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که بدارندگان بقيها و بزرگي دهندگان ایشان میکند چنانچه توانید دریافت اگر قصهاي عیسویان از کتب معتبره

, God so loves his servants, that he is very desirous that we should do honour to their dust, ashes, and garments. The miracles wrought, and favours bestowed on those who have possessed and honoured such reliques, are sufficient to stimulate us to do so, as you would perceive upon reading the accounts found in respectable Christian authors.

We now pass on from this to the next section, which is to prove, that no corruption has taken place in the Scriptures. The argument here insisted upon principally, is founded on the consideration of those doctrines, which impose certain restraints on the will of men. And the conclusion is, that if the Scriptures had been corrupted, these restraints would have been taken off. Other arguments are grounded on the consideration of the different sects and disputes of the Christians, which must have made it impossible, that any party could have succeeded in corrupting the Scriptures and another, that had Mohammed been predicted by name, there could have been no reason, why he should not have been received.

We now pass on to Chapter IV. on the difference between the Christian and Mohammedan

religions. The Padre, after shewing that man is a reasonable creature, proceeds to lay down the ten commandments, which God had given for the regulation of his conduct. These are as fol

اول پرستش کن خداي واحد را و وي را عزيز دار بر : lows همه چیز دویم قسم نخوریم بنام خداي بر باطل سيوم موجب پاك دار عیدها را چهارم كرامي دار والدین را که

مزید حیاتست پنجم کسی را نا حق مکش ششم زنا مکن هفتم دزدي مکن هشتم تهمت مكن ودروغ مكوي نهم میلان زنا مکن دهم حریص نبايستي بر مال دیگران و این ده حكم داخلند درین دو حكم يعني خدارا عزيز دار بر جميع ما سواي او و دوست دار خویشاوندان خود را c. First, Worship one God, and love& چنانچه خود را

him above every thing. Second, Let us not swear in God's name in vain. Third, Keep the holydays holy. Fourth, Honour your parents, which is the cause of lengthening life. Fifth, Kill no one unjustly. Sixth, Commit no whoredom. Seventh, Steal not. Eighth, Neither accuse nor lie. Tenth, It is not allowable to desire the wealth of others. These ten commandments are contained in the two following: 1. Love God above all things, and 2. Love your own relations as yourself.

Ninth, Incline not to whoredom.

حکم ازین احکام The Padre proceeds .. میگویم که سه حکم عشره منسوب اند بعبودیت که نسبت بخداوند خود

,c. " We say& داریم و هفت دیگر نسبت بخلق الله

that three of these ten commandments relate to the service which we owe to God, and the seven others to that of man.

In the account given of the Christian religion in the fifth section of the Dabistán, the resemblance is such, I think, as to make it very probable, that the whole was taken from this work of Xavier. The following may suffice as


حکم است که در انجیل مکرر آمد : a specimen ازین سه اولین تعلق دارد بعزت خدا و هفت دیگر به بندگان خداي نخستين خدایتعالي را دوست دار بر همه چیز دوم قسم مخور بنام خدا بي حاجتي يعني عادت كن براستي سیوم پاکدار عيدهارا يعني روز یکشنبه را و دیگر ایام ستوده را چهارم عزت کن وكرامي دار پدر

و مادر را پنجم مکش کوسیند گویند) (al) * . . ششم زنا مکن

. .

* This is perhaps an erroneous reading. How it stands in the printed edition I know not, as I have not that copy. Two MSS. in my possession, one of which was formerly Sir Wm. Jones's, give it as above. A little farther on in Xavier's book, we have this explanation of the 5th command

پنجم فرمود که کسی را مکش مقصود از آن اینست : ment که هیچ حیوان را نکشیم چونکه حق تعالي ايشان را براي حوايج بندگان مخلوق کردانیده است چنانچه سواري وكوشت وامثال آن لیکن مراد از و منع قتل اقرباست که The . ایشان را نكشيم بلك نرنجانیم بهیچ وجه قولا وفعلا

مکن هشتم تهمت ودروغ مكو ... نهم هفتم دزدي آرزوي زن بیگانه مکن دهم آرزوي مال بیگانه مکن

Ten commandments are often mentioned in the Gospel, of which the three first relate to the glory of God, the other seven to God's servants. I. Thou

fifth says, Kill no one. The meaning of which is this: That we should kill no animal, since God has created them to supply the wants of his servants, either with their flesh, in riding, or the like. The real scope of the precept, however, is, to deter from slaying one's neighbour, that we should neither put them to death, nor pain them in any way, either by word or deed. The comment given in the Dabistán is this:

جانور مکشید انچه ظاهر این سخن است آنست که هیچ نوع و تاویل کرده اند که آنچه در ملك خود بود آنرا بکشید مکشید I read چه در و سودهاست وخلق را فواید در حیات و ممات پس این مکش اشارت بدانست که برادر خود را که بنی آدم باشد نا حق نکشیم و نرنجانیم The scope of which is, that you should . نه بکردار و نه بگفتار

slay no animal. Which they interpret by saying, Slay no animal in your possession, because much advantage may be derived from it, whether alive or dead. The scope, therefore, of "slay no one," is, that we should not unjustly put to death our own brother, who is a son of Adam, nor put him to pain, either by word or deed. The other additions to the commandments found in the Dabistán are found in Xavier's comments, whence I am led to conclude, that the account in the Dabistán, has been copied from Xavier's book. Other coincidences may easily be pointed out were it necessary. The reader need not be informed, that in both instances the Roman Catholic division of the commandments is followed.

shalt love God above every thing. II. Swear not in the name of God without necessity, that is, accustom yourself to speak the truth. III. Keep the holy-days holy, that is, the Sunday and other notable days. IV. Honour and love your father and mother. V. Kill no sheep. VI. Commit

no whoredom.

VII. Steal not. VIII. Neither

acouse nor lie. IX. Have no desire for a strange woman. X. Have no desire for the wealth of another.

In the remainder of this section, the Christian and Mohammedan religions are compared. The facility of Islamism is compared to the production of a cook, who studies the palate of his master; while the less inviting character of Christianity is compared to that of a physician, who administers nothing but salutary medicine to his patient, however disagreeable it may be to his taste. The abrogation and suspension of certain Mohammedan precepts are also compared with the unbending character of Christianity; whence a conclusion is drawn, that Christianity is to be preferred.

A little before this section concludes, the following reasons are given for keeping the first day of the week holy: "God did on this day create both the heaven and the earth. On this he also created the angels, and the light. This

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