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A conference of representatives of the governments interested in giving effect to the Report of the First Committee of Experts of April 9, 1924 (120 British and Foreign State Papers, p. 406) convened at London on July 16, 1924. Representatives of the Government of the United States attended "with specifically limited powers," that is, for "the purpose of dealing with such matters as affect the interests of the United States and otherwise for purposes of information" (Foreign Relations, 1924, 11, 35). The closure of the conference was marked by the issuance of a final protocol to which were annexed four agreements then signed or initialed ne varietur.

The first of these was an agreement between the Reparation Commission and the German Government dated August 9, 1924 (120 British and Foreign State Papers, p. 549). As customarily published it is completed by an annex I which is a draft protocol and the indication for an annex II which is stipulated to set forth "such additional arrangements as may hereafter be made between the German Governments and the Allied Governments at the said conference". In its final form, as binding the Reparation Commission and the German Government, annex I was the protocol duly executed and signed, while annex II a was the agreement between the Allied Governments and the German Government concerning the agreement under notice and annex II b was the other agreement between the Allied Governments and Germany, both of which were signed on August 30, 1924.

The second of the series, dated August 30, 1924, was the agreement between the Allied Governments and the German Government concerning the aforementioned agreement of August 9, 1924 between the German Government and the Reparation Commission, to which it ultimately became annex II a for the execution of the Experts' (Dawes) Plan.

The third of the series, dated August 30, 1924, was the agreement between the Allied Governments and Germany for the purpose of bringing the Experts' (Dawes) Plan "into being as soon as possible". It was transitional and was made annex II b of the Reparation Commission-German Agreement. Its text is at 30 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 75, and 119 British and Foreign State Papers, p. 490.

Note to Agreements 8 to 10-Continued

The fourth of the series, dated August 30, 1924, was the interAllied agreement "for the complete fulfilment, so far as they are concerned, of the plan". This agreement between the reparation creditors in the first of its six articles set forth amendments to part VIII, annex II, adopted by the governments represented on the Reparation Commission. A further agreement, dated August 30, 1924, embodied the first article as a decision which "shall be notified to the powers signatory to the Treaty of Versailles and to the Reparation Commission". This separate agreement is at 30 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 97, and 119 British and Foreign State Papers, p. 500.

None of these agreements was subject to ratification and all entered into force by virtue of the operation of the Experts' (Dawes) Plan beginning September 1, 1924.

8. Agreement between the Reparation Commission and the German Government1

Signed at London, August 9, 1924; confirmed by signing of instruments of Reparation Conference, London, August 30, 1924; not subject to ratification; effective by virtue of the operation of the Experts' (Dawes) Plan beginning September 1, 1924

THE Contracting Parties

Being desirous of carrying into effect the plan for the discharge of the reparation obligations and other pecuniary liabilities of Germany under the Treaty of Versailles proposed to the Reparation Commission on April 9, 1924, by the First Committee of Experts appointed by the Commission (which plan is referred to in this agreement as the experts' plan) and of facilitating the working of the expert's plan by putting into operation such additional arrangements as may hereafter be made between the German Government and the Allied Governments at the conference now being held in London, in so far as the same may lie within the respective 1 File 462.00 R 296/282 and /1531.

spheres of action of the Reparation Commission and the German Government;

And the Reparation Commission acting in virtue not only of the powers conferred upon it by the said treaty, but also of the authority given to it by the Allied Governments represented at the said conference in respect of all payments by Germany dealt with in the experts' plan but not comprised in Part VIII of the said treaty;

Hereby agree as follows:


The German Government undertakes to take all appropriate measures for carrying into effect the experts' plan and for ensuring its permanent operation, and in particular

a) It will take all measures necessary with a view to the promulgation and enforcement of the laws and regulations required for that purpose (specially the laws on the bank, the German railways and the industrial debentures) in the form approved by the Reparation Commission;

b) It will apply the provisions contained in Annex I hereto as to the control of the revenues assigned as security for the annuities under the experts' plan and other matters.


The Reparation Commission undertakes on its side to take all appropriate measures for carrying into effect the experts' plan and for ensuring its permanent operation, and in particular—

a) For facilitating the issue of the German loan contemplated in the experts' plan;

b) For making all financial and accounting adjustments necessary to give full effect to the experts' plan.


The Reparation Commission and the German Government agreea) To carry into effect in so far as the same may lie within their respective spheres of action such additional arrangements as may hereafter be made between the German Government and the Allied Governments at the said conference now being held in London, including any provisions which may be so agreed for carrying into effect the experts' plan or for the introduction of modifications of detail in the working of the said plan. The said additional arrangements

when concluded shall be added in the form of a second schedule to this document and shall be identified by the signatures of two members of the Reparation Commission on behalf of that body and of two duly authorised representatives of the German Government.

b) Any dispute which may arise between the Reparation Commission and the German Government with regard to the interpretation either of the present agreement and its schedules or of the experts' plan or of the German legislation enacted in execution of that plan, shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the methods to be fixed and subject to the conditions to be determined by the London Conference for questions of the interpretation of the experts' plan.

This provision shall be without prejudice to the arbitration clauses included in the experts' plan or in the said German legislation or in any of the annexes hereto.


If no agreement shall be reached at the London Conference between the Allied Governments and the German Government for the purpose of carrying into effect the experts' plan, this agreement shall be void.

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Protocol concerning the Contributions to be made from the Ger man Budget and the Institution of Control over the Revenues from Customs and the Taxes of Spirits, Tobacco, Beer and Sugar.

[Not reprinted; for text consult 120 British and Foreign State Papers, pp. 549, 551.]


[See agreement next below.]


Agreement between the Allied Governments and the German Government to Carry out the Experts' Plan of April 9, 1924, Signed at London, August 30, 1924

[Not reprinted; for text consult 30 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 75.]

9. Agreement between the Allied Governments and the German Government concerning the Agreement of August 9, 1924, between the German Government and Reparation Commission1

Signed at London, August 30, 1924 after initialing on August 16; not subject to ratification; effective by virtue of the operation of the Experts' (Dawes) Plan beginning September 1, 1924.

THE Representatives of the Governments assembled in London, Having taken note of the provisions of the Agreement signed in London on August 9, 1924, between the German Government and the Reparation Commission, and of the questions of which under Article III of the said Agreement the settlement must be completed, Agree that the following clauses shall be embodied in the said Agreement:


The procedure for the settlement of disputes contemplated in Article III (b) of the said Agreement of August 9, 1924, shall be as follows:


Subject to the powers of interpretation conferred upon the Reparation Commission by paragraph 12 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles and subject to the provisions as to arbitration existing elsewhere, and in particular in the Experts' plan or in the German legislation enacted in execution of that plan, all disputes which may arise between the Reparation Commission and Germany with regard to the interpretation either of File 462.00 R 296/282 and /1531.

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