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CRONER (J.). Die Generalaussper

rung in der deutschen Holzindustrie. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., Aug. FEHLINGER (H.). Das Unterstützungswesen der Gewerkschaften in Deutschland. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Staatsw., Heft 3. [Deals with the statistics of German trade union finance from 1901 to 1905.] FELLOWS (Alfred). The Trade Disputes Act and Freedom of Contract. Fortnightly Rev., Sept. [Suggests inter al. that contracts between unions and their members should be made enforceable.]

FESTY (Octave). The Labour Movement in France. Albany Rev., June.

HARMS (B.). Methoden des gewerblichen Einigungswesens. Zeitschr. f. Socialw., June.

HEISSNER (W.). Die Gewinnbetheiligung der Arbeiter in Deutschland. Ann. des deutsch. Reichs, 1907, 3.

LANSBURY (G.). Unemployment.

II. Econ. Rev., July. [Follows an article on the same subject by A. Mercer in the April number.]



contre la maladie et les accidents en Suisse. Rev. de Sci. et de Lég. Fin., V. 2.

OTTOLENGHI (C.). I primi risultati

delle ispezioni sull' applicazione delle leggi sul lavoro in Italia. Riforma Soc., July. [Factory legislation in Italy is not effective.] PROPERT (P. S. G.). The Problem

of Unemployment. Westm. Rev., Aug. SCHOOLING

(John Holt). The Householder's Nightmare. Nat. Rev., July. [A pessimistic forecast of the workings of the English Workmen's Compensation Act of 1906."]


SEAGER (H. R.). Trade Unions and Trusts. Polit. Sci. Quart., Sept. [A compact, able article, maintaining that trade unions and trusts are analogous in their economic effects, and should be regulated on the same principles.] SELLERS (Edith). Poor Relief in the Balkans. Contemp. Rev., Aug. VER HEES (E.). Les pensions ouvrières d'invalidité et de vieillesse. Rev. Econ. Intern., Aug. [An account of the Belgian system and of the new French projects.] WALTER (Karl). The Labour Movement in Italy. Albany Rev., Aug.

WEBB (Sidney). Paupers and Old Age Pensions. Albany Rev., Aug. [Concludes that "it is both politically impossible and administratively unworkable to make either past or present pauperism a disqualification for an Old Age Pension."]

WILLOUGHBY (W. F.). L'organisation du travail et le gouvernement fédéral aux Etats-Unis. Mus. Soc., Sept.

WOKUREK (L.). Das Problem der Altersversicherung der Kleingewerbetreibenden in Oesterreich. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., Aug.

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the City. London: G. Allen. 1907. 8vo. pp. 94. 18. KIRKUP (T.). An Inquiry into Socialism. Third edition, revised and enlarged. London and New York: Longmans, Green. pp. 221. 1907.

[The last edition appeared in 1888. For the present edition it has been revised, but not changed in essentials.] MALLOCK (W. H.). Socialism. New York: The National Civic Federation. 1907. pp. 138.

[Six lectures delivered in 1907.] MARX (K.). Capital. Vol. 2. London: Sonnenschein. 1907. 8vo. pp. 618. 10s. 6d.

[Edit. by Friederich Engels.] PEARSON (A.). The Labourer's Progress; or, The Coming Revolution. Terry. 1907. 8vo. 28. PLEKHANOFF (G.). Anarchisme

et socialisme. Ghent: Soc. Coopérative. 1907. pp. 100. Робск (А.). Socialism and Individualism. London: Sands. 1907. 8vo. 18. net. PRUDHOMMEAUX (J.). Icarie et son fondateur, Étienne Cabet. Paris: Cornély. 1907.

SNOWDEN (Ethel). The Woman Socialist. London: G. Allen. pp. 112. 18. net.

1907. 12mo.

[Labour Ideal Series.]

VANDERVELDE (E.). Collectivism and Industrial Evolution. Transl.

by R. P. Farley. 8vo. pp. 262. 18. 6d.

[Socialist Library. No. 5.] WILSON (H. A.). The Failure of Modern Socialism. London: Drane. 1907. Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d. [A reply to Blatchford's "Not Guilty."] UNSIGNED.

The Revolution in the Baltic Provinces of Russia. London: Ind. Lab. Party. 1907. 8vo. pp. 110. 18.

[A brief account of the activity of the Lettish Social Democratic Workers' party, by an active member. Revised and prepared for publication by Ernest O. F. Ames.]

In Periodicals.

GARVIN (J. L.). Free Trade as a
Socialist Policy. Nat. Rev.,
GOLDSTEIN (Vida). Socialism of
To-day: An Australian View.
Nineteenth Cent., Sept.
MICHELS (R.). Die deutsche So-
zialdemokratie im internationalen
Verbande. Eine kritische Unter-
suchung. Archiv f. Sozialw.,
1907, Heft 1.

RIST (C.). Origine et caractères du
socialisme d'état. Rev. d'Écon.
Pol., May, June.

STRACHEY (J. St. Loe). The Problems and Perils of Socialism. Nat. Rev., Aug.


ATGER (F.). La crise viticole et la viticulture méridionale (1900-07). Paris: Giard et Brière. 1907. 2.50 fr.

BELGARD (M.). Parzellierung und innere Kolonisation in den 6 östlichen Provinzen Preussens, 18751906. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1907. pp. 556. 10 m.

[An account of the activities of private persons, associations, land banks, as well as of the government commissions.] COLLINS (T. B.). The New Agriculture. London: Bird. 1907. 8vo. 9s.

DOLEZ (M.). Les Moëres. Étude d'une association syndicale de

dessèchement dans la region du nord de la France. Lille: Morel. 1907. pp. 534. 7.50 fr. FRACCACRETA (A.). Il movimento operaio nell'agricoltura francese. Naples: L. Pierro. 1907. 8vo. pp. 168. 3 1. HARTMANN (F. W.). Die Bewertung städtischer Grundstücke in Preussen. Studie über Taxmethoden. Berlin: Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht. pp. 95. 2.40 m. JEBB (L., Miss). The Small Holdings of England. A Survey of Various Existing Systems. London: Murray. 1907. 8vo. pp. 458.

10s. 6d.

LECOMTE (A.). Les associations

agricoles, professionelles, et mutuelles. Paris: Laveur. 1907. pp. 300. 2 fr.

MASSLOW (P.). Die Agrarfrage in Russland. Die bäuerliche Wirtschaftsreform und die ländlichen Arbeiter. Stuttgart: Dietz. 1907. pp. 278. 2.50 m.

[Translated from the Russian, and issued by the well-known socialist-publishing firm.] NICCOLINI (P.). La questione agraria nella provincia di Ferrara. Ferrara. 1907.

NICEFORO (A.). Ricerche sui contadini: contributo allo studio antropologico ed economico delle classi povere. Palermo: R. Sandron. 1907. 16mo. pp. 208. 31. OFFICIAL (France). Les différents systèmes d'irrigations. Documents officiels précédés de notices historiques. Tome II. Canada, Colombie britannique. États-Unis. Paris: Challamel. 1907. 20 fr. TASCA (G.). La question agraire. Commentaire critique de la législation rurale en Roumanie, Angleterre, Irlande. Tome I. Paris: Giard et Brière. 1907. 7 fr.

[Another volume upon land legislation in Russia and Germany is to follow.]

In Periodicals.

CARDIGAN (Earl J.). The Government and the Land Question. Contemp. Rev., July. ["The demand, by suitable persons, for small plots of land for farming purposes [in England], is really very limited, indeed." .] CARPENTER (Edward). The Land Question in a Country Parish. Albany Rev., April. [Describes conditions in an English parish, and from these draws conclusions as to the proper future English policy with regard to the land.] CHANNING (Francis A.). Latest Lights on Small Holdings. Monthly Rev., June.

DULAC (A.). Les fédérations d'associations rurales en Bavière. Mus. Soc., Aug.

FUCHS (C. J.). Die Spekulation im modernen Städtebau. Jahrb. f.

Gesetzg., Heft 3. [Stimulated by the Eberstadt-Voigt controversy.] GIDE (Ch.). La crise du vin dans le midi de la France. Rev. d'Écon. Pol., July. [An interesting study of its causes and of the proposed remedies.]

The Wine Crisis in South France. Econ. Journ., Sept. GINSKOV (Erik). Small Holdings and Land Taxation. Albany Rev., May. [An analysis of Danish experience.]

HIGGS (Richard). A Rational Policy of Agricultural Reform. Westm. Rev., Sept.

HUNTER (Robert). Communal Occupation and Enjoyment of the Land. Nineteenth Cent., Sept. [Sketches the causes for abandonment of the common field cultivation. Severalty ownership is necessary, but its limitations should be borne in mind.]

JEBB (Miss L.). The English Aspect of the Small Holding Question. Econ. Journ., June. KAYSER (E.). Weinbau und Winzer im Rheingau. Ein Beitrag zu den Agrarverhältnissen des Rheingaues. I. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., Heft 3.

LEVY (H.). Die kleinen Güter in der neuesten Agrarstatistik Englands. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., Aug. MOHR (P.). Beiträge zur Frage der Bodenspekulation und ihrer Gewinne. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., Heft 3. [Shows the profits of urban real estate companies, especially in Berlin.]

RUDLOFF (H. L.). Der landwirtschaftliche Warrant. Seine Entstehung, seine Resultate und die Gezetzgebung in Frankreich. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., Heft 3. [An account of the French Act of 1898.] SPECTATOR. Per la trasformazione industriale della terra italiana. Riforma Soc., June. [A brief description of the "Istituto di Fondi Rustici," founded with a capital of 25 million lire to buy, ameliorate, and sell in small peasant holdings poorly cultivated land in Southern Italy.]

UNSIGNED. Parliament and the Scottish Land Bill. Edinb. Rev., July.


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In Periodicals. BENEDUCE (A.). Della natalità e della fecondità. Giorn. degli Econ., Aug., Sept. CARANO-DONVITO (G.). Emigrazione e finanza. Riforma Soc., Aug.

LESTRADE (Vcte C. de). L'émigration dans l'Italie méridionale. Rev. Econ. Intern., Aug. [The author believes that Southern Italy must be further equipped with roads, railways, and irrigating canals.]

NOBILI (L. de). Appunti sull' emigrazione dalla Calabria. Riforma Soc., May.


FUCHS (H.). Geschichte der badischen Gütertarifswesen bis zur Reform von 1877. Karlsruhe: G. Braun. 1907. pp. 104. 1.80 m.

[In Volksw. Abhandl. der badischen Hochschulen.]

HAINES (Henry S.). Railway Corporations as Public Servants. New York: Macmillan. 1907. $1.50.

[Describes the development of restrictive legislation since the Interstate Commerce Law.] JAENSCH (Geo.). Die deutschen Dampfersubventionen, ihre Entstehung, Begründung, volksw. Wirkungen. Berlin. 1907. pp. 173. 2.50 m.

[The author is a post-office official.]

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de tramways. Paris: Rousseau. 1907. pp. 508. 10 fr. PRICE (G.). Le rachat des chemins de fer. Examen des intérêts des compagnies, du public, des finances, et de l'état. Paris: Dunod et Pinat. 1907. 2.50 fr. VARRET (J.). Du prix de transport par chemins de fer. Étude économique et théorique. Paris: Rousseau. 1907. pp. 176. 4 fr. UNSIGNED. The Port of London and the Thames Barrage. London: Sonnenschein. 1907. 8vo. pp. 200. 12s. 6d.

[A series of expert studies and reports.]

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BORGHT (R. v. d.). Handel und
Handelspolitik. Leipzig: C. L.
Hirschfeld. pp. 560. 17.50 fr.

[Second edition; the first appeared in 1904. In the series Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, edited by M. Heckel.]

CAVARRETTA (G.). La clausola della nazione più favorita. Palermo: A. Reber. 1906. 8vo. pp. 237. 5 1.

CHEVANS (H.). La mise en valeur de l'Afrique occidentale française. Paris: Alcan. 1907. 6 fr. DEPINCÉ (C.). Congrès colonial de Marseille. Compte rendu des travaux. 4 vols. Paris: Challamel. 1907. 70 fr.

[These four volumes of 600 or more pages each form a sort of encyclopædia of French colonization.]

GIRAULT (A.). Principes de colonisation et de législation coloniale.

Troisième édition, revue et augmentée. Tome I. Paris: Larose et Tenin. 1907. 6.75 fr. GRAHAM (J.) and OLIVER (G. A. S.).

French Commercial Practice connected with the Export and Import Trade to and from France, the French Colonies, etc. Part 2. London: Macmillan. 1907. 8vo. pp. 436. 48. 6d.

GROSSI (V.). Il caffè del Brasile

nel commercio internazionale, con speciale riguardo agli interessi italiani. Rome. 1907. 4to. pp. 81.

LEVY (H.). Ausfuhrzölle und die

deutsche Handelspolitik. Im
Auftrage der Aeltesten der Kauf-
mannschaft von Berlin bearbeitet.
Berlin: G. Reimer. 1907. pp.
63. 1.50 m.

MILLS (J. Saxton, M.A.). Land-
marks of British Fiscal History.
1907. 18.
MOHR (P.). Eine Studie über die
französische Land- und Siede-
lungspolitik in Algerien. Berlin:
W. Süsserott. 1907. pp. 245. 6 m.
MORGENROTH (W.). Die Export-
politik der Kartelle. Die handels-
polit. Bedeutung des Kartell-
wesens. Leipzig: Duncker &
Humblot. 1907. pp. 127. 2.80 m.

OLIVIER (M.). Le Sénégal. Paris:
Larose. pp. 483. 7.50 fr.

[Published in connection with
the colonial exposition at Mar-
WELSFORD (J. W., M.A.). The
Strength of Nations: An Argu-
ment from History. 1907. 58.

[An examination of the fiscal question in the light of European history.]

In Periodicals.

BEAUCLERK (F.). Free Trade in
India. Econ. Rev., July.
DEAKIN (Alfred). A Plea for Im-
perial Preference. Nat. Rev., July.
[The first part of the speech de-
livered by Mr. Deakin (Premier
of the Australian Commonwealth)
at the Imperial Conference on
April 30.]

FANNO (M.). La colonizzazione, il
movimento operaio e la questione
sociale. Riforma Soc., July.
[Discusses in a general way the
relation between colonization and
the labor problem.]

FLUX (A. W.). Canadian Tariff Revision.-Note. Econ. Journ., June. NATOLI (F.). Commercio internazionale e politica commerciale. Riforma Soc., June. [An admiring summary of de Francisci's "Commercio internazionale."] PIGOU (A. C.). The Incidence of Import Duties.-Note. Econ. Journ., June.


RICCI (U.). Travisamenti della te-
oria degli scambi internazionali.
Giorn. degli Econ., June.
sharp criticism of Fontana-Russo's
"Trattato di politica commer-

SCHILDER (S.). Die Kolonien in der
Weltwirtschaft. Zeitschr. f. So-
cialw., July.

Die Tropen in der Welt-
wirtschaft. Zeitschr. f. Socialw.,
SENSINI (G.). Teoria dei cambi

esteri. Giorn. degli Econ., June. WOLF (J.). Die ersten drei Jahre des mitteleuropäischen Wirtschaftsvereins. Zeitschr. f. Socialw., July. [Report of favorable progress.]

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