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No interruption here I found,
No rude intruding eye;
Confufion fled this happy place,
And Peace was ever nigh.

At clofe of eve, o'er yonder field
The humble gleaners throng,
And joyful whiftle as they go,
While birds repeat the fong.

But, ah! the fatal day is come
That I must from you part:
I go; and forrowing do I go-
For here I leave my heart.

With equal pleasure was I fure

Again to vifit you,

With lefs regret I now fhould bid

Your rural fweets adieu.'

Sonnets and Miscellaneous Poems. By the late T. Ruffel, Fellow of New Col. Oxford. 40. 35. Rivingtons.

These poetical pieces, feveral of which are tranflations from the Greek, Italian, and Portuguese, evince the author to have been endowed with genius and tafte; which, with his claffical knowledge, and extenfive acquaintance with the best writers in foreign languages, must have rendered him an ornament to literature: but he died of a confumption, in the twenty-fixth year of his


London's Glory! on Saint George's Day, the 23d of April, 1789.
With entertaining Obfervations on the late Royal Excurfions in
the South and Weflern Counties of England. Dedicated to the
Honourable William Gill, Lord Mayor of the City of London.
By J. Weft. 4to. 15.
15. Symmonds.

To draw a sketch of the late Royal Tour
Thro' Devon's county, let the Mufe obferve:
The king with condefcending fimiles beheld
The straggling confluence of country folks,
Perhaps in th' aukward garb of ruftic pride,
Haft'ning to meet him on the rugged road;
Lord! how the pleas'd Weft-countrymen did ftare
At their good king! as there he pass'd along,
Bleffing their ftars, for the rare fight of him!"

We have not selected thefe lines on account of their inferiore ity to other parts of this performance: for we seriously declare they poffefs as much of the vivida vis as any that we have met with; nay, we hefitate not to declare, that the apostrophic-addrefs to the honest Weft-countryman is the moft lively and animated paffage belonging to it. In point of perfpicuity, likewife, they are, if not the first, in the very first line." Only obferve, for inftance, what infinite fuperiority they have over thofe immediately preceding them!


• The fez-bath and exeurfions on the sea
Prov'd their delectable and sweet repast.
All Weymouth and its fine vicinity

Teem'd with the royal bounty, and with praise
And gratitude unutterably great!"

Now, who but this odd mortal of an author, could fuppofe that the queen and princeffes, for they are alluded to in the two first lines, ufed to eat at Weymouth fea-baths and fea-excurfions, and that they proved very sweet and agreeable food; or, that Weymouth, and all its neighbourhood, was in a state of pregnancy with the king's bounty,' and what is worse, with praife and gratitude' likewife, of which there appears no profpect of a delivery!-Yet this performance is entered at Stationer's-hall!


The Iland of St. Marguerite, an Opera, in Two Acts, and firft performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. 8vo. IS. De


This opera is faid to have fuffered greatly from the hand of authority, which has clipped, lopped, and maimed it most cruelly. We truly think the lord Chamberlain cruel to the Reviewers, for leaving a line, a rack' behind. At a distance from the theatre we know not the effect of scenery and music; but the total difregard even of measure in the poetical part, and often of fyntax and common fenfe in the profe, could not, we think, be compenfated by the moft brilliant Spectacle.

The Man of Enterprife, a Farce. As it is acted by His Majefty's Servants, of the Theatre-Royal, Norwich. 8vo. 15. Ro


The author follows too closely the plot of the Duenna, but his Man of Enterprife,' the elegant apprentice to the keeper of a circulating library at Birmingham, is a character which has as much claim to novelty as to applaufe. He is a proper hero for a farce; the humor is too broad for comedy, but in its peculiar fphere it is excellent. We hear the whole house, pit, box, and gallery, in a roar-bravo-bravo-encore.


A compendious Treatife on the Venereal Difeafe, Glests, &c. Dia vefted of the technical Terms; with the beft Methods of Cure, fo explained as to render Medical Advice, in the Cure of moft Venereal Cafes, unneceffary, In which is given a Lotion for the Prevention of that difagrecable Complaint. By H. Deacon 8. 35. 6d. Walker,

If this treatife were addreffed to the furgeon, and the condu was under his direction, we fee nothing very reprehenfible in the proceedings recommended; but, in the hands of patients, and with medicines procured from druggifts, many



circumstances may occur to change the wholesome aliment into poison. We would deprecate every attempt to put the treatment of the venereal difcafe into the hands of the affected, for there is no complaint in which the imagination is fo much influenced, or the reason fo weak. In fuch fituations, a man armed with medicines is his own worst enemy.

Obfervations on the General and Improper Treatment of Infanity: with a Plan for the more speedy and effectual Recovery of Infane Perfons. By B. Faulkner. 8vo. Is. Ridgway.

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That infanity is more than ufually frequent we have fome doubts; the more frequent appearance of it is owing probably to the increasing number of inflitutions in which thofe unfortunate people are collected. Our author inveighs with acrimony against thofe houfes attended by phyficians who have an inter eft in the inftitution, and hints pretty plainly, that in fuch places temporary delirium is defignedly mistaken for madness, and what was not infanity is foon brought to it, while real infanity is protracted. The free houfes' are thofe where any phyfician attends whom the relations chufe to truft, and one of this kind is kept, we find, by Mr. Faulkner, at Chelfca. Infinuatious, however, of this tendency we think highly illiberal, and they force us to remark, that the fuccefs of the gentlemen fo much much extolled does not, by their own accounts, feem to have been great: when in the lefs free' private inftitutions we have feen kill and humanity frequently fuccefsful. Perhaps at times the private houfes are not fo well conducted as thofe which we have had occafion to fee; and there may be fome where the bafeft motives will turn afide the pure current of hu manity. Yet it this be fo, he only who is without fault ought to caft the stone, and all thould not be accountable for the faults of a few. We with M. Faulkner the fuccefs be deserves, but he would deferve n better by a more liberal conduct. A Treatise on Cancers; with an Account of a New and Successful Method of operating, particularly in Cancers of the Breafts or Tefis. By Henry Fearon. Third Edition. 8vo. 35. Johnfon. In our LIXth and LXIId volumes we reviewed the former. editions of this work, which is now greatly enlarged, without any very material change in its principles. There is fomething myfterious in the fubject of cancers; and while we often per ceive it to be a conftitutional difeafe, the peculiar depravation of the fluids, their highly phlogistic nature, and the appearance fometimes of cancer, arifing from a depolition of a peculiar adventitious matter, add to the difficulty. The increafe of our experience increates also our doubts; and we must remark that we have feen two cafes, where there was fome reafon to fufpect that the new operation in which the wound was healed by the first intention, facilitated the return. Perhaps the whole of the cancer waɔ nut taken out; perhaps the former method of keep

ing up the discharge contributed to depurate the conftitution: but conjectures are endless, and we mention it to keep fufpicion alive, for there are many circumstances of the difeafe little understood. Our author has now added the effay published in the fecond volume of the Memoirs of the Medical Society, which we noticed in our LXVIIth volume, p. 349.

A Treatise on Fevers; wherein their Caufes are exhibited in a new Point of View. 8ro. 15. Skatcherd and Whitaker.

The hypothefis maintained by this author, who feems to have borrowed his principles without due confideration, is, that all infectious difeafes, particularly fevers, originate from invisible animalculæ.


A Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Sarum. To which' are added, Directions relating to Orders, Inflitutions, and Licences. By Shute, Lord Bishop of Sarum. 8vo. Is. Rivingtons. This very excellent Letter is full of candour, moderation, true piety, and paternal benevolence. It relates to Sundayfchools, of which the bifhop is a zealous protector; the condition of the different churches in the diocefe; an explanation and defence of the conduct of the trustees for the management of Queen Anne's Bounty; fome arguments against the commutation of land for tythes; remarks on refidence and on the ftipend allowed to curates; advice refpecting the accuracy of registers, and the proper difpofition of benefactions; with fome admirable leffons for the younger clergy, as well as those who fign teftimonials for orders.

The Appendix relates to the inftruments expected to be prefented to the bishop previous to ordination, and what is expected from the candidates. On all thefe fubjects we shall not tranfcribe a word, for we ftrenuously recommend the whole, and will not hazard the chance of keeping back one reader by the flightest anticipation.

The Influence of Chriftianity on the Condition of the World: a Sermon preached in Trinity Chapel, Conduit-fireet, on Sunday Dec. 13, 1789. By Thomas Coombe, D.D. 4to. 15. Cadell. In this very able and elegant difcourfe from Ifaiah xi. 9. the author takes occafion to obferve, that though we are fill far diftant from that general state of peace and tranquility defcribed by the prophet, yet under the influence of the Gospel we have approached very near it. The detail of thefe different events, and the inferences from the whole, form the bulk of this Sermon, which we can recommend with great fatisfaction.

A Sermon preached at the Primary Vifitation of the right rev. Fa ther in God, William, Lord Bishop of Chefter; held at Richmond, in Yorkshire, August 21ft, 1789. By Thomas Zouch, A. M. 4to. 15. Longman.

This ingenious author inculcates the neceffity of a good ex


ample from the precept of our Saviour' Let your light fo thine before men, &c." To the doctrine of a good example he adds the neceffity and propriety of exerting ourselves in the defence of the religion of Chrift; and we can truly fay that this Sermon deferves great attention, not only from the practical leffons but from the incidental knowledge difplayed in it.

Dipping not Bathing; or the Author's Opinion of the Subject; Mode, and Importance of Water-Baptifm, according to the Scriptures. By R. Elliot, A. B. 2s. 6d. Johnfon.

Mr. Elliot, the author of this pamphlet, maintains, with apparent conviction, that infants are not the proper fubjects of baptifm; and that the fpiritual mode of that religious inflitution is not by immerfion, but by fprinkling. Whatever opinion may be entertained refpecting the foundation of his fensiments, it must be acknowledged that he prefents them to the public with becoming modefty and candour.

An Examination of the Rev. Mr. Elliot's Opinion, &c. 15. 6d.


This author endeavours to refute the arguments advanced by Mr. Elliot on the fubject in question; and rejecting the term mode, as an improper difiinction, contends that baptifm, according to the fignification of the word in the original, is itself immerfion. With the difpofition of a perfon who rather enquires after truth than difputes for victory, he imitates the lau dable moderation of the writer from whole opinion he diffents. NOVEL S..

The Fair Hibernian. 2 Vols. 12mo. 65. Robinsons. "This is an amufing little ftory; an unprincipled woman, and ajealous husband who allows the ftory of his death to be propagated, the two hinges on which the flory turns, are not very uncommon. A few gallicifms, and a knowledge of the customs of the continent, fhow that the author is above the ufual rank of novel-writers: the language too is generally eafy and often elegant.

Paul and Mary, an Indian Story. 2 Vols. 12mo. 5s. Dodfley.

The fcenery of this little ftory is laid in the ifle of France; the objects are new, uncommon, and interefting; but there is too much of the coftumè of polifhed life, and occafionally a little error, we fufpect, in the descriptions of natural history. Yet, on the whole, the tale is well told, and will be peculiarly pleafing to readers, where foothing melancholy leads them to be fond of pathetic catastrophes. It is a tranflation from the French of M. St. Pierre, and annexed to his Etudes de la Na ture."

Hiftoric Tales. A Novel. 8vo. 25. Dilly.

We have profeffed our partiality for hiftoric tales, or rather that minute and embellished history, which leads us to the manners of


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