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appear. The hard study and late hours were bringing a punishment, and fever flushed his throbbing brow and racked every joint with agony, while an uneasy mind helped to increase his illness.

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Armstrong, I am so sorry to find you ill," said a gentle voice, as the door opened softly one evening, and William saw a class-mate to whom he had never spoken, but whose quiet manners had attracted his notice; we miss you sadly, and I am come to see if I can do anything to make you more comfortable."

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William did not wish his class-mate to know that he was poor, sick, and almost friendless, and he would have liked to say that he did not want him; but Arthur's kind voice and winning smile kept him from speaking a word. But even if he had, Arthur would not have been frightened away, for he had learned the meekness and gentleness of Christ, and was come to show his love to him by attending to the wants of a suffering companion. By night and day William had now a careful nurse; and while Arthur gave him the food and medicine ordered by the doctor, he never forgot to apply the healing balm of God's word to the sin-sick soul of his friend, and lead him to that precious Saviour who says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Before many weeks, returning health released Arthur from his attendance at the sick-bed, and sent William back to his studies again, but with a new and higher aim. During his illness a ray of light from the Holy Spirit had shot through the gloom, and shown him how poor an object he had as yet been living for, and a beam of heavenly love had warmed his cold heart, by

making known to him a living Saviour, in whose happy service his time and talent might be well spent. At last he had found out what Lucy meant by his having been ambitious, but not ambitious enough, and was resolved, by the grace of God, to set his heart from that day on one object, the highest, the largest, and most lasting of all. This was, that he might please God in all he did, serve and glorify him here, and go to enjoy his presence for ever in heaven.

But did this new aim make William less happy, or less diligent ? Oh no; he is still at the head of his class, and more than ever a favourite with his teachers; nor has he forgotten his dreams about Africa, for he and his friend Arthur, having obtained the consent of their parents, have offered themselves as missionaries to that dark land, where, if they do not become great discoverers, and fill up blank spaces on the map, they hope to tell the poor negro of Him who came to break every yoke and let the oppressed go free.


FIGHT hard against a hasty temper.

Anger will

come, but resist it strongly. A spark may set a house on fire. A fit of passion may give you cause to mourn all the days of your life.

Never revenge an injury:

"He that revenges knows no rest :"

The meek possess a peaceful breast."

Conscience, be it ever so little a worm while we are in health, grows suddenly to a serpent on our deathbed.

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Matt. xiii. 1-9, and 18-23; Luke viii. 4-10.

1. WHERE was the house here mentioned? iv. 13. -What sea-side was this?

2. What is here meant by a ship ?-Why did Jesus seat himself in it ?

3. What is a parable ?-Who is represented by a sower ?

4. What is meant by the wayside ?

5. Why did the seeds spring up so quickly? 6. What happened when the sun was up?

7. In what way did the thorns choke the grain? 8. Why did the seed yield in different proportions? 9. Explain the meaning of this verse.

18. To whom did Jesus speak at this time ? Mark iv. 10, 13.-What request had they made to him?What was his reply? Luke viii. 9.

19. What is meant by the word of the kingdom ?Whose is the fault of not understanding it ?-Who is meant by the wicked one ?-To what persons does the figure apply? James i. 24.

20. What is the meaning of "anon ?" Mark iv. 16. -Why is the word received with joy? John v. 35.

21. What is here denoted by "root ?" Rom. xi. 16. -What is it that endureth a while ?-What disappointment follows ?

22. What are represented by the thorns ?-In what respect are riches deceitful ? 1 Tim: vi. 9, 10.

23. What fruit is here spoken of?-How much is a hundred fold ?-How should you receive the word of Christ?




"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear." 1 John iv. 18.

THERE was once a time, more than five thousand years ago, when there were only two persons in this large world-one man and one woman: you know their names. Now, it is about these two persons that I wish to speak to you a little; and I will divide what I am going to say into five parts. 1. Adam and Eve's happy home. 2. Adam and Eve's holy visitors. 3. Adam and Eve's wicked visitor.

4. The sad change in Adam and Eve's home. 5. The wonderful plan of mercy.

1. Adam and Eve's happy home. It is called "the Garden of Eden." We feel sure that a garden was a name just fit for the place, it was so beautiful and so pleasant; the trees were fresh and green, and the flowers were bright and sweet. The birds sung merrily in the woods, and the little playful animals, with no one to trouble or frighten them, told very plainly how much they liked the place.

How Adam and Eve must have enjoyed their rambles together, sometimes climbing the hills and looking all around at the country made so beautifully

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