stabbed by Brutus among others, "What, thou, my son, Brutus ?" He was slain in the senate-house, with twenty-three wounds, given mostly by persons whose lives he had preserved.


"Where is your house ?" asked a traveller of a man he met in the depths of the "old solemn wilderness" of the "House ain't got no great West. house." "Well, where do you live ?" "I live in the woods-sleep on the great government purchase eat raw deer-meat and wild turkey, and drink out of the Mississippi. And, he added, "it is getting too thick with folks about here. You're the second man I've seen within the last month, and I hear there is a whole family coming out about fifty miles down river. I'm goin' to the woods agin.”


If a blacksmith strike his anvil with a hammer, action and re-action are equal, the anvil striking the hammer as forcibly as the hammer strikes the anvil. If the anvil be large enough, a man may place it on his breast, and suffer another person to strike it with all his force, without sustaining any injury, because the vis inertia in the anvil will resist the force of the blow; but if the anvil be too small, the blow will be fatal,


Lassus is reckoned by some, as one of the wise men of Greece. He was noted more particularly for the laconic answer he gave to a man who asked him what could best render life pleasant and comfortable. He replied, in one ord "experience." "I never," said Luther, "knew the meaning of God's word till I was afflicted." "I well know," says Cecil," what it is to have preached from a text which I did not so much as understand, till it was thoroughly opened to me by expe

THE THRESHER'S CONFESSION. Walking in the country, says the Rev. Mr. J—, I went into a barn, where I found a thresher at his work; I addressed him in the words of Solomon: "In all labor there is profit." Leaning upon his flail, and with much energy, he answered, "No, sir; that is the truth, but there is one exception to it: I have long labored in the service of sin, but I got no profit by my labor."-" Then you know something of the apostle's meaning, when he asked what fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are ashamed?'" "Thank God," said he, "I do; and I also know, that now WONDERS OF REDEMPTION. being freed from sin, and having be- The doctrine of redemption by Jesus come a servant unto righteousness, I Christ is the marrow and essence of have my fruit unto holiness, and the the Gospel: great was the work of end everlasting life" How charm-creation, but greater far the work of ing to meet with instances of this redemption. How vast are the blesskind! piety found in a barn, is better ings of redemption! Believer, is there than the most splendid pleasures any consolation in Christ? it is thine; found in a palace.





any privileges in the Gospel? they are thine! any glory in heaven? it will be thine: then long for the time Prudence is the art of choosing: he when you shall be freed not only from is prudent who among many objects power, but from the presence of can distinguish that which deserves sin; shall be clothed in the glorious the preference. Prudence has two robes of immortality, and enjoy the offices, to inform the understanding blessings of full and glorious redempand regulate the will. She determines tion. The creation was the work of both on maxims of speculation and God's fingers; redemption was the practice. She keeps the mind upon work of his arm: in the creation God its guard against prejudice and pre- gave us ourselves; in the redemption cipitation. To desire objects which he gave us himself.-Puritan Gems. are probably inconsistent with our happiness, on the whole, would be a dangerous imprudence; to desire those Authority over others is an imporwhich are contrary to good morals, tant talent, for the use of which we would be criminal; and whatever is must give an account unto God! How criminal, cannot fail to produce misery; sadly is it abused! Power and because there is in heaven an impar- tyranny too generally unite in a tial Judge, by whom every deviation depraved heart. Religion only can from virtue is, sooner or later, ade- regulate the one, and subdue the quately punished.




BETHNAL GREEN. ABBEY STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL.-The anniversary of this school was held on Thursday evening, December the 9th. A large company of teachers and friends to the institution assembled and partook of tea together, in the infant schoolroom, which passed off in a very orderly and pleasant manner. After tea, the company adjourned to the spacious boys' school-room, where the numbers were so increased, by the attendance of the parents and friends of the children, as to fill the room completely. The schoolroom was tastefully decorated for the occasion, with banners, garlands, festoons of flowers, mottoes of counsel and encouragement, and wreaths of various kinds, the whole presenting a very pleasing and joyous appearance. Charles Buxton, Esq., M.P., presided.

The Chairman, in opening the proceedings of the evening, alluded to the extraordinary benefits which had been produced by Sunday schools since their establishment. As regarded the method of teaching, he thought the present system defective, and feared that too often the children became wearied and tired by the dull, uninteresting, instruction of the teachers. He therefore suggested that the teachers should endeavour to render their instruction more attractive to the scholars. The chairman, in concluding, said he took a great interest in this Sunday school, which was founded by the late Sir T. F. Buxton, Bart., in conjunction with the late Mr. Henry


Mr. Andrew Althans, the secretary, then read the report, which stated that there were 33 teachers connected with the school. The number of children on the books was 602, being 280 boys and 322 girls; the average attendance during the past six months had been 498: the largest attendance on any one occasion was 598, the number of children

which had been admitted into the school since the commencement, in 1840, was 5,260. As a means of causing the Sunday school influence to be felt at home, 3,290 magazines and small books had been circulated during the past year. Several instances of the great usefulness of the school were mentioned, as well as two happy and triumphant deaths. In the course of the evening, the numerous assembly was addressed by Joseph Maitland, Esq., in his usually interesting and lively manner; by the Rev. J. Colborne, M.A., the incumbent of the district; by the Rev. A. P. Black, M.A., who stimulated and urged the teachers to greater efforts while speaking upon the topic of "Earnestness." The meeting was also addressed by Rev. W. Tyler, Rev. W. Woodhouse, Messrs. Smither, Caldwell, Dollwood, and Brain. Several anthems were sung by the teachers, which added a charm to the proceedings of the evening; and the whole may be pronounced as a happy, interesting, and instructive occasion, one that should cause the teachers to rejoice, "to thank God, and take courage."


Sunday School Union,

THE annual meeting of the Sunday School Union in this city was held in the Milford Street School Room, on Wednesday, December 1st, when upwards of sixty teachers and superintendents, with their respective ministers, sat down to tea. The chair was occupied by the Rev. H. J. Chancellor, who read an excellent paper prepared by Mr. S. Hill, one of the superintendents of the Scot's Lane School, who was prevented from being present through indisposition; the subject being-"The Influence and Management of Sunday School Libraries and Literature." Some


little discussion arose on the admission Mr. Miell referred to the advantages of works of fiction into our libraries; of being united in this great work; the general opinion being that any expressed the pleasure he had exwork having a religious or moral ten-perienced in having been engaged for dency ought not to be excluded. forty years as a Sunday school teacher. Spoke of the happy death of a young person connected with the Milford Street School who had exchanged earth for heaven during the past year; and also the intelligence he had just received

This Union comprises five out of the six Sunday schools connected with the Nonconforming Churches in this city, and meets quarterly for the purposes of prayer and conference. It has about 760 children and young persons, under of the death of a young man, formerly the care of 100 teachers. Mr. John a scholar in this school, but who having Lawrence, Jun., was re-elected to fill removed to the Isle of Wight, where he the office of secretary for the ensuing had been made very useful, within the last few days had been mysteriously called home in the morning of life, leaving a bright testimony behind that the seed sown in the school had taken root, sprung up, and brought forth fruit.


The representatives of the several schools were returned as follows.

Scot's Lane (Independent) Rev. H. J. Chancellor, Mr. S. Hill, and Mr. W. Buckle.

Brown Street (Baptist) Rev. R. Bai lache, Mr. J. Keynes, and Mr. C. Old.

Milford Street (Wesleyan Reform) Mr. T. Kent, Mr. T. Miell, and Mr. J. S. Atkins.

Endless Street (Independent) Rev. H. J. West, Mr. Councillor Whitlock, and Mr. J. Giddings.

Fisherton (Primitive Methodist) Rev. J. Causer, Mr. Hopkins, Sen., and Mr. G. Hopkins.

Mr. Buckle referred to the progress made in the Scot's Lane School during the past year as regarded the general management, but regretted that so little success was manifest with reference to the great object of Sunday schoolsthe conversion of souls. He also spoke of the duty and necessity of teachers making preparation for their work, illustrating the advantages that generally result from due preparation.

Mr. Keynes spoke of the satisfactory state of the Brown Street School; the punctuality of the teachers, which induced the same quality in the children. Several young persons during the year had been led to connect themselves with the church, chiefly the result of the teachers praying with and for their children.

Mr. Whitlock spoke in reference to a good work going on in the Endless Street School, which he was happy to state was greatly improving; their numbers had also increased; a spirit of enquiry had been awakened, and they felt strongly encouraged to pursue their labors.

Mr. Hopkins, Jun., said that the school in Fisherton had made considerable progress during the year; that their numbers had also been multiplied, and they felt encouraged to persevere in their humble endeavors to do good. J. L.


AN exceedingly interesting meeting, in connection with the Sunday schools belonging to Cowbridge Chapel, was held on the evening of December the 7th. The parents of the children had been invited to take tea with the pastor and teachers, and upwards of 100 responded to the invitation. The upper schoolroom was tastefully decorated for the occasion with evergreens, and flags bearing appropriate inscriptions. The Rev. William Spencer occupied the chair, and, together with several of the teachers, and some of the parents, ad

dressed the company. A printed appeal, | of the members of the class warmly exprepared specially for this occasion, pressed their gratitude for the benefits [Vide p. 24] was also placed in the hands of each person present. A very deep and profitable feeling was evidently produced, fully justifying the determination to make this the first of a series of similar annual meetings.

ST. GEORGE'S-IN-THE EAST. On Monday, the 6th December, the committee and teachers of St. George's and Jubilee-street Wesleyan Methodist Free Churches, held a social tea meeting in St. George's Sunday-school room, Cannon-street-road. After partaking of a comfortable tea, the meeting commenced by being presided over by W. Allaway, Esq. The chairman, in opening the meeting, gave a very excellent address to the teachers, after which Mr. Essex (superintendent) of Jubilee, gave a very long address on Unity; Messrs. Ryan (superintendent), and Wells (secretary), then addressed the meeting on Conversion and Influence. Mr. Day, in an excellent and humorous address, advised the teachers to walk well, to talk well, and read well. After which Messrs. Nye, (from another circuit), Richardson, Castle, and Akers, addressed the meeting in a very appropriate and interesting manner. After a hymn being sung, and prayer offered up to the great Head of Sunday-school teach ing, the meeting separated, the teachers being much edified and encouraged.


derived by them from Mr. Cuthbertson's long-continued and self-denying efforts to promote their efficiency as Sunday school teachers, and attested their due appreciation of his uniform kindness and courtesy. The following is the inscription on the time-piece:-“ Presented by the Teachers' Preparation Class, Sunday School Union, London, to Francis Cuthbertson, Esq., as a small token of esteem and gratitude for the courtesy and ability displayed by him as the president of the class from its commencement in 1847. Nov. 10, 1858." Mr. Cuthbertson, with much emotion, said that this testimonal was entirely unexpected by him; and that he believed they were all engaged in the great work of religious education, with a higher motive than to gain the applause or the reward of their fellows.


Sir William à Beckett, late Chief Justice of Victoria, has favoured us with the following interesting extract from a letter just received from Melbourne:- "What think you of our library? The attendance has reached 8,000 persons a month-actually a larger number than that last year at the British Muscum-96,000 to 93,000. This year, also, we are fortunate enough to have a grant of £20,000. to expend, and a wing is being added, which gives an additional reading-room ninety feet long."-Literary Gazette.

The members of the Teachers' Prepa- RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT AMONG

ration Class meeting at the Sunday School Union, Old Bailey, presented their esteemed president, Mr. F. Cuthbertson, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 10, with a handsome time-piece and reading stand, which had been subscribed for by them during Mr. Cuthbertson's, temporary absence in Scotland. Some



THE Rev. Robert Jackson, in a letter, gives the following cheering statements, as the result of recent efforts to bring young people to decision :

At Stanley and Eastington, in the Dursley circuit, the young people were

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