Protecting the Homeland: The President's Proposal for Reorganizing Our Homeland Security Infrastructure : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session, June 25, 2002

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Стр. 65 - These are representatives of the true "first responders" — those heroic men and women who put their lives on the line every day for the public health and safety of all Americans. Moreover, so many of these panel members are also national leaders in their professions: our EMS member is a past president of the national association of emergency medical technicians; one of our emergency managers is the past president of her national association; our law officer...
Стр. 71 - Panel produced a comprehensive assessment in its first report of the terrorist threat inside our borders, with a focus on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons. The very thorough analysis in that report can be summarized: The Panel concludes that the Nation must be prepared for the entire spectrum of potential terrorist threats — both the unprecedented higher-consequence attack, as well as the historically more frequent, lesser-consequence terrorist attack, which the Panel...
Стр. 64 - Assess Federal agency efforts to enhance domestic preparedness for incidents involving weapons of mass destruction; 2. Assess the progress of Federal training programs for local emergency responses to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction; 3. Assess deficiencies in programs for response to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction, including a review of unfunded communications, equipment, and planning requirements, and the needs of maritime regions; 4. Recommend strategies for ensuring...
Стр. 112 - American people to accomplish its mission. It would have a clear, efficient organizational structure with four divisions. • Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Countermeasures • Border and Transportation Security • Emergency Preparedness and Response INFORMATION ANALYSIS AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION The Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection section of the Department of Homeland Security would complement the reforms...
Стр. 74 - House — to address authority and funding, and to provide congressional oversight, for Federal programs and authority for combating terrorism. The philosophy behind this recommendation is much the same as it is for the creation of the office in the Executive Office of the President. There needs to be a focal point in the Congress for the Administration to present its strategy and 10 supporting plans, programs, and budgets, as well as a legislative "clearinghouse" where relevant measures are considered.
Стр. 128 - March 25, 2002. Combating Terrorism: Intergovernmental Partnership in a National Strategy to Enhance State and Local Preparedness. GAO02-547T. Washington, DC: March 22, 2002. Combating Terrorism: Key Aspects of* National Strategy to Enhance State and Local Preparedness. GAO-02-473T.
Стр. 69 - We note that we have many existing capabilities that we can build on in an "allhazards" approach, which can include capabilities for combating terrorism. Our thorough research and deliberations have also led us to observe that there is great apprehension among States and localities that some Federal entity will attempt to come in and take charge of all activities and displace local response efforts and expertise. That was not and likely could not, because of the actual circumstances in New York,...
Стр. 69 - ... first order" challenges are policy and better organization-not simply more money or new technology. With respect to Federal efforts, two years ago we concluded that, prior to an actual event, no one cabinet department or agency can "supervise" the efforts of other federal departments or agencies. When an event occurs, response will be situational dependent; federal agencies can execute responsibilities within existing authority and expertise, but under established "Lead Federal Agency
Стр. 72 - It must be comprehensive, encompassing the full spectrum of deterrence, prevention, preparedness, and response against domestic and international threats. • For domestic programs, it must be responsive to requirements from and fully coordinated with state and local officials as partners throughout the development and implementation process. • It should be built on existing emergency response systems. • It must include all key functional domains — intelligence, law enforcement, fire services,...
Стр. 65 - Community, the former head of a national academy on public health, two retired flag-rank military officers, a former senior executive in a non-governmental charitable organization, and the head of a national law enforcement foundation. But what truly makes this panel special and, therefore, causes its pronouncement to carry significantly more weight, is the contribution from the members of the panel from the rest of the country: • Three directors of state emergency management agencies, from California....

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