Awakening the Slower MindPergamon Press, 1969 - Всего страниц: 232 |
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Стр. 22
... peace . Nights are noisy and wakeful , furniture broken and sparse . There is no privacy , no colour , no loveliness . There may be dirt , vermin , and squalor . Distressing as this may be , it would not be so harmful if it were also a ...
... peace . Nights are noisy and wakeful , furniture broken and sparse . There is no privacy , no colour , no loveliness . There may be dirt , vermin , and squalor . Distressing as this may be , it would not be so harmful if it were also a ...
Стр. 59
... peace and dignity , because there is a head who radiates over a length of time such a pattern , and who has loyal members of staff , so that the aura and mood of the school permeates , giving security and direction to the young recruits ...
... peace and dignity , because there is a head who radiates over a length of time such a pattern , and who has loyal members of staff , so that the aura and mood of the school permeates , giving security and direction to the young recruits ...
Стр. 95
... peace reigning was on the whole attributable to the fact that heads and teachers in these schools knew the necessity for security of pattern , for a routine surrounding such children with safety and calm , making it pos- sible for them ...
... peace reigning was on the whole attributable to the fact that heads and teachers in these schools knew the necessity for security of pattern , for a routine surrounding such children with safety and calm , making it pos- sible for them ...
Who Are the Children who Fail? | 3 |
Behaviour Problems Maladjustment | 56 |
Chapter 5 | 74 |
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Не показаны другие разделы: 8
Другие издания - Просмотреть все
Awakening the Slower Mind: The Commonwealth and International Library ... Violet R. Bruce Ограниченный просмотр - 2014 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
ability accepted activity areas attitude awareness baby become behaviour problems body borstals bring children need classroom Clifford Allen colour communication concerned consider creative dance DAVE CLARKE FIVE delinquency deprived drama educa educational subnormality educationally subnormal children emotional environment especially excitement experience express factor failure feel frustration handicap ideas imagination important individual infant schools intelligence interest involved Jonathan Miller junior school Karl Jasper lack learning difficulties less able child less able children living maladjustment Malcolm Muggeridge material means measure ment mother movement necessary normal Old Mother Riley ordinary school paint parents person physical education play possible pupils PUPPY FOR SALE reading and writing relationship residential schools rich Robert Frost schools for educationally sense situation skills social sometimes sound special classes special schools speech stimulated success Susson talk task teacher teaching things tion understanding whilst whole young