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Boundary commissions-Continued

Danzig, 253.

East Prussia, 235.

Instruction, 133-134.

Japanese withdrawal, 134.
Mesopotamian frontier, 95.
Poland, 208, 210, 212, 234, 235.
Saar Basin, 166.
Syrian frontier, 95.

Voting procedure, 142, 166, 208, 270.
Boxer Protocol, 283-285.

Boyden, Roland W., 464, 465, 466, 467.

Claims against Germany, 473.
Contracts, exemption from Versailles
provisions, 613, 617.
Distribution of Dawes annuities (1925),
388; text, 902-922; (1927), text,

German payment for coffee shipments,

Reparation, shipping, 347.

Retention of captured shipping, 846.
Shipping losses, 491.

Peace treaties and related agreements
(see also Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty

List, 29-35.

Table of corresponding articles, 36-
Reparation. See Reparation: Bulgaria.
Reparation agreements, 394.
Treaty of peace. See Neuilly-sur-
Seine, Treaty of.

United Kingdom, relations, 365.


"C" mandates, 93-94, 103-104, 282-283.
Cables, submarine, 276, 278, 298, 300, 455,
520-522, 566.

Caisse Commune, Austrian and Hun-
garian pre-war debts, 828-829.

Mandate, 97, 101, 103.

Payment of indemnities, 280, 910.
United States rights in, 103.

[blocks in formation]

Cemeteries, military, 370.

Central Rhine Commission, 188-189, 670,

671, 673, 676-678, 780.

Channel, definition, 133.

Chemical drugs, 515-520, 895.


China Indemnity Fund, 285.

Customs tariff, 285-286, 286-287.
Declaration of war against Germany,


Extraterritoriality, 285.

Foundation for the Promotion of Edu-

cation and Culture, 284-285.
German concessions in Tientsin and
Hankow, 287, 288.

German rights and interests in, 298-
299, 300.

Japanese rights and interests in, 298,
299, 300.

League of Nations, membership, 76.
Peace with Germany, 64, 286.

Retention of captured shipping, 846.
Shantung, 300.

Whang Poo, 285-286.

Claims, Allied-Continued

Greece, 473.

Haiti, 474.

Italy, 471.

Japan, 472.

Liberia, 474, 603.

New Zealand, 471.

Peru, 474.

Poland, 274, 474.
Portugal, 472.

Property damage, table, 604.
Rumania, 472, 540-541.
Serb-Croat-Slovene State, 472.
Shipping, 470-474, 847.
Siam, 289, 473, 604.
Union of South Africa, 471.
United Kingdom, 470, 604.
United States, 19, 23, 628-630.
Waiver, 586, 930-931.
Claims, German, 736.

Limitations on, 606-607, 634.
Transfer to Allies, 543.

Waiver, 288, 289, 498-499, 585-586,
735, 930-931.

China Foundation for Promotion of Edu- Claims, United States, 628-630, 943.

[blocks in formation]

Coal-tar products, German monopoly, 516. | Commissions—Continued

Coblenz, occupation and evacuation, 724.
Coffee, Brazilian, German payment for,


Coke, reparation deliveries, 514.

Cologne zone, evacuation, 723, 789-790.
Colonies, Allied:

German property in, 598.
Property settlements, 611.
Colonies, German, 276-283.

Conditions for transfer of, 277-278.
Debts, 277.

Diplomatic protection of natives, 282.
German administration, 277.

German economic development, 277.
German observations, 40, 276-277; Al-
lied reply, 51.

German renunciation, 276.
Indebtedness, 277.

League of Nations, 277.

Mandatory powers, 277.

Property in, 277, 279, 538, 639-640.
Public works, 280.
Repatriation, 280.

Transfer of insurance funds, 640-641:
Colonies, protectorates, etc., application
of international labor conventions,
Commerce (see also Customs):

African trade, treaties re, 32, 281-282.
Agreements relating to, 32, 102, 113-114,

145, 148, 178, 191, 201, 281-282,
286, 518, 551, 554, 555, 557, 567,
579, 680.

Danzig-Poland, 258-259.

German commercial regime, 546-548.
League of Nations function, 104.
Most-favored-nation treatment, 648-

650, 653-654.

United States interest in Versailles pro-
visions, 546, 548.


Aeronautical Inter-Allied Commission

of Control, 304, 328, 358-359, 644.
American Battle Monuments, 370.
American Commission to Negotiate
Peace, 9.

Arbitral, 892-894, 900.

Armistice, Permanent Inter-Allied, 745.
Battle Monuments, 370.

Boundary. See Boundary commissions.
Claims, Tripartite, 630.

Control. See Inter-Allied Commissions

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Allied Military Committee of Ver- Conciliation, Locarno guaranty (1925),
sailles, 304, 306.


Communications and Transit, League Conciliation, treaty of (1929), 392.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Investigations, 362-364.


International Justice, Permanent. See
Permanent Court of International

Prize, 736.

Rhineland, 765.

Saar Basin, 176.

Schleswig, 268.

Covenant of the League of Nations (see
also League of Nations), 69-122.
Amendments, proposed, 72, 73, 80, 81-

82, 88-89, 90, 105-106.

Amendments, provisions regarding, 105-

Annex, 106-107.

Enforcement of provisions relating to

war, 89.

Entry into force, 70.

German denunciation of obligations,
Preamble, 72.

States invited to accede, 106.
Treaties inconsistent with, 92.
War or act of war, 88-91.

Submission of problems by League Cruisers (see also Warships), 343, 747.

[blocks in formation]


Claims against Germany, 474.

Retention of captured shipping, 846.

Confiscation by Germans, default in re-

turn, 744.

Danzig, 243.

Debts, new states, 583.

Debts, private, payment of, 583.

German payments to United States,

Occupation armies, 882, 884.

Pre-war Austro-Hungarian debts, 826-

Property settlements, 611:

Rhineland, 783-784, 787.

Saar Basin, 178.

Stabilization, Germany, 385.

Curzon line, 793-794.

Customs, 546-560.

Agreements re, 113, 518, 551-555, 557,

558-559, 567, 802, 816.

Alsace-Lorraine, 190-191, 550-551.

Austria, 816.

China, 285-286, 286-287.

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