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Merchant marine, German-Continued

Reparation contribution, 440.

Reparation value, 439.

Merchant shipping. See Shipping.

Mesopotamia. See Iraq.


Morocco, 294.

Shantung, transfer to China, 300.

Upper Silesia, 215, 220.

Mines (undersea), 349, 351.

Metallurgical establishments, Alsace-Lor- Minesweepers, 342, 349.

raine, 192.

Meuse River, 136-137, 677-678.
M.I.C.U.M:, 787.

Military, naval, and air clauses, Versailles,

301-365; German repudiation, 28.
Military associations, clubs, etc., Ger-
many, 331, 332.

Military Inter-Allied Commission of Con-

trol (see also Inter-Allied Commis-
sions of Control), 304, 327, 328, 332,

Cost, 905, 921, 927.

Dissolution, 306, 308.
Functions, 357.

German reparation, 358.
German responsibility, 357.
Maintenance, 358.

Withdrawal, 358.

Military missions, Germany, 332-333.
Military schools, Germany, abolishment,

Military service:

Germany, 316, 329-333, 364.

Non-commissioned officers and pri-

Authorized strength, tables, 334-

Discharge, 330.

Enlistment, 330.

Officers in German army:

Authorized strength, tables, 334-


Discharge, 330-331.

Length of service, 330.
Voluntary enlistment, 330.
Saar Basin, forbidden in, 177.
Military training, German, 329-333.
Military Tribunal, International, 28, 201.
Military tribunals, 371, 376, 379.

Miners, German, improvement of work-
ing conditions, 510.

Mines :

Alsace-Lorraine, 192
Coal. See Coal.


Aaland Islands, 117.

Czechoslovakia, 203, 207, 813-815.
Danzig, 242, 257.

German, 123.

Guaranties, League of Nations, 116-117,
123, 224, 225, 801.
Lithuania, 238.

Poland, 222-227, 230, 246, 250, 800-801.
Publications concerning, 117.
Treaties concerning, 116-119, 222-227,
230, 243.

Upper Silesia, 214, 215.

Missing persons, commissions of inquiry,

Missions, religious, 278, 734-735.
Mixed arbitral tribunals, 423, 624-632.
Composition, 624, 625, 630.

Connection with League Council, 624.
Dissolution, 631-632.

Establishment, 624.
Functions, 639.

German observations, 625-626.

German property in transferred terri-
tories, 228.

Jurisdiction, 624-625.

Contracts, prescriptions, and judg
ments, 612, 614, 615, 616, 621.
Debt disputes, 593-596.

Period of existence, 626-627.

Procedures, 625, 630-632.

Property, rights and interests, 599, 601,
602, 608.

Redress from decisions of German
courts, 632.

Remuneration of members, 625.

United States, non-participation, 627.
Mixed Claims Commission, United States
and Germany:

Administrative decisions, 419.
Awards, 629-630, 906.

Amounts to be paid, 942-943.
Bonds, 943, 944, 945, 947-948.
Exemption from taxation, 945-946.

Mixed Claims Commission, United States | Most-favored-nation treatment-Con-

and Germany-Continued


Method of payment, 944-945.
Payments before maturity, 945.
Postponement of payment, 945.
Security, 945, 947.

Text of treaty of 1930: 942-948.
Establishment, 627.

Functions, 628.


Property, 653-654.

Transportation, 648-650, 653-654.
Treaties, rights to Allied and Asso-
ciated Powers, 577-578, 579-580.
Vessels of Allied and Associated
Powers, 560.
Kiel Canal, 690.

German financial obligations to United Mules, restitution by Germany, 446.

States, 628-629.

Settlements, meaning of terms, 627-628.
Mixed Commission on War Criminals,
Inter-Allied, 378.

M'Kwawa, skull of, 523-524.
Monaco :

French protectorate, 733-734.

Munich agreement (1938), 203, 557.
Munitions. See Arms, munitions, and
war material.

Münster, Treaty of, 57.
Mutual aid:

Agreements concerning, 150-154, 248.

League of Nations, question of admis- Narev River, 804.

sion, 734.

Monroe Doctrine, validity, 92.

Montreux convention (1937), 296.

Monuments Commission, American Battle,



1922: 381, 382, 452-453.

Hoover (1931-32), 400-404.

Moravia, 809.

Moresnet, 139-140.

Morgan, J. P., 389.

Morocco, 280-281, 292-295.

French protectorate, 293-294.
German nationals, 294, 295.
German property, 294, 295.

German rights and privileges, 292.

Goods entering Germany, 295.
Mining regulations, 294.

State Bank, 294, 437.

Treaties, etc., with Germany, 292.

Moscow Conference, declaration re Aus-

tria, 202.

Moselle River, 678.

Most-favored-nation treatment:

Czechoslovakia, 816, 817.


Aerial navigation, 643-644.

Commerce, 648-650, 653-654.

Customs, 549-550, 559.

Nationals of Allied and Associated

Powers, 562-563.


National Socialist Party:
Austria, 201.

Danzig, 242-243, 246, 248, 256, 262.

Germany, 26, 27, 179, 236, 312, 353, 556,

Poland, 227.
Rhineland, 791.

"A" mandates, 283.

Agreements concerning, 116, 143, 224-

225, 261, 271.

Alsace-Lorraine, 196-198.

Belgium, 143.

Czechoslovakia, 206-207, 811-812.

Danzig, 260-261.

Double, military obligations in case of,
1930 agreement, 116.

Memel, 238, 241.

Poland, 220-224, 798-799.
Saar Basin, 176-177.
Schleswig, 270-271.

Upper Silesia, 214, 222.

Allied and Associated Powers, treat-

ment by Germany, 562-563.

German, 143, 206, 221, 261, 270, 541-

543, 563.

Egypt, 296, 297.

Morocco, 294.

Siam, 289.

Mandated territories, 283.

Natives, mandated territories, status of, | Navigation—Continued


Natural resources:

Boundary disputes involving, 141.

Coal. See Coal.

Iron ore, 163.

Potash mines, 192.

Timber, 141, 239.

Zinc mines, 139, 141.

Nauru, mandate, 98, 101.

Naval armament, 337-351.

armament, 338, 339.

Treaties concerning, 108-109, 137, 678,

679, 680.

Navy. See Naval armament; Naval In-

ter-Allied Commission of Control.

Navy, German :

Demobilization, 342.

Disposition, 347.

Personnel, 342-343, 349.

Reserve force, 342.

Submarines, destruction, 347-348.

Conferences for limitation of naval Netherlands:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Czechoslovak use of areas in Hamburg Neutralization:

and Stettin, 678-680.

Free zones in ports, 654-655, 678-680.

Freedom of, 653-654.

German objections to treaty provisions,

International rivers, 655-678.

Suez Canal, 297.

Aaland Islands, 110.

Belgium, 135-137.

Definition, 146.

Luxembourg, 144, 146.

Newfoundland, reparation percentages,


New Guinea, mandate, 98, 101.

New (Young) Plan (1930), 388-394, 401, | Occupation armies-Continued

402-403, 412, 419-425, 427, 490, 503,

544, 722.

Belgian claims, 142, 279.

Conspectus of payments, 412.

Deliveries in kind, 503.

German-Polish relations, 229-230, 555.
Report of Committee of Experts (June
7, 1929), 390-391, 419-420, 585-586.
Agreements accepting :

Aug. 31, 1929: 928, 934.
Jan. 20, 1930: text, 927-941.
Rhineland evacuation, 791.
New Zealand:

Claims against Germany, 471.
Mandatory, 93-104.

Reparation, percentages, 442.

Reparation agreements, 393, 404-407,
420-424, 467, 483, 484.

Experts' Plan, fulfilment of (1924),
text, 899-901.

New (Young) Plan (1930), text,

Status, 61, 62.

Niemen River, 239, 650, 655, 658, 662-

663, 664.

Norway, naval armament

agreement re, 340.

Noyes, Pierrepont B., 774.

United Kingdom:

Costs, 777-778, 885, 905-906, 913-914,

916, 925-926.

Strength, 776.

United States:

Costs, 388, 390, 776-778, 880-886,
906-907, 942-948.

American priority, 882, 883-884.
Amounts to be paid, 881, 943-944.
Bonds, 943, 944, 945, 947-948.
Deductions from payments due, 885.
Execution of payments, 881-884.
Exemption from taxation, 945-946.
Method of payment, 944-945.
Payments before maturity, 945.
Postponement of payment, 945.
Security, 945, 947.

Text of treaty (1923), 880-886.
Text of treaty (1930), 942-948.
Strength, 776, 777.

Occupation expenses:
German liability, 438.
Memel, 238.

Upper Silesia, 219.

limitation Occupied territories:

Occupation armies, 762-769, 776-778.
Accommodations and recreation facili-
ties, 766-767.
Account, 882, 883.

Costs, 388, 390, 438, 528, 529, 532-534,
724, 725, 766, 776-778, 871-878, 883-
884, 905-906, 907, 913-914, 916, 919-
920, 924-926, 942-946, 947-948.

Currency, 882, 884.

Cost, 777-778, 885, 905-906, 913-914,
916, 925-926.

Strength, 776.

Italy, costs, 879.

Requisition rights, 765-766.

Taxes and duties, freedom from, 767.
Telecommunications, 767-768.
Transportation, 767.

Alsace-Lorraine, 377.

Customs regime, 560.

Palatinate, 377.

Rhineland. See Rhineland: Occupation.
Ruhr. See Ruhr: Occupation.

O.C.R.W., 445, 460, 461.

Oder River, 650, 652-653, 655, 658, 660,
661-662, 664.

Oder, International Commission of, 661-
662, 663-664.
Olds, Robert E., 467.
Opium :

Agreements concerning, 120, 580.
League program, 580.

League supervision of agreements, 104.
Treaties concerning, 120, 580.

O.R.C.W., 445, 460, 461.

Osnabrück, Treaty of, 57.

Ottoman Empire, German recognition of
disposition, 727.

Ottoman Public Debt, gold deposits in
Reichsbank, 538-540.


Pacific islands, mandates, 98, 104.
Pacific settlement of international dis-
putes, 110, 274, 311, 557, 723, 843,

Pact of Paris, 1928: 90.

Palatinate, occupation, 377.

Balfour declaration (1917), 95, 100.
Boundaries, 95.

Mandate, 94, 95, 100, 101, 102.
United States rights in, 102.
Panzerschiffe, 348.

Paris, Treaty of (1815), 727-733.
Paris, Treaty of (1856), 665-666.
Paris Peace Conference (1919). See
Peace Conference, Paris.

Paris reparation conference (1921), 429.
Passage, freedom of, 353.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Austria. See Saint-Germain-en-Laye,
Treaty of.

Austria-United States (1921), 26, 630.
Brest-Litovsk (1918), 273, 540, 578.
Bulgaria. See Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty

Central Powers-Rumania (Bucharest,
1918), 540, 579.
China-Germany (1921), 64, 286.
Finland-Germany (1918), 579.
France-Germany (1871), 145, 183, 549.
Germany. See Versailles, Treaty of.
Germany-United States (1921), 70, 103,

123, 134, 275, 283, 301, 302, 366,
380, 530, 546, 627, 628, 642, 647,
692-693, 942.

Effect, 738.

Publication, 25-26.

Signature, 20.

Text, 22-25.

Understandings of Senate, 21.
Greece (1920, 1923), 118.

Peace, treaties of-Continued

Hungary. See Trianon, Treaty of.
Hungary-United States (1921), 26, 630.
List of peace treaties and related agree-
ments, with United States action,

Paris (1856), 665-666.

Poland-Soviet Republics (1920, 1921),

Russia-Turkey (1878), 668.

Tables of corresponding articles, 36-38.
Turkey. See Lausanne, Treaty of.
Turkey (Sèvres, 1920), 7, 95-96.
United States relationship, 9-13, 29-35.
Peace Conference, Paris (1919), 3-8.
Commissions and committees, 4-5, 7-8.
Executive body, 5.
Members, 4.

Preliminary conference, 3.
Restitution of property, 443.
Rules of procedure, 3-4, 57, 62.
Work of, 58.

Supplementary conferences, 11-12.
United States relationship, 3-5, 11-13.
Peking, German public and private prop-
erty, 287.

Penalties, Versailles, 371-380.
Pensions :

Alsace-Lorraine, 187, 910.

German compensation, 457-458, 470-474.
Saar Basin, 169, 176.
Schleswig, 268.

Perkins, Thomas Nelson, 467.
Permanent Advisory Committee for Mili-
tary, Naval, and Air Questions, 363.
Permanent Court of International Jus-

Austro-German customs union, 200.
Czechoslovak minority disputes, 815.
Czechoslovak-Polish boundary, 205.
Danzig opinions, 254, 256, 260.
Dissolution, 86.

Establishment, 86.

European Commission of Danube, jur-
isdiction, 666.

Experts' (Dawes) Plan, jurisdiction,

French-Swiss customs questions, 732-


German minorities in Poland, 223.

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