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have received from the publications and converfation of many excellent navy furgeons, to endeavour to amend the tuation, and add to the comforts and emoluments of the whole corps. Either we have been fingulally fortunate, or this whole clafs deferves particular regard, from abilit es, attention, and humanity. We confider therefore Dr. Trotter's attempt as one that should be confidered with care; and the different heads that deferve the chiet regard, are the examinations, the fupply of medicines, and the emoluments, Though there may be fome objection to the mode in which the examinations are conducted, they cannot, perhaps, be in better hands; and a little remonftrance on one fide, or a pot reprefentation of the real circumstances on the other, will be, probably, fufficient to correct every inconve nience. Our author's plan, for eftablishing a difpenfary at the different ports, is a very proper one; but, until this be done, the prefent plan of procuring medicines from Apothecaries' Hall fhould not be changed: the health of feamen is too precious to be put in comparison with the avarice and felfishness which might lead fone to procure medicines at the cheapest rate.

Dr. Trotter has given fufficient reafons for redu ing the venereal fee from fifteen to five fhillings; but, on the fubject of half pay, we must admit his arguments with fome referve. Much' may be faid on both fides; and, while we allow fome compenfation fhould be made to a furgeon, who has spent the time, in which he might have established himfelf in bufinefs, in the fervice of his country, it may be enquired whether his charac ter, experience, and connections, which are alfo increased, may not be in part contidered as a compenfation. We know that with thefe alliances, and the half pay, the army furgeons are very powerful rivals to the rest of the faculty.-On the whole, we think this very candid and able reprefentation of real difficulties and hardships demands the most ferious attention. Experiments and Obfervations on the Horley-Green Spaw, near

Halifax. To which is added a fhort Account of two other Mineral Waters in Yorkshire. By Thomas Garnet, M. D. 8vo. 25. Knott.

The spring rifes in the neighbourhood of Halifax, in Yorkfhire, and very nearly refembles the Hartfell Spaw, near Moffat, lately, again, recommended by Dr. Percival: each feems a very powerful typtic. The fpaw, which is the object of Dr. Garnett's attention, yielded, in a wine gallon of water, the following proportions:

Of earth of iron, or ochre,

Vitriolated iron, or fai martis,


Vitriolated lime or felenite

Dephlogisticated martial vitriol,

dwts. grs.

Aerial acid or fixed air, 18 cubic inches.'

VOL. LXIX. April, 1790.

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The temperature is one degree above that of the air, when the thermometer was at 48°; and the fpecific gravity, to that of distilled water, as 1.0031 to 1.

The experiments and the reafoning are fufficiently accurate, except, as we fufpect, in what relates to the depofition of the iron, in confequence of the expofure to the air. Dr. Garnet fuppofes, that the iron depofited is more than the fixed air can hold in folution, and therefore, that the ochre must be phlogifticated, in which state a larger proportion is foluble in the vitriolic acid; but, as it will give out its phlogifton to the air, it becomes lefs foluble, and is confequently depofited. We find no foundation for this dephlogification in fo fhort a period, which is compatible only with the escape of a very volatile fluid; and, as our author has not demonftrated this peculiar ftate of the iron, we may as well fuppofe that it is in that degree of phlogistication, when it is most foluble in fixed air.

The other waters are a chalybeate, and an hepatic spaw; but not particularly or accurately analyted.


Subftance of the Speech of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, in the Debate on the Army Eftimates, in the Houfe of Commons, on Tuesday, the 9th Day of February, 1790. Comprehending a Dif cuffion of the prefent Situation of Affairs in France. The Fourth Edition. 8vo. 15. Debreft.

A Letter from Earl Stanhope, to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke: containing a fhort Anfwer to his late Speech on the French Revo lution. Second Edition. 8vo. Is. Elmily.

The fituation of France, which drew from Mr. Burke fome fevere remarks, and occafioned his political feparation from Mr. Sheridan, has been the fubject of contention in newf papers; and, from Lord Stanhope's Letter, feems likely to affume a more ferious form. Mr. Burke's fpecch, published in the firft of thefe pamphlets, is printed with an accuracy and propriety, which gives it in our opinion more than the appearance of authenticity, and the general fubftance of it we must approve. We have fpoken in favour of the revolution, at å time when expectation was fanguine, and when the first steps were promifing even the delay we wished to apologize for, and the ebullitions of the moment, we were willing to think, were the exaggerations of party, or the effects of the temporary phrenzy, which would foon fettle into a more profperous calm. Each day's experience adds, however, to the force of Mr. Burke's opinion, and the warmth of our language in p. 352 of our last Number is fcarcely too ftrong for the real circumitances of the fituation of France. Mr. Burke very properly compares and contrafts the revolutions of England and France, and we can not give his fentiments in a different language from his own:

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In truth, the circumstances of our revolution (as it is call


ed) and that of France are just the reverfe of each other in almost every particular, and in the whole fpirit of the tranfaction. With us it was the cafe of a legal monarch attempting arbitrary power-in France it is the cafe of an arbitrary monarch, beginning, from whatever caufe, to legalife his authority. The one was to be refifted, the other was to be managed and directed; but in neither cafe was the order of the state to be changed, left government might be ruined, which ought only to be cor rected and legalifed. With us we got rid of the man, and preferved the conftiruent parts of the state. There they get rid of the constituent parts of the state, and keep the man. What we did was in truth and fubitance, and in a conftitutional light, a revolution not made but prevented. We took folid fecurities; we fettled doubtful questions; we corrected anomalies in our Jaw. In the ftable fundamental parts of our conftitution we made no revolution; no, nor any alteration at all. We did not impair the monarchy. Perhaps it might be fhewn that we ftrengthened it very confiderably. The nation kept the fame ranks, the fame orders, the fame privileges, the fame franchifes, the fame rules for property, the fame fubordinations, the fame order in the law, in the revenue, and in the magiftra cy; the fame lords, the fame commons, the fame corporations, the fame electors.

The church was not impaired. Her eflates, her majefly, ber fplendor, her orders and gradations continued the fame. She was preferved in her full efficiency, and cleared only of a certain intolerance, which was her weakness and difgrace. The church and the ftate were the fame after the revolution that they were before, but better fecured in every part.'-We wish we had room for more.

Nothing can in our opinion be fo different, fo oppofite in the appearance, tendency, and effects as the revolutions of 1688 and 1789: the one was conducted by a fet of wife, enlightened politicians, the other by the eager violent phrenzy of innovation: the one was marked by beneficial alterations; the other by furious deftruction: the one ended in increased energy and repectability; the other is apparently proceeding to national debility and bankruptcy. Yet thefe are the revolutions which are compared, and which agree only in name; and it is from men who speak with complacency of this horrid picture, that we are told our reformations are to proceed.

The most important part of lord Stanhope's oppofition is to that paflage of Mr. Burke's fpeech, where the orator reprefents the late revolution as deftroying a conftitution really good. Lord Stanhope triumphs on this ground, and fpeaks of a standing army, the Baftile, and lettres de cachet. We fufpest Mr. Burke alludes to the original conflitution of France, before the maires de palais ufurped the fovereign authority; before the parliaments loft their power, and were reduced to be the tools of defpotifm, or the corrupt minifters of venal juftice; and when

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the ftates general were regularly affembled. At that time, the conftitution was good, and fome found judges have fuppofed, that by departing in feme inftances from the fpirit of this confitution, the national aff mbly have been tritors to their own ftate, and enemies of their own country. On the whole, we think Mr. Burke's fpeech a very able one; and, in many rel pects, his reafoning is as accurate as his reprefentation is fair. Lord Stanhope's Anfwer is not without merit of a different kind; but it refembles Dr. Price's Sermon in its principles and doctrines, too clofely to allow us to speak of it with any great refpect.

An Addrefs to the Freemen of Liverpool. 8vo. 15. Bladon.

While the author purposes to examine the refpective merits of the prefent candidates for Liverpool, he engages in a review of Mr. Pit's adminiftration, which he condemns in every step. One of the candidates, Mr. Ge,eing a fupporter of the minifler, the heroes of the Addrefs' are, therefore, lord Penrhyn and colopel Tarleton; but it is written with fo ftrong a bias of political prejudice, that it must be read with great caution and relerve.

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The Hiftory of Charles Mandeville. A Sequel to Lady Julia. By Mrs. Brooke. 2 Vols. 120. 55% Lane.

Julia Mandeville, notwithstanding its faults, is a pleafing, pathetic, interefting work; though perhaps every reader clofes it with pain, difappointment, and regret. Mrs. Brooke cannot bring the amiabe Harry and the lovely Julia again to this vaie of tears; but the introduces Charles Mandeville, fuppofed to be drowned, and his charming Agnes, from Youngland, an Utopian country, neither well invented, nor well defcribed. The only fafcination which remains in this continuation, is the recollection of lady Anne's vivacity, and the intereft we formerly felt for the other characters: we fay recollection, for they are 8.ades only of what they were, refemblances, perhaps only namefakes. The epifode of Charles' adventures is uninterefting and improbable in the highest degree; and the whole fcarcely reaches mediocrity.

Lucinda Hartley; or, the Adventures of an Orphan, containing the bamorous Hiftory of Mr. Goodwin. By the Author of Lord Winworth, &c. 2 Vols. 12mo. 55. Allen.

The adventures of the orphan are a litle improbable, and not very new or interefting; but the hiftory of Mr. Goodwin, a valetudinarian, affected with all diforders, and curing each by a quack medicine, is very humorous and entertaining. It comes very near to the excentric flights of the Philofophical Quixote. The traits of the character are not fo minute, as to deferve the appellation of profeffional or fcientific humour.


Valentine, a Novel. 2 Vols. 12mo. 5s. Lane.

The scene is laid in Pruffia, and the circumstances are in ge neral appropriated to the German manners. If we had not met with the Splendid Circle of the Court of Berlin,' and the frequent ablence of officers, in the most active moments of the molt perilous campaigns, we thould have thought the fiction better fupported. The flory is interefting and pleafing; but the catastrophe melancholy, the denouement haftened too rapidly, and not a little improbable.

The Statue Room, an Hiflorical Tale, by Mifs Ballin. 2 Vols. 1211.0. 55. Symonds.

When we spoke with complacency of historical novels, we excepted thofe abounding with anachronifins, which contradicted history in its moit material circumftances, and in every refpect was infignificant.-Such is mifs Ballin's very youthful work.


Effays on Modern Manners. Addressed to Perfons of every Denn mination, particulurly to Parents; and humbly dedicated to Beilby, Lord Bishop of London. By G. Neale. 8vo. 25. Kearsley. The few ideas contained in this little volume are unreafonably expanded, and, in confequence probably of this expanfion, lofe their force. The declamation on modern manners is trite, and often frivolous; the remedy, viz. an early marriage, is a dangerous and an infufficient one. If the diffipation of female life was checked, marriage would be engaged in perhaps more early, and would certainly be more happy. Imperial Election, and Journey to Hanover; containing an Account of the Manner of electing an Emperor of Germany; Thoughts on the Importance of that Event at this particular Crifis, and on the Propriety ofthe King of Great Britain refiding at Hanover, on fo momentous an Occafion. Together with fome Account of the fournies of our Sovereigns of the House of Brunf wick to their Dominions on the Continent, the Government eftablifhed in their Abfence, &c. 8vo. 15. Stockdale.


From the advertisement it appears that whenever the king is faid to be going to Hanover, or a new emperor to be elected, this pamphlet becomes of importance. We trust therefore that Mr. Stockdale will referve the remainder of the impreffion with The account of the election of emperor is fufficiently correct, though the views and objects of the different electors are in part mifreprefented. We do not think that the author's arguments in fupport of the neceflity of fome prince being elected to this high office fufficiently valid. The Germanic conftitution has provided for the fafety of the empire during the interregnum; and the little real bufinefs of an emperor is eafily tranfacted.

The difcuffion on the neceffity or propriety of the king's going to Hanover is too trifling for a moment's attention. The frequent

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