American Defense Policy

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Peter L. Hays, Brenda J. Vallance, Alan R. Van Tassel
John's Hopkins University Press, 1997 - Всего страниц: 608
"This book will help students better grasp and understand the complex processes involved in making American defense policy. It will help them draw important lessons from our experiences during the Cold War while also providing them with a glimpse of many of the more important security challenges to come."--Brent Scowcroft

Long valued by instructors of courses in political science, international relations, military affairs, and American national security, American Defense Policy remains the most complete introduction to the vital security issues facing the United States. Thoroughly updated to include the challenges of post-Cold War security, the seventh edition returns to the book's classic format of organizing essential readings around a defense policy process model. Part 1 introduces the subject and establishes the context for studying American defense policy making; Part 2 examines the roles of the chief players in policy formation and implementation; Part 3 outlines the various processes involved in policy formulation; and Parts 4 and 5 address current U.S. defense policies, reviewing excerpts from key defense policy statements and assessing the likely challenges for future policy makers.

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