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White Stone Hill, 122.

Deer Woods, 122.

Bear Ribs, 366.

Beadle, Gen. W. H. H., 59, 137.

Beadle County, 302.

Bear Buttes, 55, 134.

Bear Ribs, 296, 297, 366, 368, 369, 370.

Bear Lodge, 420.

Bear, Smutty, 51.

Beckwourth, James P., 356.

Beebe, Marcus P., 14.

Belcot, Father, 59.

Belle Peoria, 307.

Belle Fontaine Cemetery, 202, 256.

Beloit College, 162.

Bennett, Cassius C., 13.

Bennett, Granville G., 162.

Bennett, Antlow, 141.

Bent, Charles, 326.

Benton, Thos. H., 245, 359.

Benoit, Francis, 266.

Berg, O. C., 13, 15.

Bernard, Pratte, & Co., 332, 333, 334, 335,

336, 337..

Berthold, 96, 104, 269, 332, 360, 337.

Berthold & Chouteau, 267, 332, 363.

Big Bellies (Gros Ventres), 320.

Big Bend of the Missouri, 97, 132, 275,
336, 337.

Big Cheyenne River, 145.

Big Devils, 339.

Big Head, 156, 302.

Big Horn River, 191, 192, 267, 317, 321,

333, 356, 359, 363.

Big Horn Mountains, 150.

Big Horn, Little, 66, 96, 102, 276.

Big Knife River, 26, 319.

Big Martin, 370.

Big Mound, 111, 125, 305.

Big Mouth, 143.

Big Sioux River, 110, 111, 112, 287, 293,

302, 333, 341, 374, 417, 425, 428.

Big Sioux Post, 378.

Big Stone Lake, 53, 67, 106, 126, 109.

Big Stone River, 109.

Big White (Mandan Chief), 245.

Bijou Hills, 346.

Billinghurst, Charles B., 13.

Billon, 318, 337, 354.

Billon's Annals of St. Louis, 317.
Birch Coulee, 112, 125.


Amidon, Judge Joseph B., 128.
Armstrong, Capt. William, 251.
Ashley, Gen. William H., 245.
Atkinson, Gen. Henry, 246.
Beadle, Gen. W. H. H., 137.
Bennett, Granville G., 162.
Blackburn, Dr. William M., 25.
Brookings, Wilmot W., 113.

[blocks in formation]

Crook, Gen. George, 146.

Cruger, Lieut. Nicolas, 252.
Culbertson, Andrew, 358.
Custer, Gen. George A., 140.
DeSmet, Fr. P. J., 132.
Edmunds, Gov. Newton, 123.
Faulk, Gov. Andrew J., 135.
Fiske, George D., 127.
Flandrau, Charles E., 110.
Foster, James A., 131.
Gale, Dr. John, 252.

Galpin, Charles E., 364.

Gifford, Oscar S., 162.
Gordon, William, 251.
Grant, Peter, 90.
Gratiot, Charles, 363.
Halsey, Jacob, 348.

Hare, Bishop William H., 157.
Harney, Gen. William S., 107.
Hanson, Major Joseph R., 127.

Hayden, Frederick V., 134.
Henry, Alexander, 88.

Howard, Gov. William A., 159.

Jayne, Gov. William, 118.
Ketchem, Major Daniel, 253.
Kidder, Judge Jefferson P., 117.
Kipp, James, 352.

Kittson, Norman W., 138.

LaBarge, Joseph, 348.

Laidlaw, William, 342.

Leavenworth, Gen. Henry, 246.

Lewis, Gov. Meriwether, 99.

Lisa, Manuel, 102, 321.

Long, Major Stephen H., 93.

McClure, Col. P. F., 162.
McKay, William F., 141.
McKenzie, Kenneth, 342.
Masters, Gov. Henry, 117.
Mathews, George A., 162.
Mellette, Arthur C., 161.
Moody, Gideon C., 131.

Morris, Capt. William W., 252.
Nicollet, Jean Nicolas, 106.
Noel, Capt. Thomas, 252.

O'Fallon, Major Benjamin, 249.
Ordway, Gov. Nehemiah G., 157.
Pennington, Gov. John L., 139.
Pettigrew, Richard F., 161.
Picotte, Charles F., 113.

Pierce, Gov. Gilbert A., 159.
Pilcher, Joshua, 251, 321.

Renville, Gabriel, 126.

Riley, Capt. Bennett, 251.

Rose, Edward, 255.

Sarpy, John B., 363.

Scott, Hiram, 255.

Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., 141.

Sibley, Gen. H. H., 125.

Smith, Jedediah S., 254.
Stackpole, Samuel, 250.

Stutsman, Enos, 127.

Sublette, William, 255.

Sully, Gen. Alfred, 121.

Terry, Gen. Alfred H., 142.

Thompson, David, 89.

Todd, James B. S., 115.

Vanderburgh, William H., 253.
Wickliffe, Lieut. William N., 250.

Wooley, Major Abram, 253.
Ziebach, Frank M., 48, 127.

Bismarck, N. D., 61, 62, 76, 77, 78, 87, 97,
98, 111, 121, 125, 131, 267, 305, 318, 359.
Bison, 139.

Blackburn, Alexander, 26.

Blackburn, Dr. Gideon, 25, 27.

Blackburn, Senator Joseph, 25.

Blackburn, Gov. Luke, 25.

Blackburn, Dr. William Maxwell, 24, 25,

26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 254.
Black Cat, 320.

Blackfoot Indians, 86, 108, 148, 155, 190,
191, 202, 248, 295, 308, 320, 333, 335, 336,
340, 341, 342, 343, 353, 354, 359, 425.
Blackhawk, 107, 119.

Black Hills, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 74,
76, 86, 96, 97, 108, 129, 132, 134, 135, 136,
140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152,
162, 178, 295, 300, 341, 343, 344, 376, 420.

Black Moon, 152.

Black Republican Bible, 159.

Bloomington University, 161.

Blue Earth, 103, 107.

Blue Water, 418.

Bodleain Library, 165.

Boettcher, F. W., 13.

Bogard, 271, 346.

Bohemians, 59.

Boise, 275.

Boise Brules, 339, 340.

Bower, W. C., 14.

Bowpith Indians, 341.

Brackenridge, 313, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324,

325, 340.

Bradbury, 313, 323, 324, 325.

Bradley, Lieut. James H., 195, 196, 198,
201, 205, 209, 216, 219, 320, 356.
Brady, Colonel, 161.

Brasseau, Antoine, 250.

Brasseau, 251.

Brasseau, Charles, 328.

Bridger, James, 148, 247, 334, 336.

British, 100, 322.

British Fur Company, 342.

British Museum, 165.

Brock's Bottom, 364.
Brookings, S. D., 302.

Brookings, W. W., 46, 56, 113.

Brouch, Emiel, 13.

Brouch's Woods, 250.

Brown, Rev. Edward, 35.

Brown, James M., 14.

Brown, Major Gen. Jacob, 181.

Brown, John A., 294.

Brown's Valley, 126.

Brower, Prof. J. V., 87.

Brule, John, 73.
Brule Agency, 66.
Brule City, 157.

Brule Indians, 86, 143, 148, 295, 342, 107,
108, 132, 143, 149, 331, 341, 285.
Brule Bottom, 275, 253, 354, 397.
Brule County, 397.

Brughier, Theophile, 377.

Buchanan, President, 47, 48.
Buffalo, New, 27.

Buford, John, 283, 379.

Bullock, Capt. Seth, 13, 15.
Bull Run, 140, 142.

Burbank, Major S., 435.

Burbank, Gov. John A., 59, 136, 137.

Burckman, 141.

Burke, Chas. H., 13.

Burleigh, Dr. Walter A., 54, 130, 300.

Burlington & Cedar Rapids Railway, 302.

Burnt Boat Island, 305.

Burnt Wood Indians, 339.

[blocks in formation]

Camp Bacon, 286.

Campbell, Robert, 85, 86, 147, 334, 336, 342,

355, 357.

Campbell, Colin, 223, 224, 225, 276.

Campbell, Thomas, 362.

Camp Sturgis, 134.

Canada, 100, 111, 129, 166, 177.

Canadian, 99, 138, 275, 318.
Cannon Ball River, 122, 378.
Carlisle Barracks, 278, 281.
Carpenter, Prof. F. B., 67.
Carrey, Paul, 390, 394, 429.

Carson, Lieut. Moses B., 211, 240, 256, 268,

Carver, 338.

Catholic Church, 156.

Catholic Hospital, 330.
Catlin Gallery, 109.

Catlin, George, 44, 108, 109, 246, 250, 271,
272, 294, 340, 344, 345, 346, 347, 352.

Cavilier, Charles, 60, 61, 138, 139.

Cedar Island, 97, 326.

Cerre, Gabriel, 267, 334, 376.

Cerre Brothers, 374.

Chaboillez, C. J. B., 88, 138.

Chadron, 376.

Chambers, Colonel, 202.

Chamberlain, S. D., 74, 76, 247, 251, 254,
326, 374.

Chanktonais (Yanktonaise), 304.

Chantier Creek, 286, 287, 292, 364, 391, 429.

Chappel, Frank, 116.

Chardron & Harvey, 353.

Charger, Chief, 87.

Charles Mix County, 116.

Charles Mix, 97.

Charging Bear, 154, 156.

Charlonnau, 193, 251.

Cheever, Walter M., 14.

Chenie, 334.

Cheney, J. W., 38.

Cheyenne, Forks of, 376.

Cheyenne Indians, 66, 96, 97, 121, 140, 145,

146, 147, 150, 330.

Cheyenne Islands, 372.

Cheyenne River, 31, 64, 67, 68, 72, 76, 153,
235, 248, 250, 278, 285, 287, 293, 295, 305,
331, 332, 334, 339, 340, 366, 372, 376, 379,
415, 439.

Chokachatta. Battle of, 252.

Chouteau, Auguste, 264, 265, 269, 279, 318,

Chouteau, Pelagie, 269.

Chouteau, Charles P., 329, 338, 440, 344.
Chouteau & Co., 329, 382, 394, 440, 334, 412.
Chouteau, Francis Gratiot, 267.
Chouteau, John Pierre, 321, 337.
Chouteau, Madame Marie Teresse, 265,
267, 279.

Chouteau, Pierre, Jr., 14, 43, 44, 104, 105,
245, 246, 253, 266, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,

274, 275, 276, 279, 284, 294, 320, 332, 333,

334, 337, 338, 343, 344, 346, 347, 350, 352,
370, 381, 440.

Cherry Creek, 366, 376, 393.

Chicago & Northwestern Railway, 73, 302.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway,


Chilcott, Ellery C., 14.

Chippewa Indians, 94, 126, 157, 239, 246.
Chittenden, Col. H. M., 235, 245, 247, 249,
250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 318, 319, 320, 321,
322, 323, 326, 335, 337, 343, 344, 351, 356,
358, 359, 363, 373, 374, 375, 379.
Christinos Indians, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176.
Church, First in Dakota, 16.
Church, Gov. Louis K., 77, 160.
Cibola, Cities of, 173.
Clara River, 282.
Cimarron River, 254.

Clark County, 111.

Clark, Darius D., 283.

Clark, George Rodgers, 99.

Clark, Capt. N. S., 152, 250, 251.

Clark, Malcolm, 343.

Clarke, William, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 249,

266, 267, 317, 318, 321, 322, 354, 381.

Clay County, 48.

Claymore (Clement), Basil, 329, 331, 334.
Clement (Claymore or Clemmo), Basil, 38,
364, 368, 370, 375, 376.
Cleveland, Grover, 160.

Clinton, Governor, 345.

Cobalt (Cabals) Bluff, 250.

Calhoun, John C., 181, 205, 249.

Collins, E. E., 13.

Collins, John, 184.

Columbia Fur Company, 113, 126, 269, 326,

329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 342, 374, 377.

Columbia River, 99, 100, 101, 103, 188, 191,
193, 269.

Contents; Table of, 3.

Contonment, Canfield, 286.

Contonment, Miller, 288, 431.
Cook, Edmund, 14.

Cooke, Philip St. George, 282, 303.
Cooper, Col. S., 387, 422, 424, 438.
Corbeau Petit (Little Crow), 119, 126.
Cornea, Leon, 376.
Coteaus, 106.
Cotton, Mr., 328.

Coues, Dr. Eliot N., 89, 101, 319, 321, 327.
343, 355, 356, 359, 360, 361, 366, 375, 379.
Council Bluffs, 101, 190, 191, 245, 249, 250,
251, 322, 353, 354, 390, 415, 433.
Courtland, 131.

Crane, Frank, 13.

Crawford, Coe I., 13, 126.

Crawford County, 126.

Crawford, Winona, 126.

Crazy Horse, 119, 128, 189, 130, 136, 140,
142, 143, 145, 150, 152, 153, 154.


[blocks in formation]

Laramie, 107, 108, 115, 132, 143, 147, 148,

Floyd County, 131.

Fontenelle, Mr., 326, 334, 336, 357.

Farnham, Russell, 332.

Field, Lieutenant, 234.

Fire Prairie, 267.

Fiske, George D., 48, 116, 127.

FitzHugh, Dennis, 318.

Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 211, 255, 334, 336.

Fitzpatrick, Sublette & Bridger, 336, 356,

Foncanon, Charles B., 14.

Forsythe, General, 64.


Abercrombie, 53, 60, 61, 126, 127, 128, 289.
Alexander, 276, 351, 356, 358, 362, 363.
Atkinson, 134, 135, 185, 194, 196, 200, 203,
206, 210, 233, 238, 245, 246, 248, 249, 254,
317, 353, 360, 433.

Benton, 276, 348, 358, 359, 361, 362, 366.
Bennett, 379.

Berthold, 96, 97, 98, 99, 122, 134, 135, 246,

[blocks in formation]

151, 276, 277, 278, 281, 284, 285, 291, 295,
298, 336, 344, 358, 381, 415, 418, 420, 428.
Leavenworth, 107, 175, 276, 281, 287, 321,
353, 410, 413, 431, 427.
Lewis, 276, 258, 359.
Lewis & Clarke, 321.
Lincoln, 140.

Lookout, 254, 268, 275, 288, 289, 290, 291,

326, 333, 428, 429, 431, 433, 434, 435, 436,
437, 438.

Mandan, 101, 318, 319.

Manuel Lisa, 102, 267, 317, 318, 321, 323,
351, 359.

McKenzie, 331, 333, 343, 353, 354.

Meade, 133, 134, 140, 379.
Meigs, 126.
Mifflin, 279.
Mitchell, 377.

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