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has no existence. Lord Petre diftinguishes alfo between a Papift and a protesting Catholic: the latter term is applied to those who figned the protest when the Catholics lately petitioned for relief, in which they difclaim the obnoxious powers ufually at tributed to the Roman pontiff.

Obfervations fuggefted by the Perufal of Mr. Loft's Hiftory of the Corporation and Tf Acts. By a Clergyman of the Establish ment. Evo. 15. Robinfons.

Our author follows Mr. Loft's fteps clofely, and attacks him in almost every page with great ability and acuteness. He examines the conduct of the Diffenters in every period of history where they are confpicuous, and endeavours to account for it from political, and often interested views. The Clergyman' is a ftout polemic; but, feemingly from oppofition, occasionally a little virulent. Though he admires the liberality and integrity of Mr. Loft's political opinions, he confeffes that he can. not pay a fimilar tribute to the foundness of his judgment. A Collection of the Refolutions paffed at the Meetings of the Clergy of the Church of England, of the Counties, Corporations, Cities, and Torns, and of the Society for promoting Chriftian Knowledge; aembled to take into Confideration the late Application of the Diffenters to Parliament, for the Repeal of the Corporation and Teft Acts. 8vo. 15. Rivingtons.

In other words, a collection of the protefts of the clergy again t the opinion of their favouring the application of the Disleuters, and their fentiments on this fubject, which are univerfally in oppofition to the repeal.

Obfervations occafioned by the late Decifion in Parliament in favour of the Teft Laws: Being a Sermon preached in a Country Chapel, on the 7th of March 1790. 8vo. 4d. Johnson.

A warm incentive to perfeverance in the attempts to procure a repeal of the test laws, but not a very judicious one. The effects of innovation are too strongly painted in a neighbouring kingdom, not to deter every enlightened enquirer, efpecially fince the Diffenters have chofen to connect thefe events with their defigns.

A Letter to the Rev. John Martin, occafioned by his intended Speech on the Repeal of the left and Corporation Acts. By No Reverend Diffenter. 8vo. 6d. Johnfon.

Mr. Martin endeavoured to show in his real as well as his intended fpeech, that the repeal of the corporation and teft acts would be injurious to the Diffenters, and for this opinion he is attacked with greater feverity than the error seems to deserve. We can affure Mr. Martin's correfpondent, that many judicious Diffenters think the fame; and the error is at beft a spéculative


A Country

A Country Curate's Obfervations on the Advertisement, (in the Morning Herald of Thurflay Jan. 18th, 1790.) from the Leeds Clergy, relative to the Test act, &c. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo. 3d. Johnson.

The Country Curate, if the mask be not affumed, is a renegado from his own party. But no matter! if he fpeaks his fenriments with as much honefty as firmness and propriery, he deferves our refpect. There is, however, a little too much, even in this fingle theer, about the French nation and about tythes. A Hint of Advice, addressed to the Proteftant Dissenters, on a late Decifion in the Honourable the House of Commons, on a Motion for a Repeal of the Tft and Corporation Acts. 8vo. 6d. Johnfon.

This author is more candid and more rational than many who have written on the fame fide. Though he recommends perfeverance, he difluades from conftantly renewing the application for the repeal, and from any haly violent measures of -party in the pretent election. We trust that the warmest Diffenters are willing to forget their new tett on this occation.


Strictures on the Slave Trade, and their Manner of Treatment in the Weft India Islands: in a Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt. By a Gentleman. 8vo. 15. Richardfon.

Our author, with many well informed Weft India merchants, is of opinion that the fituation of the flaves is by no means uncomfortable; and that the fuppofed acts of inhumanity have been greatly exaggerated. The increafe of population has, he 'thinks, been equally mifieprefented; and from his calculations, the fanguine expectations of the West Indies being able to fupply its future negroes must be fomewhat diminithed. His reply to Mr. Winne's facts on this fubject contains a little too much of the argumentum ad hominem; but as the author feems candid, fentible, and well acquainted with the fubject, we think his obfervations entitled to ferious attention.

The Slave-Trade Indifpenfable: in answer to the Speech of William Wilberforce, Efq. on the 13th of May, 1789. By a Weft India Merchant. Svo. 15. Richardion.

The Weft-India-Merchant advances the former arguments in favour of the flave, and adds new ones of no little importance. Indeed, the chief error of this author is, that in his eagerness to fupport his own opinion, he occafionally gives place to fallacious fentiments, and urges fome good arguments farther than they can fafely be carried. We are always afraid of fuch very fanguine fupporters. On the whole, this pamphlet contains many judicious remarks and much real information. In this moment of fuf penfe, when the legislature, feemingly alarmed by the maguitude of the object, is eager to collect new information, we would recommend

recommend the Weft-India-Merchant's observations to their attention. The judicious fenator will easily difcriminate in what parts the author has probably mitled himfelt.

Obfervations on the Project for Abolishing the Slave Trade, and on the Reasonableness of attempting fome Practical Mode of Reliev ing the Negroes. 8vo. 15. Debrett.

This candid and fenfible author (though in one or two inftances he deviates from thofe epithets, and leads us to fufpect that the mafk is affumed) thinks that the abolition of the flave-trade is improper, and the abolition of flavery a chimerical abfurdity. He would, therefore, regulate what cannot be stopped, and reftrain the exceffes which it is impoffible wholly to prevent. His views on thefe fubjects are clear, judicious, and humane. He feems to show that the trade must be carried on, that flavery will fill exist, and the only confequence of the fuccefs of the attempt be an increafe of mifery to the negro, expence to the planter, and lofs to the kingdom. We have lately had occafion to fav that if we have procured the alleviation of the negroes' diftreffes, we have proceeded fo far as humanity and poficy can at prefent allow this we have probably obtained; and no duty can induce us to do a positive evil to one class, that we may procure an uncertain good to another.



An Effay for a Nofological and Comparative View of the Cynanche Maligna, or Putrid Sore Throat; and the Scarlatina Anginofa, or Scarlet Fever with Angina. The Second Edition. With a Supplement; containing a Nofological Account of the Febris Apthofa, or Thrush Fever. By William Lee Perkins, M. D. 8vo. 23. Walter.

If there is a true idiopathic aphthous or thrufh fever in Holland or America, it certainly deferves a diftinct place in our nofological fyftems; but to establish this fact, it is neceffary to show that a diftinct fever comes on, which is relieved by the eruption, and kept up chic fly from the irritation; or, in the putrid kind, from matter abforbed. This, however, the author has not proved, and Ketlaer, if we can truft our memory for what we read many years fince, gives no inftance of this kind. We fufpect, however, that Dr. Lee Perkins is not willing to view it in fo ftrict a light, for he confiders it as a fpecies of typhus; and, with a little inconfiftency, defcribes the firft variery as inflammatory. If we were to conftruct a system of nofology, we fhould certainly fet it down among the exanthemata, in confequence of what authors have faid, and from other genera of that clafs not being ftrictly confined to the short description we have given. We have never indeed feen a true aphthous fever; but as it has appeared a critical depofition, without previous fever, there may be fuch a difeafe, as our author with Sagar and Vogel believes. In the treatment there is nothing particular or new;


and in the other part of the pamphlet there is fo little atteration, that from this and other circumstances we have been led to fufpect the impretiion to be the fame.

Thoughts upon the Means of preferving the Health of the Poor, by Prevention and Suppreffion of Epidemic Fevers. By the Rev. Sir William Clerke, Bart. 8vo. 6d. Johnfon.

We have read this very intelligent and humane pamphlet with equal attention and pleasure, and can fafely recommend it, as containing the moft falutary rules for preventing fevers among a crowded labouring poor. Succefs, the best criterion of merit, has attended the plan, which we cannot abridge, and which we ought not to mutilate.

Thoughts and Obfervations on the Nature and Ufe of Dr. James's Powder, in the Prevention and Cure of Difeafes. By a Gentleman of the Faculty. 8vo. 15. 6d. Scatcherd and Whitaker. Though this Gentleman of the Faculty' profeffes that he has no connection with the proprietor, and is not interested in the fale of the preparation, yet we think his eagerness in its defence has fome other foundation than a medical preference. We are fully convinced, with our author, that Dr. James's powder is an innocent and a fafe medicine; but do not believe it to be fo generally ufetul as it is reprefented in the pamphlet before us: at least we are convinced, that the pulvis antimonîalis of the last edition of the London Pharmacopeia, as it comes near in the process, equalls it in effect.

A Short Account of the Method of treating Scrofula, and other glans dular Affections; the inveterate cutaneous Difeafes, commonly called Scurvy and Leprofy: alfo Ringworms, Tetters, Siphylitic Scurfs, Scabs, Blotches, Ulcerations. Ec. By J. Rymer, Surgeon. 8vo. 15. 6d. Evans.

We are forry to observe that Mr. Rymer, whofe abilities we have formerly chearfully praifed, fhould defcend to the rank of -a prefcriber of fecret medicines; for his prefent work, with all its apparent candour, is little better than an advertisement. It tells what every one knows, and conceals only what it may be lucrative to the author to conceal. But the children of this world are wifer than the children of light,' and Mr. Rymer has probably difcovered that first of fecrets-"a thriving trade." Obfervations on Gangrenes and Mortifications, accompanied with, or occafioned by, Convulfive Spasms, or arifing from local Injury, producing Irritation. By Charles White, Efq. F. R. S, 8.00. 15. Dilly.

In thofe cafes of gangrene attended with great irritability and convultive fpafms from local irritation, Mr. White recommends musk and volatile alkali in large dofes. He ufually gives ten grains of each; but in fimilar circumstances we have found epium alone, or back with opium and volatile alkali completely fuccefsful;

fuccefstul; and as mufk cannot often be procured in a genuine ftare, we fhould prefer it. Mr. White has not thown, in the inftances adduced, that opium failed; but fince it is fometimes inadmiffible from its conftipating effect, and fometimes from its effects on the refpiration or the expectoration, we thankfully receive every hint which will lead us to relieve by other means thefe dangerous and violent consequences.

Truth Vindicated; or, the Specific Differences of Mental Difcafes afcertained. By William Rowly, M. D. 8vo. 15. 6d. Hookham.

It appears that Dr. Rowley has been cenfured for defining madness an alienation of the mind without fever, because in his majetty's complaint there was much fever, and confequently fome ftigma maft remain on the conduct of those who had the care of him, and confidered his difeafe as maniacal. We have already given our opinion on the cafe and the conduct, so that we need only add, that we think Dr. Rowley right; but perhaps a newspaper attack need not have been repelled in fo anxious a manner or at fo great length: indeed when we fee ftudied replies in antwer to flight infinuations, we always fufpect the fource of the latter. In this inftance we may be mistaken.


A fort Retrafpe of the Conduct of Adminiftration, to some of the principal Powers of Europe. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo.

25. Debrett.

This author is a plaufible and ingenious, but, it must be acknowledged, a very unandid examiner of the conduct of minifters. However iuccefsful they have proved in their politics with foreign powers, he fcruples not to reprobate every step of their proceedings, as founded in error and imprudence. He reprefents the commercial treaty with France as particularly blameable; and for what?-Becaufe, for footh, it was too advantageous for Great Britain. He cenfures the plan which was purfued for fettling the affairs of Holland in 1787. If it likewise be asked, for what? His reafon is, because Great Britain did not immediately rush into war for the protection of the fladtholder, and left to the king of Pruffia the triumph of effecting that enterprize. We shall only obferve, it would be happy for the nation that the conduct of minifters were never more reprehensible, or more properly speaking, lefs praife worthy, than in the two intances just now mentioned. Befides thefe, the author specifies fome other objections to the conduct of those at the helm of government; but they refemble the preceding fo much in their foundation that they merit no particular remark. ·Confiderations on the approaching Diffolution of Parliament. Ad dreffed to the elective Body of the People. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Walter. In this address to the elective body of the people, the author controverts the idea of members of parliament giving their fup

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