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troublesome adventure there; we are committed

to the Round-house; carried before a justice;

his behaviour,.

XVIII. I carry my qualification to the Navy-

office; the nature of it; the behaviour of the

secretary; Strap's concern for my absence; a

battle between him and a blacksmith; the

troublesome consequence of it; his harangue

to me; his friend the schoolmaster recommends

me to a French apothecary, who entertains me

as a journeyman,.

XIX. The characters of Mr Lavement, his wife,

and daughter; some anecdotes of the family;

the mother and daughter rivals; I am guilty of

a mistake that gives me present satisfaction, but

is attended with troublesome consequences,.

XX. I am assaulted and dangerously wounded;

suspect O'Donnell, and am confirmed in my

opinion; concert a scheme of revenge, and put

it in execution; O'Donnell robs his own ser-

vant, and disappears; I make my addresses to

a lady, and am miraculously delivered from her


XXI. Squire Gawky comes to lodge with my

master; is involved in a troublesome affair, out

of which he is extricated by me; he marries my

master's daughter; they conspire against me;

I am found guilty of theft; discharged; desert-

ed by my friends; I hire a room in St Giles's;

where, by accident, I find the lady to whom I

made my addresses in a miserable condition; I

relieve her,.

XXII. The history of Miss Williams,

XXIII. She is interrupted by a bailiff, who arrests

and carries her to the Marshalsea; I accompany

her; bring witnesses to prove she is not the per-

son named in the writ; the bailiff is fain to give

her a present, and discharge her; we shift our

lodging; she resumes her story, and ends it;

my reflections thereupon; she makes me ac-

quainted with the progress of a common woman

of the town; resolves to quit that way of life,

XXIV. I am reduced to great misery; assaulted

on Tower-hill by a press-gang, who put me on

board a tender; my usage there; my arrival on

board of the Thunder man of war, where I am

put in irons, and afterwards released by the good

offices of Mr Thomson, who recommends me as

assistant to the surgeon; he relates his own story,

and makes me acquainted with the characters of

the captain, surgeon, and first mate,.

XXV. The behaviour of Mr Morgan; his pride,

displeasure, and generosity; the economy of

our mess described; Thomson's further friend-

ship; the nature of my duty explained; the

situation of the sick,

XXVI. A disagreeable accident happens to me in

the discharge of my office; Morgan's nose is of-

fended; a dialogue between him and the ship's

steward; upon examination, I find more causes

of complaint than one; my hair is cut off; Mor-

gan's cookery; the manner of sleeping on board;

I am waked in the night by a dreadful noise,

XXVII. I acquire the friendship of the surgeon,

who procures a warrant for me, and makes me

a present of clothes; a battle between a mid-

shipman and me; the surgeon leaves the ship;

the captain comes on board with another sur-

geon; a dialogue between the captain and Mor-

gan; the sick are ordered to be brought upon

the quarter-deck and examined; the conse-

quences of that order; a madman accuses Mor-

gan, and is set at liberty by command of the

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XXXI. I discover a subornation against me, by

means of a quarrel between two of the evidences;

in consequence of which I am set at liberty, and

prevail upon Morgan to accept of his freedom on

the same terms; Mackshane's malice; we arrive

at Jamaica, from whence, in a short time, we

beat up to Hispaniola, in conjunction with the

West India squadron; we take in water, sail

again, and arrive at Carthagena; reflections on

our conduct there,

XXXII. Our land forces being disembarked,

erect a fascine battery; our ship is ordered,

with four more, to batter the fort of Boca Chica;

Mackshane's cowardice; the chaplain's frenzy ;

honest Rattlin loses one hand; his heroism, and

reflections on the battle; Crampley's behaviour

to me during the heat of the fight,...

XXXIII. A breach being made in the walls, our

soldiers give the assault, and take the place with-

out opposition; our sailors at the same time be-

come masters of all the other strengths near

Boca Chica, and take possession of the harbour;

the good consequence of this success; we move

nearer the town; find two forts deserted, and

the channel blocked up with sunk vessels, which,

however, we find means to clear; land our sol-

diers at La Quinta; repulse a body of militia;

attack the castle of St Lazar, and are forced to

retreat with great loss; the remains of our army

are re-embarked; an effort of the admiral to

take the town; the economy of our expedition


XXXIV. An epidemic fever rages among us; we

abandon our conquests; I am seized with the

distemper; write a petition to the captain, which

is rejected; I am in danger of suffocation through

the malice of Crampley; and relieved by a ser-


jeant; my fever increases; the chaplain' wants

to confess me; I obtain a favourable crisis ;

Morgan's affection for me proved; the behavi-

our of Mackshane and Crampley towards me;

Captain Oakum is removed into another ship

with his beloved doctor; our new captain de-

scribed; an adventure of Morgan,.

XXXV. Captain Whiffle sends for me; his situa-

tion described; his surgeon arrives, prescribes

for him, and puts him to bed; a bed is put up

for Mr Simper contiguous to the state-room,

which, with other parts of the captain's beha-

viour, gives the ship's company a very unfa-

vourable idea of their commander; I am de-

tained in the West Indies by the admiral, and

go on board of the Lizard sloop of war in quality

of surgeon's mate, where I make myself known

to the surgeon, who treats me very kindly; I

go on shore, sell my ticket, purchase necessaries,

and, at my return on board, am surprised at the

sight of Crampley, who is appointed lieutenant

of the sloop; we sail on a cruize; take a prize,

in which I arrive at Port Morant, under the

command of my mess-mate, with whom I live

in great harmony,

XXXVI. A strange adventure, in consequence

of which I am extremely happy; Crampley does

me ill offices with the captain; but his malice is

defeated by the good nature and friendship of

the surgeon we return to Port Royal; our

captain gets the command of a larger ship, and

is succeeded by an old man; Brayl is provided

for; we receive orders to sail for England, . .

XXXVII. We depart for Europe; a misunder-

standing arises between the captain and surgeon,

through the scandalous aspersions of Crampley;

the captain dies: Crampley tyrannizes over the

surgeon, who falls a victim to his cruelty; I am

also ill used the ship strikes; the behaviour of

Crampley and the seamen on the occasion; I get

on shore, challenge the captain to single combat,

am treacherously knocked down, wounded, and


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XLIV. In order to be revenged, 1 learn the

science of defence; we join the Mareschal Duc

de Noailles; are engaged with the allies at Det-

tingen, and put to flight; the behaviour of the

French soldiers on that occasion; I industrious-

ly seek another combat with the old Gascon, and

vanquish him in my turn; our regiment is put

into winter-quarters at Rheims, where I find my

friend Strap; our recognition, he supplies me

with money, and procures my discharge; we

take a trip to Paris, from whence, by the way of

Flanders, we set out for London, where we safe-

ly arrive,


XLV. I inquire for my uncle, and understand he

is gone to sea; take lodgings at Charing-cross;

go to the play, where I meet with an adventure;

dine at an ordinary; the guests described; be-

come acquainted with Medlar and Doctor Wag-

XLVI. Wagtail introduces me to a set of fine

gentlemen, with whom I spend the evening at a

tavern; our conversation; the characters of my

new companions; the doctor is roasted; the is-

sue of our debauch,


XLVII. Strap communicates to me a conquest he

had made of a chandler's widow; finds himself

miserably mistaken; I go to the opera; admire

Melinda; am cautioned by Banter; go to the

assembly at Hampstead; dance with that young

lady; receive an insolent message from Brag-

well, whose mettle is soon cooled; am in favour

with my mistress, whom I visit next day, and

am bubbled out of eighteen guineas at cards;

Strap triumphs at my success, but is astonished

at my expence; Banter comes to my lodging,

is very sarcastic at my expence, and borrows five

guineas from me, as a proof of his friendship, 125

XLVIII. We repair to the coffee-house, where

we cverhear a curious dispute between Wagtail

and Medlar, which is referred to our decision;

the doctor gives an account of his experiment;

Medlar is roasted by Banter at the ordinary; the

old gentleman's advice to me,

XLIX. I receive a challenge; the consequence of

it; the quarrel being made up, am put in arrest,

by the care and affection of Strap; but immedi

ately released upon explaining my affair; the

behaviour of Mr Oregan and his two friends;

I visit Melinda, whom I divert with an account

of the duel; propose marriage; she refers the

matter to her mother, of whom I make a solemn

demand of her daughter; the old lady's beha-

viour; I am discarded, and resent their disdain, 130

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LII. I attempt to recover my watch and jewel,

but to no purpose; resolve to revenge myself on

Strutwell by my importunity; am reduced to my

last guinea; obliged to inform Strap of my ne-

cessity, who is almost distracted with the news;

but, nevertheless, obliged to pawn my best sword

for present subsistence; that small supply be-

ing exhausted, I am almost stupified with my

misfortunes; go to the gaming-table, by the ad-

vice of Banter, and come off with unexpected

success; Strap's ecstasy; Mrs Gawky waits up-

on me, professes remorse for her perfidy, and

implores my assistance; I do myself a piece of

justice by her means, and afterwards reconcile

her to her father,

LIII. I purchase new clothes; reprimand Strut-

well and Straddle; Banter proposes another ma-

trimonial scheme; I aecept of his terms; set out

for Bath in a stage-coach, with the young lady

and her mother; the behaviour of an officer and

lawyer; our fellow-travellers described; a smart

dialogue between my mistress and the captain, 143

LIV. Day breaking, I have the pleasure of view.

ing the person of Miss Snapper, whom I had

not seen before; the soldier is witty upon me;

is offended, talks much of his valour; is repri

manded by a grave gentlewoman; we are alarm-

ed by the cry of highwaymen; I get out of the

coach, and stand on my own defence; they ride

off without having attacked us; I pursue them;

one of them is thrown from his horse and taken;

I return to the coach; am complimented by

Miss Snapper; the captain's behaviour on this

Occasion; the prude reproaches me in a solilo

quy; I upbraid her in the same manner; the

behaviour of Mrs Snapper at breakfast disobli-

ges me; the lawyer is witty upon the officer,

who threatens him,

LV. I resolve to ingratiate myself with the mo-

ther, and am favoured by accident; the precise

lady finds her husband, and quits the coach;

the captain is disappointed of his dinner; we ar

rive at Bath; I accompany Miss Snapper to the

Long-room, where she is attacked by Beau Nash,

and turns the laugh against him; I make love

to her, and receive a check; squire her to an as-

sembly, where I am blessed with the sight of my

dear Narcissa, which discomposes me so much,

that Miss Snapper, observing my disorder, is at

pains to discover the cause; is piqued at the oc-

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LVII. Miss Williams informs me of Narcissa's

approbation of my flame; I appease the squire ;

write to my mistress; am blessed with an an-

swer; beg leave of her brother to dance with her

at a ball; obtain his consent and hers; enjoy

a private conversation with her; am perplex-

ed with reflections; have the honour of ap-

pearing her partner at a ball; we are compli

mented by a certain nobleman; he discovers

some symptoms of a passion for Narcissa; I am

stung with jealousy; Narcissa alarmed, retires;

I observe Melinda in the company; the squire

is captivated by her beauty,

LVIII. Tortured with jealousy, I go home and

abuse Strap; receive a message from Narcissa,

in consequence of which I hasten to her apart-

ment, where her endearing assurances banish all

my doubts and apprehensions; in my retreat

discover somebody in the dark, whom, suspect-

ing to be a spy, I resolve to kill, but, to my

great surprise, am convinced of his being no

other than Strap; Melinda slanders me; I be-

come acquainted with Lord Quiverwit, who en-

deavours to sound me with regard to Narcissa;

the squire is introduced to his lordship, and

grows cold towards me; I learn from my confi-

dante, that this nobleman professes honourable

love to my mistress, who continues faithful to

me, notwithstanding the scandalous reports she

has heard to my prejudice; I am mortified with

an assurance that her whole fortune depends up.

on the pleasure of her brother; Mr Freeman

condoles me on the decline of my character,

which I vindicate so much to his satisfaction,

that he undertakes to combat fame in my be-


LIX. I receive an extraordinary message at the

door of the Long-room, which I however enter,

and affront the squire, who threatens to take the

law of me; rebuke Melinda for her malice; she

weeps with vexation; Lord Quiverwit is severe

upon me; I retort his sarcasm; am received

with the utmost tenderness by Narcissa, who de-

sires to hear the story of my life; we vow eter-

nal constancy to one another; I retire; am wa-

ked by a messenger, who brings a challenge

from Quiverwit, whom I meet, engage, and


LX. I am visited by Freeman, with whom I ap-

pear in public, and am caressed; am sent for by

Lord Quiverwit, whose presence I quit in a pas-

sion; Narcissa is carried off by her brother; I

intend to pursue him, and am dissuaded by my

friend; engage in play, and lose all my money;





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where we meet with an English gentleman, and

make a very interesting discovery; we leave

Buenos Ayres, and arrive at Jamaica, ... 182

LXVII. I visit my old friend Thomson; we set

sail for Europe; meet with an odd adventure;

arrive in England; I ride across the country from

Portsmouth to Sussex; converse with Mrs Sage-

ly, who informs me of Narcissa's being in Lon-

don; in consequence of this intelligence I pro-

ceed to Canterbury; meet with my old friend

Morgan; arrive at London; visit Narcissa; in-

troduce my father to her; he is charmed with

her good sense and beauty; we come to a deter-

mination of demanding her brother's consent to

our marriage,

.... 186

LXVIII. My father makes a present to Narcissa;

the letter is dispatched to her brother; I appear

among my acquaintance; Banter's behaviour;

the squire refuses his consent; my uncle comes

to town; approves of my choice; I am married;

we meet the squire and his lady at the play; our

acquaintance is courted,

LXIX. My father intends to revisit the place of

his nativity; we promise to accompany him;

my uncle renews his will in my favour, deter

mining to go to sea again; we set out for Scot-

land; arrive at Edinburgh; purchase our pa

ternal estate; proceed to it; halt at the town

where I was educated; take up my bond to

Crab; the behaviour of Potion and his wife, and

one of my female cousins; our reception at the

estate; Strap marries Miss Williams, and is set-

tled by my father to his own satisfaction; I am

more and more happy, . .

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XX. Peregrine is summoned to attend his uncle;

is more and more hated by his own mother;

appeals to his father, whose condescension is

defeated by the dominion of his wife,

XXI. Trunnion is enraged at the conduct of

Pickle. Peregrine resents the injustice of his

mother, to whom he explains his sentiments in

a letter. Is entered at the University of Oxford,

where he signalizes himself as a youth of an en-
terprizing genius,

XXII. He is insulted by his tutor, whom he

lampoons; makes a considerable progress in po-

lite literature; and, in an excursion to Windsor,

meets with Emilia by accident, and is very cold-

ly received,

XXIII. After sundry unsuccessful efforts, he finds

means to come to an explanation with his mis-

tress; and a reconciliation ensues,

XXIV. He achieves an adventure at the Assem-

bly, and quarrels with his governor,

XXV. He receives a letter from his aunt, breaks

with the Commodore, and disobliges the Lieu-

tenant, who, nevertheless, undertakes his cause, 253

XXVI. He becomes melancholy and despondent;

is favoured with a condescending letter from his

uncle; reconciles himself to his governor, and

sets out with Emilia and her friend for Mrs

Gauntlet's house,


XXVII. They meet with a dreadful alarm on the

road. Arrive at their journey's end-Peregrine

is introduced to Emily's brother; these two

young gentlemen misunderstand each other;

Pickle departs for the Garrison,

XXVIII. Peregrine is overtaken by Mr Gauntlet,

with whom he fights a duel, and contracts an

intimate friendship. He arrives at the Garri-

son, and finds his mother as implacable as ever.

He is insulted by his brother Gam, whose pre-

ceptor he disciplines with a horse-whip,

XXIX. He projects a plan of revenge, which is

executed against the curate,

XXX. Mr Sackbut and his pupil conspire against

Peregrine, who, being apprised of their design

by his sister, takes measures for counterwork-

ing their scheme, which is executed by mistake

upon Mr Gauntlet. This young soldier meets

with a cordial reception from the Commodore,

who generously decoys him into his own inte-


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