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Die Bekämpfung

der Bleigefahr in Bleihütten. Jena: G. Fischer. 1908. 213. 3.50 m.


[A prize essay, crowned by the International Association for Labor Legislation. The author is an engineer and mine manager.]

Pic (P.). Traité élémentaire de législation industrielle. Les lois ouvrières. Troisième édition. Entièrement refondue. Paris: Rousseau. 1908. 12.50 fr. POULET (H.). Sociétés de secours mutuels. Législation et jurisprudence. Paris: Dupont.

1908. 8vo. 4 fr.

RASTALL (B. M.). The Labor History of the Cripple Creek District: A Study in Industrial Evolution. Madison, Wis.: Bulletin of Univ. of Wisconsin. 1908. pp. 166. 50 cents.

[A valuable account of the labor disturbances, with somewhat rash conclusions.] SAINT-GIRONS (P.). L'assurance paternale contre la grève. Paris: Larose et Tenin. 1908. 8vo. 7.50 fr.

SCHAFFNER (Margaret A.).


Labor Contract from Individual to Collective Bargaining. Madison, Wis.: Bulletin of the Univ.

of Wisconsin. 1907. pp. 182. 50


[Gives results of extensive investigation of actual conditions.]

SCHLUNK (A. F.). Die BerlinerArbeiterkolonie, ihre Entwickelung und Arbeit. Berlin: G. Nauck. 1908. pp. 50. 80 m.

[An account by the director of this institution, prepared for its managing board on the twentyfifth anniversary of foundation.] SKARZYNSKI (Graf L.). Arbeitsausstände und Arbeiterverbände. Aus dem Russischen von Dr. Claus. Berlin: C. Heymann.

1908. pp. 278. 8 m. WEBER (A.). A travers la mutualité. Étude critique sur les sociétés de secours mutuels. Paris: Rivière. 1908. 8vo. 5 fr. pp. 300. WHITEHOUSE (John) and Others. Report of an Enquiry into Working Boys' Homes in London. London: A. Fairbairns. 1908.

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BALLOD (C.). Wohnungsfrage und Gartenstadt problem. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., Heft 2. BEHR (F. B.). The Housing of the Working Classes. A Problem and its Solution. Nat. Rev., June. [The "solution" lies in the installation of a mono-rail railroad, thereby immensely improving London's connections with its suburbs.] BEVERIDGE (W. H.). Unemployment and its Cure: The First Step. Contemp. Rev., April. [A scheme to make casual employment regular by the organization of labor exchanges.] BRODNITZ (G.). Arbeiter-Studienreisen. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., May. CARTER (J.). The Factories of Osaka. Econ. Rev., April. [Sum

marizes the labor conditions in the second largest city in Japan.] FEHLINGER (H.). Die Arbeitszeit in den Fabriksbetrieben Oesterreichs. Ann. des Deutsch. Reichs, 1908, 4. FRANKENBERG (H. von). Die Meisterprüfungen. Ann. des Deutsch. Reichs, 1918, 4.

FYFE (W. Hamilton). The Remuneration of Women's Work. Econ. Rev., April. [Points out the low wage received by women, and urges inspection and licensing as likely to do immediate good.]

GERLOFF (W.). Die zehnjährige Tätigkeit des Vermittlungsamtes des Kantons Basel-Stadt. Zeitschr. f. ges. Staatsw., Heft 2.

Ein beachtenswerter Tarif

vertrag. Archiv f. Sozialw., May. [A Zürich wage agreement.]

HERBIG. Das Verhältnis des Lohns zur Leistung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bergbaus. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., Heft 2. HOFMANN (E.). Die Gesetzentwürfe betr. Arbeitslosigkeit in Baselstadt. Archiv f. Sozialw., May. HOWGRAVE (Walter). A Sociological View of Unemployment. Westm. Rev., April.

HUTCHINS (B. L.). Gaps in our Factory Legislation. Econ. Journ., June. [Suggestions as to hours of work for the young, health and safety, payments of wages and fines.] KALCKSTEIN (W. von).

Was lehren uns die im Deutschen Reiche schon bestehenden Wohnungs- und Einlogiererordnungen? Jahrb. f. Nat. Õek., May. KLEEBERG (A.). Zur Terminologie der "Lohntarifgemeinschaft." Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., May.

LEO (V.). Examen critique de l'évolution contemporaine en matière d'assurance contre le chomage. Rev. Econ. Intern., May. [Examines the Ghent system and its development in France, Nor

way, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland.] MARRIOTT (J. A. R.). The "Right to Work." Nineteenth Cent., June. [A discussion provoked by a recent bill before Parliament providing for government employment of the unemployed.] MARTELL (P.). Das Lehrlingswesen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Zeitschr. f. Socialw., May. MÜNSTERBERG (E.). Bericht über die 27. Jahresversammlung des Deutschen Vereins für Armenpflege und Wohltätigkeit. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., Heft 2. PFÜTZE-GROTTEWITZ (A.).


sum vereine und Detailhandel im Königreich Sachsen. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Staatsw., Heft 2.

Die Konsumvereine in Italien. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek, May. SEUTEMANN (K.). Die Barmer Textilindustrie und die Lohnund Einkommens verhältnisse ihrer Arbeiter. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., April. SUTHERLAND (William). Old-age Pensions and the Budget. Albany Rev., June. [A discussion and criticism of the English government's old-age pension proposal.]

WARSCHAUER (O.). Die Treuhand

Gesellschaften und die Aufsichtsratsfrage in Deutschland. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., April. WEBB (Sidney). The Necessary Basis of Society. Contemp. Rev., June. [The enforcement of a national minimum of leisure, wage, sanitation, etc., is to occupy the statesmanship of the twentieth century.]

UNSIGNED. Eight Hours' Day in Coal Mines. Quarterly Rev., Jan. [Concludes that the establishment of a statutory eight-hour day for labor in and connected with coal mines must result in a contraction in output and rise in prices.]

The Right to Work. Quarterly Rev., Jan. [A criticism along familiar lines of the proposal for State provision for the unemployed.]


BERNSTEIN (Ed.). Sozialismus und Demokratie in der grossen englischen Revolution. Zweite vermehrte und illustrierte Ausgabe. Stuttgart: Dietz. 1908. pp. 380. 3.50 m.

CLAYTON (Joseph). Robert Owen, Pioneer of Social Reforms. London: Fifield. 1908. pp. 68. 1s. FORSYTH (P. T.). Socialism, the Church, and the Poor. London: Hodder & S. 1908. pp. 82. 18. KAUTSKY (K.). Die historische Leistung von Karl Marx. Zum 25 Todestage des Meisters. Berlin: Vorwärts. 1908. pp. 48.

1 m.

LATOUCHE (Peter). Anarchy! An Authentic Exposition of the Methods of Anarchists and the Aims of Anarchism. London: Everett. 1908. pp. 248. 68. LEWIS (A. M.). Evolution, Social and Organic. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co. 1908. pp. 186. 50 cents.

[Standard Socialist Series.] LONDON MUNICIPAL SOCIETY. The Case against Socialism: A Handbook for Speakers and Candidates. New York: Macmillan; London: G. Allen & Sons. 1908. pp. 537.

[With a prefatory letter by Hon. A. J. Balfour.] MAYNE (John D.). The Triumph

of Socialism. London: Sonnenschein. 1908. pp. 148. 1s. PRATO (G.). Rassegne statistiche ed economiche. Torino: Società Tipografico-Editrice Nazionale. 1908. pp. 309.

[Deals chiefly with questions of emigration and labor.j SPARGO (John). The Common Sense of Socialism. Chicago: C. H. Kerr. 1908. pp. 184.

[In the form of a series of letters.] STANTON (R.). An Essay on the Distribution of Livelihood. New York: C. O. Farwell. 1908. pp. 125. $1.50.

[Advocates "absorption" of

rent and interest and "regulation" of population.]



and Perils of Socialism. London and New York: Macmillan. 1908. 12d. pp. 126.

[In the form of letters to a workingman.]

In Periodicals.

BARDOUX (J.). Le socialisme et le mouvement ouvrier en Angle terre. Rev. Econ. Intern., April. BARROW (F. H.). Socialism in History. Westm. Rev., May. CROZIER (John Beattie). A Challenge to Socialism. III. The Fabians and Parliamentarians. Fortn. Rev., May.

DARNTON-FRASER (H. J.). Socialism and Agrarian Problems in Hungary. Westm. Rev., June. [Briefly descriptive and historical.]

FABBRI (L.). Die historischen und sachlichen Zusammenhänge

zwischen Marxismus und Anarchismus. Archiv f. Sozialw., May. HOARE (H. W.). The Impotence of Socialism. A Rejoinder. Nineteenth Cent., April. [In answer to Mr. Ramsay Macdonald's article in the February number of the same periodical.]

JENKS (Edward). Mr. Mallock on Socialism. Albany Rev., June. [An attack on Mr. Mallock's recent book.]

MACDONALD (J. Ramsay). Socialism and Politics. A Reply to Dr. Beattie-Crozier. Fortn. Rev., June. MALLOCK (W. H.). Persuasive Socialism. Nineteenth Cent., May. [A reply to publications by H. G. Wells and Ramsay Macdonald.] SIMKHOVITCH (V. G.). Marxism v. Socialism. I. Pol. Sci. Quart., June. [An examination of the actual content of Marx's doctrines: not ethical, but resting

primarily on the economic interpretation of history. To be continued.] SNOWDEN (Philip).

Social Justice and Evolution. Fortn. Rev., April. [A defence of socialism, following earlier articles by Messrs. Crozier and Blatchford.] VANDERVELDE (E.). Der Generalstreik. Archiv f. Sozialw., May. [A discussion by the well-known

leader of the Belgian socialist party of the function of the general strike.] WILLIAMS (J. Leon). An Experiment in Socialism and What came of it. Fortn. Rev., April. [A brief account of a socialistic colony planted in Mexico.] UNSIGNED. The Ideas of Mr. H. G. Wells. Quarterly Rev., April. [A hostile criticism.]


ALLEN (Thomas). Small Farming
that pays. London: Cable Pub.
Co. 1908. 18.
BERNHARD (L.). Das Polnische
Gemeinwesen im Preussischen
Staat. Leipzig: Duncker &
Humblot. 1908. pp. 697. 6 m.

[The author, professor at Kiel, confines himself chiefly to a narration of the struggle of the Poles to retain their land. Book I. Organization of the Poles in Posen and West Prussia, Westphalia, Silesia; II. Financial Resources; III. The Struggle for the Land.]

CADBURY (George) and BRYAN (Tom). The Land and the Landless. London: Headley. 1908. pp. 190. 1s. 6d.

MCCONNELL (Primrose). The Diary of a Working Farmer: Being the True History of a Year's Farming in Essex. London: Cable Pub. Co. 1908. pp. 302. 28. SEATTLE REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. Reports on City Real Estate Values. Seattle. 1907. pp. 115.

[A valuable compilation of data for forty-eight American cities.]

SERRAGLI (P. F.). Un contratto


agrario: la mezzadria toscana. Florence. 1908. pp. 166. 1.501.

In Periodicals. LECARPENTIER (G.). Le problème agraire de l'Angleterre. Rev. Écon. Intern., May. [Study of the Small Holdings Act of 1907, and the conditions out of which it developed.]

RACHFAHL (F.). Nomadentum und
Ackerbau. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg.,
Heft 2.

SMITH (Wm.). Back to the Land.
Econ. Journ., June. [By various
measures, a fair number of the
industrious and thrifty may be
got back.]

STEELE (A. R.). The Small Hold-
ings. Some Causes of their Suc-
cess in Denmark. Westm. Rev.,
STENGEL (K. von). La question

foncière et les sociétés conces-
sionnaires dans les colonies alle-
mandes. Rev. Econ. Intern.,

VIRGILII (F.). Il costo di produzione del grano in Italia. Giorn. degli Econ., April. [Concluding article; emphasizes need of increased investment of capital in Italian agriculture.]


SCHIRMACHER (Mlle.). La spéciali-
sation du travail par nationalités
à Paris. Paris: Rousseau. 1908.
pp. 174.
2 fr.

In Periodicals.

GURADZE (H.). Der Einfluss der
Eingemeindung auf die Bevölk-
erungsbewegung der Grossstädte.
Jahrb. f. Nat. Oek., May.



BYERS (M. L.). Economics of Railroad Operation. Engineering News Pub. Co. DAVIES (A. Emil). The Nationalization of Railways. London: Black. 1908. pp. 126. 1s. *GRÜNZEL (J.). System der Verkehrspolitik. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1908. pp. 412. 8.40 m.

[Similar in plan to the author's System der Industriepolitik (1905) and System der Handelspolitik (1906). System der Agrarpolitik is to follow. The present volume gives a compact survey, without originality or depth, on transportation,

roads, railways, shipping, ports, ---and on some other topics, such as money, banking, marine insurance.]

HUMBERT (G.). Traité complet des chemins de fer. Deuxième

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BELL (Lady). Down with the Tariff: A Tale of Free Trade. London: A. L. Humphreys. 1908. pp. 128. 18. CARANO-DONVITO (G.). Trattato di economia commerciale e di istituzioni doganali. Turin. 1907. 8vo. pp. 590. 61.

DEHERME (G.). L'Afrique occidentale française. Action politique, action économique, action sociale. Paris: Blond. 1908. 8vo. pp. 528. 6 fr. FONTANA-RUsso (L.). politique commerciale. de l'italien.


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Traité de

Traduit Giard et

Colonization: A

Study of the Founding of New Societies. Boston: Ginn & Co.

1908. pp. 629.

[An able book, designed as a text-book for the study of colonization, the method being that of historical narrative with stress

on the social problems. Most space is given to Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch colonization. A concluding chapter considers modern Italian and German colonization. Neither British nor French colonization is taken up at all.] LEROY-BEAULIEU (Paul). De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes. 6me édition revue et augmentée. Paris: Alcan. 1908. 8vo. 20 fr.

TRESCHER (E.). Vorzugszölle. Ihr Geschichte und Wirkung im internationalen Warenverkehr. Berlin: F. Siemenroth. 1908. pp. 183. 3.60 m.

In Periodicals. GARVIN (J. L.). The Demagogics of Free Trade. Nat. Rev., April. GOOD (T.). The Real Conditions of Industrial Germany. Westm.

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