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HAT antient times (those times w


Have left on long record of woman's rise,
What morals teach it, and what fables hide,
What Author wrote it, how that Author dy'
All thefe I fing. In Greece they fram'd the
(In Greece'twas thought, a woman might be
Ye modern Beauties! where the Poet drew
His softest pencil, think he dream'd of you;
And warn'd by him, ye wanton pens, bewa
How heav'n's concern'd to vindicate the Fai
The cafe was Hefiod's; he the fable writ;

Some think with meaning, some with idle w




as ere the low creation swarm'd with men) tone Prometheus, sprung of heavenly birth, Author's fong can witness) liv'd on earth. arv'd the turf to mold a manly frame, stole from Jove his animating flame. sly contrivance o'er Olympus ran, en thus the monarch of the stars began. h vers'd in arts! whose daring thoughts aspire, Kindle clay with never-dying fire! y thy glory past, that gift was thine; next thy creature meets, be fairly mine: such a gift, a vengeance so design'd, uits the counsel of a God to find; eafing bofom-cheat, a specious ill, ch felt they curse, yet covet still to feel. e said, and Vulcan strait the Sire commands, emper mortar with etherial hands;



'Twas thus the Sire ordain'd; the Pow'r obey
And work'd, and wonder'd at the work he
The fairest, softest, sweetest frame beneath,
Now made to feem, now more than seem to b
As Vulcan ends, the chearful Queen of ch
Clasp'd the new-panting creature in her arn
From that embrace a fine complexion spreac
Where mingled whiteness glow'd with softe
Then in a kiss she breath'd her various a
Of trifling prettily with wounded hearts;
A mind for love, but still a changing mind
The lisp affected, and the glance design'd;
The sweet confufing blush, the secret wink
The gentle-swimming walk, the courteous

The stare for strangeness fit, for scorn the
For decent yielding, looks declining down,

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