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struation. M. and E. Adherent

placenta (half-hourly doses). Abortion. TоHF.

Ox. amm., uterine hæmorrhage.

Phas. radiat., emmenagogue. TонF. Phosph., chlorosis. Bloody secretion instead of milk. R.

Phosph. mel, fistulous mammary ulcer with lancinating pain.

Phys. Alkekengi, seven berries, taken after menstruation, is said to prevent conception.

Picrorrh. Kurrooa, emmenagogue. Pains of the uterus. ToнF.

Pini fr.sem., (applied) abortion. P., and

emmenagogue. Тонг.

Pis. sat., leucorrhoea. P. Peas boiled in milk and then mixed with Tribulus (administered internally), is said to remove sterility.

Plantago, hysteria.

Plat., spasms before the beginning of

menstruation. Hæmorrhage after abortion.

Plumb., globus hystericus.

Polyg. macr., pains after delivery.
Polyp. Sekour, chlorosis.

Puls., chlorosis. (Cure completed by peruvian bark.)

Purgat., chlorosis and hysteria. R. Pyrethr., pains of the uterus. Em

menagogue, and galactagogue. Toнf. Querc. gl., uterine hæmorrhage. Raph. sat. sem., emmenagogue. TоHг. Fes. pini, menstruation and expulsion of placenta P. TOнF.

Rheum, pains of the uterus relieving,

as emmenagogue. ТонF.

Rhus Cor., injections in leucorrh. Тонг.

Rosmar., excessive sensibility of the nerves. Chlorosis. Leucorrhoea.


Rubia Munj., A. borax, menstruation. P.

Rubia t., emmenagogue, galactagogue, and expelling fœtus and placenta. TоHf.

Rum. ac., uterine hæmorrhage. Rum. Beejbund, Leucorrhoea. (v. Pains.)

Rutha gr., hysteria and nymphom. R. Emmenagogue, and pains of the uterus. TоHP.

Sagap., menstruation, and expulsion of placenta. P. TOнF.

Salv. off, leucorrhoea. Hysteria. Sandar., (with honey-water) emmenagogue. TоHF.

Sapind. em. fr., provoking delivery. In chlorosis (the cortical part), as a specific. R.

Secale c., prolapsus uteri. Uterine hæmorrhage.

Sel., secret. of blood from the breast. P. Sep. ossa, promoted the opening of a

mammary abscess.

Sep. succ., affections during pregnancy. Disorders of menstruation. Leucorrhoea. Hysteria.

Sesami or. cort. (K.) retarding men

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Swert. pet., amenorrhea with ste

rility. R.

Symploc. crat., excessive uterine hæmorrhage.

Thym. Serp., hysteria.

Tribul, terr. (v. Pisum sat.) sterility. Emmenagogue. Tонг.

Ultram., emmenagogue.

Unguis odor., expulsion of the placenta, also menstruation, and fecundity. P. TоHF.

Urt. dioica, uterine hæmorrhage.
Urtica succus, hæmorrhage. R.

Uva ursi, suppuration in the uterus. (v. Pains)

Vapor., warm uterine douches are said to act as an abortive.

Vill, nymph., is said to increase the milk of cows; perhaps also of other animals (?) It is therefore given to cows as food, in Cashmere. Viola rep., hysterical temperament, accompanied by weeping.

Vit. Neg., was administered for pain in the spine, and conception shortly afterwards took place. Leucorrhoea. Zinci chlor., injections in leucorrhoea. (v. Gonorrhea.)

Zinci oxyd, one part, with two parts of gum arabic, mixed and applied in soreness of the nipples. R.

There are a number of remedies and diagnostics respecting sterility to be found in Arabian and Persian books; but, they are generally ridiculous fancies; e. g.-the urine of cach (man and wife) is to be put into two separate porcelain vessels, and some bran thrown into them; if, afterwards, worms appear in the urine of the one and not in that of the other, the cause of sterility is attributed to the former!

VOL. 11.

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Absinth., fever. P. G.

Absinth. rad., fever with eruption in patches. P.

Acac. succ., fever with pain in the side. Erysipelas.

Achyr. asp. rad., periodic eruption in patches. Periodic eruption of vesicles, arising from a serpent's bite. Achyr.asp. sem.,eruption in patches.P.G. Acon. fer., typhus fever. Acon. Nap., measles. Agar. a., contagion. Tоиг. Ajouain, nettle-rash. In India they fumigate with these seeds in urticaria, and afterwards rub the body of the patient with a piece of rough woollen cloth, to bring out the eruption more fully. Alcanna, v. Females, diseases of, Allium sat., fever with headache, sore throat, thirst, &c., 4 times. Alum. serum, typhus. Amm. carb., scarlet fever.

Anag. eer., eruption in patches, appearing after bathing. (v. Skin diseases.)

Anguin., fever with red urine. p.

Ant. t., fever with headache. P. G. Arg.nitric. fus., erysipelas (the application.) R.

Arn. (R.) fever.

Ars., putrid petechial fever. (v. Led.pal.) Ars. sod., erysipelas.

Arum camp., fever. P. G., also fever with eruptions. 4 times-12 times. (Fever with internal burning. N.)


Asparag. asc., fever. P. G.

Asparag. Halioon (sem.) eruption in patches with vomiting. M. and E. Bebeerine, fever. Worm-fever.

Belemn., retrocessed eruptions. p.
Bell., nervous fever. (A blister at the

same time applied to the neck.) Berb. Lyc., rheumatic fever with general pains.

Berb. Lyc. Res, fever. P. G. in an eruption like erysipelas. But. frond. sem., fover. G.

Cac. Klein., periodical eruption in patches.

Calc. chlor., v. Chlor.

Calend., erysipelas. R. (as an application with pepper, a Cashmerean remedy.)

Calotr. gig. sem. (R.) fever with red urine. Fever with Q, scrofula and diarrhoea. Fever of four months' duration.

Calotr. gig. succ. appl., fever. P. Calumbo, v. Females, diseases of, Camph., erysipelas and fevers (internally and externally). R. With almonds, hemp-seed, and some laudanum, prepared as an emulsion (one spoonfull taken every hour), removed rheumatic fever with dysury.

Cannab. Ind, hb., irregular fever with

general swelling.

Cann. Ind. sem., v. Camph. Canth., yellow fever and pestilential disease of cattle. R. (May be tried in epizooty.)

Capill. Ven., miliary eruption. Capp. spin. rad. cort., eruption, like small-pox. P.

Cetacei ol., fever with cough. P. G.

Rheumatic fever.

Chamom., v. Sarsap.

Chel. maj., irregular fever.

Chenop. a. sem., fever from fright. Cherayta, v. Menisp. Chin. sulph., erysipelas. 4 times 28. Slow internal fever with general pains. Nettle-rash. P. G. Chlor., is employed in different forms as an agent for purifying the air, destroying miasms and contagions. (v. Coffea, Nigella, Terebinth, spir.) Chloroform, typhus. R. Churrus, fever with burning, also with piercing pains. Cich. fl., mucous fever. Cich. fol., eruption in patches. P. Clerod. inf., rheumatic fever. Cocc. men., bilious fever. Gastric

fever. Fever with boils. 4 times 12 Coff. Ar., irregular fever. Eruption of

vesicles. Measles. Small-pox. (The perfume which roasting of coffee produces, is said to destroy miasme or contagion better than Chlor). Colch, aut., fever. G. N., G. in irregular forms. 4 times 12. Eruption of patches.

Coloc. pulpa, rheumatic fever. M. & 1. Conv. arg., catarrhal fever with inflam mation of the throat. 4 times. Cop. bals., reddish spots. P. Nettlerash. P.

Corallia r., erysipelas? (Red corals

worn round the neck. R.) Corch. frut., erysipelas. Fever with eruptions, burning and pricking pain. Cor. sat., blisters.

Cost. Arab., fever with burning sensation, also with sore throat of three months' standing. (K sol.) Cost. n. Cashm., fever with shivering. Nettle-rash. P.

Cotyl. lac., fever. P. G. N., G. in con tinued fever, with shivering and pain.

12 times.

Creos., erysipelas. (The application).

Croc. sat., measles. R.

Cucum, acutang. P., sweating sickness. Cucum. sat., the juice of salted cucumbers, prepared with spirit, as an essence. Slow fever, with pain in the spine and knees. м. and E. Cusc. sem., eruption in patches. Cydon. sem., fever. R.

Dact. nucl., erysipelas with fever. Red spots.

Daron., internal heat with perspiration, where no covering can be endured. Indian physicians are of opinion that the root is prophylactic against the miasma of plague and cholera, even if merely worn.

Dat. mart., nervous fever with delirium.
Delph. paucifl., internal fever.
Dulc., rheumatic fever.
Eleagn. ang., fever. P. G.
Embryopt. glut. fr., periodic sensa-

tion of burning and itching. Eug.Jambol.cort.succ. (R.) fever. P.G.N. Euph. long., periodic eruption of patches.

Euph. Agrar. (aff. spec.) eruption in patches, appearing in the evening. Eruption in patches with burning sensation. M. and E.

Fanic. rad., itching erup. of patches. P. Fanic, sem., eruptive fevers, as measles, small-pox, &c. (A weak infusion, administered as a beverage.) Fumar., v. Menisp.

Gagerming, fever.

Galla Turc., fever. P. G. N. Gossyp, sem., fever. P. G., also in eruptions of patches. Pustules. P. It excited, purged, and increased the secretion of urine and perspiration. In erysipelas, cotton is placed upon the parts, which have been previously dusted with flour, rhubarb, or camphor, &c.

Guil. Bond., acute and critical eruptions. P. G.

Gund. Zulm (sem.) eruption in patches.

Harm. Ruta, urticaria.

Hedys. Deiterdane (sem.) irregular fever.

Heracl. div., itching, erysipelatous inflammation.

Hollow. pill. sol., fever.

Hossen Juss if, fever. P. G.
Hoya vir., itching eruption in patches.
Hyosc. n., typhus.

Hyssop., acute eruptions.
Iod., irregular fever.

Ipec., rheumatic fever. (A dose every two hours.)

Junip. bacca, fever. P. G. N. (In Asia it is customary in inflammatory eruptions to wash the body with a decoction of juniper berries. Kali ferrocyan., fever. P. G. Kali nitr., inflammations. Kali sulph., fever with abscesses. Swellings of the glands, &c. Kris, itching pustulous eruption. P. Lamin. sacch., gastric fever with sore

eyes, expectoration, disorders of the stomach, and costiveness. M. and E. Led. pal., A. Ars., miliaria. Leon. Royl., fever.

Lich, odor., periodic eruption of black spots.

Lini sem., with honey. Fever with
swelling of the face. Inflammation
of the throat, asthma, cough, and
burning pricking pains. Fever with
bleeding at nose and ears. P.
Liquir, succ., fever with obstructions. M.
Lup. Hum., fever. P. G. N.

Lyc. hb., fever with flying rheum. pains.
Lyc. sem. (R.) fever. P. G.
Macis, acute fever with shivering.
12 times.

Manna Cal., fever. G. N.

Marrub. a., scarlatina.

Mel. Azed. cort., rheumatic fever.

Mel. Azed. fol., checked eruption with fever. P.

Melong. Sol., used as food, is said to be

injurious to those attacked by the plague.

Menisp. gl., nettle-rash.

Menisp. gl., 2 parts; Cherayta 3 parts; Fumaria 1 part; burned to ashes,. from which the alkaline part is extracted. A few grains of this salt is given by the Persian and Indian doctors, in such chronic fevers as often disappear and return. R. Menisp. gl. fœc., fever. P. G. Menisp. hirs., fever with eruption of pimples.

Merc. d., a critical eruption. p. Momord. Guger vel, fever. P. G. (In ten cases it failed twice; good in eight.) 4 times.

Mor. a. fr., eruption. P.

Moringa Soh. sem., eruption of pimples. Mosch. nux, internal heat and burning. r. G.

Mur. ac., malignant small-pox. R.
Nerium ant., fever. P. G. N.
Nigella sat. (v. Mat. Med.)
Nucter., fever. P. G.

Nymph.Lot., small-pox&measles.TOHF. Ocim. pil., transient erupt. in patches, which appeared after vomiting. P. G. Granular and itching eruption. P. Oxym., with water, as a beverage, in scarlatina. R.

Pastinaca Seca cul, fever, in Q. P. Fever with boils. Irregular fever. Petros., small-pox. Toнf. Phosph., nervous fever. Febrile erup Phys. flex. rad., fever by night. Rheumatic and gastric fevers, with anorexia (want of appetite).

Pist. put., fever with scalding urine. Fever with pain in the abdomen and spine. Fever with diarrhea and dysentery. R.

Polyanth. tub., general, critical erup

tion of pimples. P.

Polyg. molle, erysipelat. inflammation. Polypod., fever. P. G. N.

Portul. Oler., erysipelas. R. (In Asia the fresh leaves are bruised and applied.)

Quas. (R.) fever. G. N.
Ran, lan. rad.. fever.

Rheum Aust., fever. G. N.

Rhus Kakrasinghea, fever with burning sensation, also with thirst

and vomiting.

Rottl, tinct., fever. P. G.


tions (every ten days). Rub. Munj., fever. P. G. (G. M. and z.) Ruku tinct., fever with acute eruptions. Rumex Acet., typhus.

Rum. Beejbund, reddish, granular eruption. P.

Sabina, fever. P. G. Salep, fever. G. N. Fever of one year's duration. G. M. and B. Fever by night. Fever after a serpent's bite. Santal. r., remittent, acute fever. Sapind. em., mucous fever. Nervous fever.

Sarcoc., heat in the afternoon. Sarsap., after small-pox; patches, itching, &c.

A. Chamon., Nettle-rash. Saxifraga Peshant, fever with chronic pustules.

Scorp., acute fever. Catarrhal, rhenmatic fever with local inflammation. Nervous fever. Worm-fever. Sep. succ., fever. P. G. M. and B. Serp. exuv., catarrhal, rheumatic fever. Internal heat with anxiety. Erysi pelas. Fever and red urine. P.

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