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Czechoslovakia, 816.

Danzig-Poland, 257, 258.

Exemption for Allied traffic through
Germany, 648.

Free zones in German ports, 654-655,

German-Polish economic relations, 551-

Alsace-Lorraine products, 550.
Luxembourg products, 558.

Most-favored-nation treatment, Allied

and Associated Powers, 549-550,

Polish products, 551.

Reparation contribution, 479.

Gex, 729, 731, 732.

Hungary, 816.

Import and export prohibitions and re-

strictions, convention for abolition
of, 551-554.

Liberia, 290, 291.

Luxembourg, 558-559.

Occupied territories, 560.

Poland, 257, 258, 551, 802.

Rhineland and Ruhr, 430-431, 559-560,

781, 783-784, 786, 787.
Saar Basin, 177-178.
Upper Savoy, 729, 731, 732.
Customs union:

Austro-German, proposed, 200.
Belgo-Luxembourg, 558-559.
Cutcheon, Franklin M. W., 467.
Czechoslovakia, 202-207.

Austro-Hungarian territories:

Expenses of liberation, 823-824, 830,

Transfer of property, 836-838.
Boundaries, 126, 131, 202-206, 809.
Claims against Germany, 473.

Component parts, 809.

Consuls, 815.

Customs, 816-817.

[blocks in formation]

Danube, condition for improvement, Danube River, 108, 650, 652-653, 655, 658,

[blocks in formation]

Danzig, Free City of, 241-262.



Dawes, Charles G., 384.

treaties concerning, Dawes Plan. See Experts' (Dawes)

Agreements concerning, 107, 130-131,

253, 254, 256-259, 260, 557.

Assessment against, 261.

Boundaries, 251-253.

Boundary commission, 253.

Communication services, 236, 257, 259.

Constitution, 250, 254-256.
Currency, 243.

Customs, 257, 258.

Debt assumption, 262, 535.
Docks, Polish use of, 259.
Foreign relations, 256-257, 260.
German aggression, 242-250.
German nationals in, 260-261.

German objections to Versailles pro-
visions, 241.

German observations, 39; Allied reply,

German property, payment for, 537,

German violation of Versailles provi-
sions, 28.

Germany, relations, 241-250.

High Commissioner of League, 242-245,
247, 254-255, 257-259.

Language, 260.

League of Nations, relations, 242-245,
247, 253-259.

Loan, 262, 537.

Map, 252.

Merchant flag, 257.

Military installations, prohibition, 254.
Minorities, 242, 257.

National Socialist Party, 242-243, 246,
248, 256, 262.
Nationality, 260-261.

Permanent Court of International Jus-

tice, opinions, 254, 256, 260.
Poland, relations, 241-250, 254, 256-260.
Polish nationals in, 260.
Property, 261.

Railways, 259, 260.

Schools, 260.

Treaties, agreements, etc., re, 107, 130-

131, 253, 254, 256-260, 557.

Union with Germany, 250.
Proposed, 244.

695852 0-47- -62



Agreements concerning, 296, 401-404,
427, 581-582, 584-585, 630, 778, 828-
Alsace-Lorraine, 184, 185, 192-193, 194,

Austria, German assumption, 408, 410.
Austria-Hungary, 420, 825-829.
Belgium, 144, 388, 398-400, 401, 425,
427, 535, 851, 907-908.

Claims of nationals, 584.
Classes of obligations, 581, 582.
Czechoslovakia, 207, 401, 535.
Danzig, 262, 535.

Denmark, 271, 535.
Egypt, 296, 297.

"Enemy debts" (1932), charts, 588-589.
Estonia, 401.

Finland, 401.

France, 184, 398-400, 401, 588, 589.
German colonies, 277.

Germany, 410, 529, 535-536, 538.
Greece, 398-401, 588, 589, 590.
Intergovernmental, 394-401, 407.
German reimbursement of Belgian,
388, 425, 427, 851.

Influence on world economy, 500.
Italy, 398-401.

Latvia, 401.

Liberia, 290-292.

Lithuania, 401, 535.

Method of settlement, 582-583.
Mixed arbitral tribunals, jurisdiction
in disputes, 593-594, 595.
Poland, 228, 229, 401, 535, 536, 807, 828.
Portugal, 400.

Private, Versailles provisions, 581-596.
Reparation, final settlement, 585-586.
Responsibility of High Contracting
Parties, 583.

Rumania, 398-400, 401, 828.

Treaties concerning, 427, 581-582, 584,
585, 630, 778, 828, 829.
United Kingdom, 397-402, 588, 589.
Yugoslavia, 398-400, 401, 825-828, 829.
Declarations of war, 60.

[blocks in formation]

Recognition of documents, 560-561. Diplomatic protection, German colonies,

[blocks in formation]


Pacific settlement, 110, 311, 723.
Belgium-Germany, 843.

Germany-Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, 274.

Hague convention (1907), 892.
Submission to Council of League, 84,

86-88, 91-92.

Distribution of reparation payments

(1922), 870-880.

Dorten, Hans, 780.


Definition, 519.

German reparation, 515-520, 895.

Hague convention (1912), 580.

League program, 580.


Diplomatic relations with Germany, 68,


League of Nations, membership, 76.
Egypt, 295-298.

Capitulations, 295, 296.

Debts, 296-297.

German nationals, 296, 297.

German property, 296, 297.

Goods entering Germany, 298.

Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine

Board, 297.

Suez Canal, 297, 568.

Treaties with Germany, 295.

Elbe River, 650, 652-653, 655, 658, 660-
661, 664.

League supervision of agreements, 104. Elbe, International Commission of, 660-

Price, 519.

Treaties concerning, 120, 570, 580.

Value of deliveries, 520.

Drummond, Sir James Eric, 107.
Dulles, John Foster, 462, 465.
Dune, Island of, 271-272.

Agreements re (1919-22), 516, 517,

Defmition, 519.

Price, 519.

Reparation contributions, 440, 515-520,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Eupen, cession, 140-142.

Europe, political clauses of Treaty of
Versailles, 134-275.

European Coal Commission, 509.

European Commission of Danube, 475,
664-667, 668, 910.

Freedom of transit with Germany, 236. Experts, Committees of:

[blocks in formation]

Economic Committee, League of Nations, Experts' (Dawes) Plan, 77, 193-194, 309,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Far East Advisory Committee, 76.
Films, convention concerning (1933), 115.
Finance, agreements concerning, 110, 111-

114, 144, 164, 169-170, 176, 186, 187,
243, 393, 398, 402, 408, 422, 427, 428,
511, 531, 532, 542, 543, 559, 578, 586,
587, 615, 932.
Finance Ministers' Agreement (1922),
778, 885, 905, 914, 915, 916, 925.
Text, 870-880.
Finance Ministers' Agreement (1925),
186, 187, 193-194, 280, 281, 355, 367,
388, 427, 442, 443, 445, 537, 630, 668,
778, 785, 880-881.

Amendment, 948.

Supplementary agreements, texts:
1925: 919-922.

1926: 922-924.

1927: 924-927.

Text, 902-919.

Armistice agreements re, 448.
German miners, 510, 511.

Foreign Legion, recruitment, 333.

Forster, Albert, 248, 250.

Fortifications, Germany, 333-334, 350-
351, 356, 364.


Aeronautical material, delivery by Ger-
many, 354.
Alsace-Lorraine :

Exemption from debt assumption and
payment for German property,

Restoration, 183-198.

Social-insurance funds, 641.

Art, works of, restoration by Germany,
default, 744.

Assistance in event of German aggres-
sion, text of unperfected treaties
of 1919: 757-762.
Belgium, guaranty, 138.

Bureau of Private Property and In-
terests, 603.

Cemeteries, military, 370.

Claims against Germany, 470, 604.
Coal from Saar Basin, 162-164, 167,
168-173, 182, 437, 439, 876.

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