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"I'd ish true, pon mein zole.' "I wont, I wont utter a word.' "Nonseince-you speak wer well; but no speak in von passion.' "I'll try.'

"Mein Gode! you most do eet, or you shall die.'


"Like ein dog.'

"You may go, Schwartz.'

"I need note to have com, dat I zee.' "And away stalked Mynheer Schwartz." There is a scene after dinner, in which Mr Rycott determines not to be in a passion, quite as good, or better than the above.

Our friend Percy is forbidden ever to think of Miss Bellenden, to whose birth, as well as fortune, his father has some objection, and is commanded to march, without a moment's loss of time, on a visit to the mansion of "Sir Hugh Ferebee de Lacy."

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The tenth and eleventh chapters lie at Lacy Royal," and are incomparably the most characteristic in the book; but we do not yet arrive at them.

Being ordered to go straight to Lacy Royal, Percy can do no less than go straight to Glendara.

On his way, he meets a gipsy-the "Mrs Halpin," who purloined him in his infancy-who warns him from his morning call, and from Miss Bellenden altogether. He goes, however, to Glendara, (where there is a brouillerie, that we have not room to extract)-discovers Miss Bellenden in a strange kind of durance-quarrels

with her aunt, and shakes a methodist parson. He finds an ally in the French lady, whom he had frightened into fits; and departs, in ill spirits, for the domicile of the De Lacy's.

branch of the "Grandison" family.— Sir Hugh de Lacy claims to be a A descendant from the same stock with Richardson's "Sir Charles," and an inheritor of that gentleman's style, opinions, and deportment; of course his house, his lady, all his personal arrangements, are in the ultra manner of the veille cour. He is a little bit of a coxcomb-quite without being aware of it; but full of high sentiment and chivalrous feeling.

the very best bit in these three voThe dinner scene at Lacy Royal is lumes. Our hero, Sir Hugh, Lady Rodolpha, and Miss Gertrude de Lacy, are present. The chaplain is away upon business, and "Grandison de Lacy," the eldest son, is absent, making the tour of Europe.

Mr Percy, being a lover, is necessarily too late for dinner.

"I beg ten thousand pardons, Sir Hugh Lady Rodolpha-but

"Lady Rodolpha's hand awaits you, Mr Percy Rycott; we will discuss your apologies at a more convenient moment. Dinner has waited near seven minutes.'

Oh this politeness! and the cursed stop-watch calculation too!

Percy led forward the hostess in all the pomp of Mecklin lappets, point ruffles, and damask drapery, that moved without the rumple of a fold, like a Dutch toy on wheels. He would have made his peace during the journey across a hall that traversed the whole depth of the mansion, and through a suite of papered and bagged but a very short observation of her ladyapartments, which led to the salon à diner, ship's checked his first attempt.

There were few points,' she remarked, in which good Sir Hugh was so particular as punctuality in all engagements."

"Percy said no more. Her ladyship, on their arrival, took her seat at the head of the table; Sir Hugh seated himself at the bottom; Miss Gertrude, and Percy, vis-a-vis, made up the partie carrée."

It is in this partie carrée chit-chat, that our author always excels.

"Good Dr Paterson is obliged to absent himself, on account of some urgent business at Kendal,' observed Lady Rodolpha, as a sort of implied apology to Percy, for Sir Hugh taking upon himself the duty of saying grace.

"Indeed!' sighed Percy, viewing the formidable array of domestics planted round

him, as if presenting a new barrier against escape, which seemed to engage his speculations to the exclusion of everything else.

"After a long pause, Tell Mrs Knowles,' said Sir Hugh, looking benevolently towards the butler, whilst his eyes watered, and the colour in his cheeks was something heightened, that she has been rather too bountiful with her seasoning in the soup.'

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"Certainly, Sir Hugh; but I had informed Mrs Knowles, Sir Hugh, that her ladyship, on Tuesday last, thought the vermicelli rather insipid.'

"Excellent Roland,' interrupted her ladyship, you recollect my most trifling wishes.

"They are our law, my lady;' and, at the signal, all the grey-headed liverymen bowed in token of their sympathy.

"Extremes,' observed Sir Hugh, with a smile, are generally pernicious. And so, my good Lady Rodolpha, I have been a martyr in your cause; your ladyship cannot do less than assuage my torments by a glass of Madeira.'

"God forbid,' returned the gracious lady, that I should ever be the occasion of torment to my ever-indulgent Sir Hugh. But I flatter myself, if your present sufferings can be so easily relieved, they have not been very excruciating. Am I not a saucy creature, Sir Hugh?""

This speaking in parables is really beautiful!

"You are all excellence, and are never more endeared to me than when your lady. ship suffers your little playfulness of fancy to animate our happy domestic circle. Good Roland, a glass of old Madeira to your excellent lady.'"

There's no resisting this-we must positively try the style ourselves. “ "Excellent What's-your-name, a small glass of warm brandy and water-(we drink)-Why, you first-born of Satan! did we bid you bring it us boiling hot?"-But, to continue,

"You have forgiven good Mrs Knowles, my best of friends,' said Lady Rodolpha, with one of her most winning smiles, for her bountiful extreme.'

"Sweetly engaging Lady Rodolpha ! had I really cause of offence, your ladyship's happy mode of intercession would make me forget it, in the admiration of a talent so peculiarly your own.'

"Kind Sir Hugh!-you will make me vain.'

"No one has more reason-no one is less likely to become so than Lady Rodolpha de Lacy.'

"I declare, Sir Hugh, you make me


"For a naughty world, excellent woman, but never for yourself. Worthy Roland, turning to the butler, tell Mrs

Knowles that her soup is like all she does -she is indeed a most excellent person."

"You are the most charitable-Sir Hugh,' said her ladyship, in a subdued tone of voice.

"It is my humble effort to be so-it is the duty of us all to be so. Tell her, good Roland, that her soup is admirable; but add, as from yourself, that perhaps it would suit the taste of Lady Rodolpha and myself better, were it, in future, less highly seasoned.'

"I shall, Sir Hugh-What a master!' was added, in a half whisper to Mrs Pol son, who stood retired-and was seconded by a bend, as before, from every one of the grey-headed circle in worsted lace."

Sir Hugh continues to be tedious, and makes an observation touching "the moral virtues." Percy, at the same moment, asks Lady Rodolpha for "some trout-before it is cold." Miss Gertrude smiles, and Lady Rodolpha requests the cause.

"Why, dear mamma-I really am ashamed of myself—I was only thinking of Percy's interruption.'

Mister Percy, now, if you please,

my excellent Gertrude.

"The girl blushed again!

"Say on, sweet innocence,' said Sir Hugh, in an encouraging tone-for a subject once introduced was never suffered to die a natural death.

"Only, sir, I was struck by the odd circumstance of Mr Percy

"What have I done, Gertrude ?' asked Percy, looking up from his plate.

having ceased, no doubt, to be de ex(The cause of action-the troutistentibus.)

"Miss Gertrude, Mr Percy Rycott, is about to inform us,' observed Lady Rodolpha, drawing herself up in form.

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66 6 Merely, continued the hesitating girl, that he should think of the fish being cold, just as papa was talking of— talking of-moral virtues.'

"I beg pardon,' said Percy; but I thought Sir Hugh had been scolding the cook for putting too much pepper in the soup.'

I-I scold! Mr Percy Rycott!' "Sir Hugh Ferebee de Lacy scold his domestics!' exclaimed her ladyship, with a look of utter dismay.

A sudden convulsive movement agitated the whole line of domestics.


"It is clear that my good young friend,' observed Sir Hugh, did not pay very particular attention to the few observations which the occasion appeared to require.'

"The transition from soup to fish was natural,' said Percy, laughing, in the ob

vious desire to avoid any farther explanation.

"I should rather have said artificial, my good Mr Percy, as it is habit only which

"Habit is second nature you know, Sir Hugh; and therefore

"I must not be interrupted, Mr Percy'

And the bare thought of such a heresy so startles the servant who is changing Sir Hugh's plate, that he lets it fall, and disposes the contents over his master's laced waistcoat.

"The poor man apologized and trembled. Mr Butler pushed the man with some rudeness from the post of honour, and frowned on him whilst he applied his napkin to the part affected.

It's no matter,' observed Sir Hugh, collecting all his benevolence of manner (which appeared to be necessary on the occasion); Good Richard did not intend it.'

“No, indeed, your honour, Sir Hugh.' "I am perfectly assured of that—Go, my worthy Richard, you had better retire ; you seem much agitated.'

"Such a clumsy fellow!' muttered the steward.


"Such a master!' repeated the but

"God bless him!' whispered the liveried semi-chorus.

"The Dresden set, too!' exclaimed Mr Polson, the steward, in a louder and more emphatic tone of voice."

This last fact almost ruffles the pile of her ladyship's velvet; but she observes that

"Good Richard must not have his mind disturbed by that reflection.'

"Heavenly, considerate being !' cried Sir Hugh, who stood in the act of being rubbed down, like one of his own longtailed coach horses, by his zealous grooms. Thou

"Mistress of thyself, though china fall!"

This quotation is out of its place. Sir Hugh is perfectly serious in all his commendations of Lady Rodolpha, and would be shocked at the very idea of a joke upon such a subject. Even the spilling of the soup, however, cannot break the thread of the worthy baronet's reflections; and he is getting back to the analysis of" the moral virtues," when the sound of a carriage, under the windows, makes a diversion in Percy's favour. This is Grandison de Lacy-returned from his travels. The servants are drawn up, in form, in the avenue; and the dinner party adjourns to receive him, at the entrance of the great hall.

There was ample time, as well as space, to afford the worthy host and hostess a full opportunity of making their observations upon the person and appearance of Mr Grandison de Lacy. The excellent youth still preserves the dignified deportment of the family,' observed the Baronet complacently to his lady.

"Ingenuous Grandison !-But what, my good Sir Hugh, has the beloved child of my heart tied round his neck?'

"It's a Belcher,' interrupted Percy, thrusting his head forward.

"Mr Percy Rycott!-we are not accustomed to

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66 • Good heavens!' exclaimed Lady Rodolpha, he walks lame-I trust no accident

"Harbour no fears, my too sensitive Lady Rodolpha,' said Sir Hugh, soothingly.

His eyes seem affected, papa,' whispered Miss Gertrude. • Grandison never used a glass before he left England.'

"None of the Grandisons were nearsighted,' said her ladyship, who had also observed that he was eyeing everything and every person through his glass. But there was no more time for observation, the hero approached."

He appears, accompanied by a friend, and looking a good deal like a puppy.

"Towards the end of the line," (of servants) a cherry-cheeked dairy-maid attracted his eye, whom he patted under the chin; and, turning to his companion, observed," a fine Cumberland pippin, upon my soul, Birty!'

"Sir Hugh and Lady Rodolpha absolutely started, in defiance of the habitual rigidity of their muscles; but they felt that it was not intended for their ears; and suddenly regaining their self-possession, graciously advanced a few steps, hand in hand, towards their son.

"My beloved Grandison!' cried her ladyship, with a tearful eye.

Welcome, most excellent son, to the hall of thy fathers!' said Sir Hugh.

"Hah!' looking at them through his glass- My father, and my lady mother here too!' shaking both with a listless cordiality by the hands, which had been extended for him to kiss upon his bended knees! Delighted to see you-am upon my honour-not a day older-who should think of seeing you in the hall among this omnium gatherem-taken by surprise, pon my soul.

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"Where should we be, Mr Grandison de Lacy, but in our proper station?' demanded Sir Hugh, with no slight accession to the austere formality of his manners. Beg pardon — quite forgot—you

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"Come, my girl-give me a kiss-I like old customs sometimes.'

"These are not the customs of Lacy Royal,' observed Sir Hugh, in a tone which proved that his equanimity was not quite proof against unexpected assaults; but,' recollecting himself, he added, we had better adjourn, with the permission of your best of mothers, to the Oak Parlour.'"

They do adjourn to "the Oak Parlour;" and there our author, to carry on his action, takes (right or wrong,) the first means that happen to present themselves. Grandison de Lacy-who is afterwards to "do amiable" in the book-outrages, without the slightest reason, the feelings of all his family; and insults his old play-mate Percy,— who leaves the house upon the instant! The next chapter is full of (not very original) night adventure. Percy, halting at an inn half way between Lacy Royal and Wolston Worthy, wanders about in the dark, and falls into a house occupied by smugglers. He is wounded almost to the deathhears strange things from the gipsy, Alice Halpin-is saved by a " Ghost,' who turns out to be his oldest acquaintance and attains, grievously battered, into the fair hands of Miss Bellenden.

The second volume opens with a visit (again) from our friend Dr Drizzlethwaite. Before Mr Percy sent for him to Miss Bellenden-now, Miss Bellenden sends for him to Mr Percy.

meets with a Mrs Wigram (the ei de-
vant Judy Mallory, who was tran-
sported for filching our hero from his
nursery;) and Mrs Mallory (as she had
done at the Old Bailey) again claims
Percy for her child. This strange is-
sue is eventually tried at law, and Mrs
Wigram is successful. Mr Rycott is
broken-hearted, and would compro-
mise; but Percy (now Mallory) be-
comes heroic. Miss Bellenden owns
her passion for him; but he renounces
both love and fortune; and starting
for London, to enter himself for the
Bar,-takes leave of his long supposed

The parting interview between Per-
cy and Mr Rycott is a fair example of

our author's talents for serious wri-
ting; but it is long, and we must li-
mit our extract from it almost to a
single passage.

The question is as to our hero's
marriage with Miss Bellenden. He al-
leges his poverty, and refuses to let
Mr Rycott remove the obstacle. It is
Mr Rycott here who replies—

"By Jove! sir, I will be obeyed. Not now-not now-you have it all your own way, and I cannot, must not, deny that you are right; but my time may come, nay, shall come-yes, sirrah, when these old bones are whitening in their grave when my caprices, and my whims, and my fancies, are consigned to the vault of all the Capulets.'

"Heaven, in its mercy, long avert the

"I believe you love me, Percy;'-and
'I will
again the old man was softened.
not press you; you have much to contend
with. It is a heavy, cruel reverse, and you
bear it better, far better, than your poor
deserted father;' and he grasped the hands
of Percy, whilst he attempted to raise his
eyes to his face. I have run riot so long,
Percy, and commanded others until I have
no command over myself. Go, whilst I am
able to part with you. You, Percy, my be-
loved boy,'-and he paused tremulously,

chair, and pressed the youth in his arms,

The Doctor arrives (it being very early in the morning) without having are no longer my son; but'-and he made his toilet; and he shaves him- seemed at once animated by a new spirit self at the sick man's bedside-using equally remote from querulousness and imthe French governess's flounced petti-petuosity, as he solemnly rose from his coat by way of dressing gown.—Medical men near town use Packwood's patent razor,-which enables them to shave on horseback, as they come along. The story then, for about two hundred pages, grows very intricate indeed. Mr Rycott, going to Miss Bellenden's to fetch his son home, VOL. XV

but you are my HEIR!-Speak not, object not what I have, or may have, in this world, was destined to you from the hour I hoped-I thought-I possessed a son. Not an act, not a word, not a thought from your cradle to this hour, has cast a shade over your claims to my affection. Do not speak to me; I cannot bear it. On


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this point I am absolute, and I have a right to be so. There is not, on the wide surface of the globe, a being who has a claim upon my property, much less upon my affection, except yourself. Not a word for once there is virtue in despotism." The chief fault of this separation is, that there seems very little reason why it should take place. Percy Mallory, however, goes to London, recommended to Mr Clement Dossiter, attorney at law, of Chancery Lane; and he becomes acquainted with Mr Dossiter's son, Mr Clarendon Dossiter, who lays a plan for plundering him at the gaming-table. The intrigue is at last frustrated by the interference of Grandison de Lacy, who now appears as a dashing, but an intelligent and respectable young man.

Modish parties have been hacked out, over and over again, as subjects among novel writers; but De Lacy's cabriolet is the first of those vehicles (we believe) that has been described in point.

"His (Percy's) surprises were not destined to end here; for, when fairly landed on the outside of the threshold, instead of a carriage, which he concluded would be either a chariot or a coach, he perceived drawn up to the side of the pavement, a non-descript vehicle, which appeared, at first sight, like a French bonnet in mourning.

In with you, Percy,' cried De Lacy, pointing to the machine. • Birtwhistle, you must walk,' and the shadow lost its grade in departing from its substance."

Mr Birtwhistle is a sort of hanger on; not a true TOADY (though he is called one) to De Lacy, whom the author afterwards, most unexpectedly,

marries to Miss Gertrude.

"In with you, Percy,' said De Lacy.


"Thus,' replied he, ducking his own head under the leathern pent-house, whilst one servant stood at the horse's head, who was fidgetting and plunging amid the tumult about him; and another held down the front, or apron, as he dived into the vehicle. Dexterously seizing the reins, he held out his spare hand as a guide to Per

of rival contenders by whom they were surrounded, had been at liberty to bestow as much manual as oral filth upon the "Gemman sarvey,' and his Frenchy go cait,' their position would have been still more appropriate; for, be it known, that this was the first spring in which the French discoveries in comfort and carriage-building had been translated into English in the form of noddies,' or, more technically speaking, cabriolets,' as dandy conveyances to operas and parties.'

In the third volume, our author, at great length, allows his plot to thickof unravelling, he takes us up very en; but, when it comes to the business short indeed.

Vapid found the last line' the devil, and so does the author of Percy Mallory. But Vapid refused to "put in anything," and so does not the author of Percy Mallory.

troduced upon the stage, who happens A certain" Lord Harweden" is into be Mr Rycott of Cumberland's brother; and, in the supposed son of Lord Harweden, (a weak lad, called “ Lord Brandon,") Percy fancies he discovers Mr Rycott's real son, whom he himself for so many years represented. Here is one incident, sufficient, of itself, to fill half a dozen volumes with perplexity; but the author of Pen Owen goes on.

Lord Brandon is killed in a fray at a gambling-house. Lord Harweden confesses that the deceased was not his son; opens a story of his having a daughter, (who can be no other than Miss Bellenden,) confined (the Lord alone can tell why) in a mad-house; and sends off Percy (whom he has made his confidant) to liberate and protect her. Now, this is furious driving, without much respect to posts or corners; but " over shoes, over boots," seems the perpetrator of Percy Mallory's motto.

Lord Harweden dies-" the people do nothing but die at Tadcaster!" and Mr Rycott succeeds to his title and estate. Lord Brandon is ascertained to have been the mysterious son of

cy, to place him by his side. Seeing the Judy Mallory, and Percy belongs again

disposition of the horse, the latter was perfectly aware, that to hesitate was to be lost; and, trusting to his pilot, he made the leap in the dark, and found himself, in two seconds, fast bound, and locked in a sort of band-box, or rather pillory, where the head and hands of the charioteer only were visible above board; and, if the mob

to his original reputed parents! Then there is mercy for the rogues of the piece, and marriage for the young people!-One or two caitiffs more are transported-just to match the end of the book with the beginning!—And the author concludes with an apology for the intricacy of his tale, observing,

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