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Icon 5437.2

ten, charles Tremner, hind 18:30)






It appears to be entirely proper that a work such as this, of which the like has scarcely ever been attempted under any other Government, but which would certainly have been a convenience to all, should be ushered before the public under the auspices of some patron name or names, if not as sponsors for the performance, at least as approvers of the design. Without assuming that each of you would be sponsors for the execution of the present work, there can be none to whom it could be more appropriately inscribed than to you, gentlemen, whose names I have taken the liberty to prefix to this Dedication: the first, who authorized its undertaking; the second, who approved it in its progress; and the third, who extended his sanction to its completion and has favored its execution with his high commendation. I therefore beg, gentlemen, you will be pleased to accept it as a result of your several good opinions entertained of the performance of so intricate and laborious an enterprise: and permit me to assure you I shall ever be grateful for the confidence thus reposed in Your very respectful

And obedient servant,


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III, page 103, article 785, for "proviso," read promise.

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III, page 122, at the end of note (54,) for "Chapter 3, sequel, read Chapter 8, sequel.

III, page 133, in note (61,) fifth line, for "communication," read enumeration.

In Appendix, page 262, in note (a,) for " mood of," read mode of.

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*The definition of “America” was not incorporated in Article 12, referring to it, in Chapter I, page 3, on account of its manifest inaccuracies; but as its omis-
sion might excite some curiosity about it, it is here transcribed, with a supposed clerical omission after the word north, [and south] inserted in brackets. But,
even with that interlineation, "America" cannot be restricted to its Atlantic relations, neither geographically nor politically, however the act referred to in the
definition may have meant to do so.

"America. This word, as used in the act of 22d February, 1805, supplementary to former Collection laws, is general, and has been considered by the Trea-

sury Department as embracing all places lying north [and south] of the equator, and situated on the eastern shores of the northern and southern continents and

their adjacent bays and gulfs, as well as the islands generally denominated the 'West Indies."" C's cir. January 23, 1818; V. 1, p. 358.

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