Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Developing National Capabilities : Report to the Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate

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The Office, 2001 - Всего страниц: 103

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Стр. 27 - In addition, the directive designated "lead agencies" to work with private-sector and government entities in each of eight infrastructure sectors and five special function areas. For example, the Department of the Treasury is responsible for working with the banking and finance sector, and the Department of Energy is responsible for working with the electric power industry. Similarly, regarding special function areas, DOD is responsible for national defense, and the Department of State is responsible...
Стр. 14 - ... as the administration proceeds, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, in coordination with pertinent executive agencies, • establish a capability for strategically analyzing computer-based threats, including developing related methodology, acquiring staff expertise, and obtaining infrastructure data, • require development of a comprehensive data collection and analysis framework and ensure that national watch and warning operations for computer-based attacks are supported...
Стр. 56 - ... resources needed to achieve the goals and objectives, (4) a description of the relationship between the long-term goals and objectives and the annual performance goals, (5) an identification of key factors external to the agency and beyond its control that could significantly affect the achievement of the strategic goals, and (6) a description of how program evaluations were used to establish or revise strategic goals and a schedule for future program evaluations.
Стр. 45 - NIPC's ability to issue warnings promptly was impeded because of (1) a lack of a comprehensive governmentwide or nationwide framework for promptly obtaining and analyzing information on imminent attacks; (2) a shortage of skilled staff; (3) the need to ensure that NIPC does not raise undue alarm for insignificant incidents; and (4) the need to ensure that sensitive information is protected, especially when such information pertains to law enforcement investigations under way.
Стр. 9 - FBI had already begun to develop warning and threat analysis capabilities and urged it to continue in these efforts. In addition, the report noted that the FBI could serve as the preliminary national warning center for infrastructure attacks and provide law enforcement, intelligence, and other information needed to ensure the highest quality analysis possible. In...
Стр. 23 - Agency, foreign governments already have or are developing computer attack capabilities, and potential adversaries are developing a body of knowledge about US systems and methods to attack these systems.
Стр. 26 - The report stated that a comprehensive effort would need to "include a system of surveillance, assessment, early warning, and response mechanisms to mitigate the potential for cyberthreats." It said that the FBI had already begun to develop warning and threat analysis capabilities and urged it to continue in these efforts. In addition, the report noted that the FBI could serve as the preliminary national warning center for infrastructure attacks and provide law enforcement, intelligence, and other...
Стр. 24 - Criminal groups There is an increased use of cyber intrusions by criminal groups who attack systems for purposes of monetary gain. Foreign intelligence services use cyber tools as part of their information gathering and espionage activities.
Стр. 25 - Several nations are aggressively working to develop information warfare doctrine, programs, and capabilities. Such capabilities enable a single entity to have a significant and serious impact by disrupting the supply, communications, and economic infrastructures that support military power — impacts that, according to the Director of Central Intelligence," can affect the daily lives of Americans across the country.
Стр. 9 - ... attacks, and establish a partnership between the government and the private sector. The directive called on the federal government to serve as a model of how infrastructure assurance is best achieved and designated...

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