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Kahn, Gustave, his symbolistic poe- Kaufmann, the Rev. M., 'Pascal's

try, 211, 154.

'Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse,' de-
struction of, 221, 579.

Kaitish tribes, their beliefs, 203, 457.

Kalbeck, Herr Max, Johannes
Brahms,' 205, 366.

Kalkoff, P., 'Die Vermittlungs-
politik des Erasmus,' 203, 424 et
Kampoúroglos, D. Gr., 'History of
the Athenians,' 207, 422.


Kant, criticism of his philosophy, 205,
417—his explanation of the cosmi-
cal system, 210, 360 et seq.-his
view of morality, 211, 119–his
'Critique of Pure Reason,' 213,
449; 217, 390, 400-his doctrine
of space, 216, 169–171-views on
causal reasoning, 218, 161.
Kapadia, S. A., Wisdom of the East
Series,' edited by, 208, 98.
Kapp, Frederick, Friedrich der
Grosse und die vereinigten Staaten
von Amerika,' 214, 10, 19.
Kapteyn, Prof., his assistance to Sir
David Gill, with the catalogue of
the stars, 221, 195.
Karénine, Mdme Vladimir, George
Sand, sa Vie et ses Œuvres,' 220,

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W., George Sand,' 216, 40.
Kassner, Rudolf, 'Die Mystik, die
Künstler und das Leben,' 208, 24

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Apologia,' 204, 526 'Socialism
and Modern Thought,' 212, 426—
'Spinoza, Goethe, and the Moderns,'
217, 390.

Kautzsch, E., ‘Die Heilige Schrift des
Alten Testamentes,' 206, 177.
Kayserling, Dr H., 'Soziale Kultur,'
219, 556, 572.

Keary, C. F., 'The Pursuit of Reason,'
215, 117.

Keats, John, his criticism of Lord
Byron, 202, 450—his feeling for
Gothic art, 206, 82, 86-his poem

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Kebeisa, village, 212, 343.

Keble, John, on the spiritual nature
of the Church, 205, 203—' The
Christian Year,' 204- Lyra Apos-
tolica,' ib.-
.-on the doctrine of Apos-
tolical Succession, 206-contributor
to the Quarterly Review,' 210,
757-his article on Conder's 'Sacred
Poetry,' 761.

Keeler, Charles A., ' Evolution of the
Colours of North American Land
Birds,' 213, 132.

Keith, A. Berriedale, 'Responsible
Government in the Dominions,'
214, 529; 220, 2 note.

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Kelvin, Lord, his use of the soapbubble in research, 219, 115. Kelynack, T. N., The Drink Problem,' edited by, 208, 568. Kemble, J. M., on the value of genealogy, 205, 531.

Kennedy, A. J., ' Handbook of Settlements,' edited by, 221, 216.

J. M., his translation of "The Gospel of Superman,' 218, 148.

Mr, his life of Parker, 216, 87. Kenny, Dr C. S., 'Outlines of Criminal Law,' 221, 340.

Kensit, John, advice from Dr Creighton, 202, 482.

Kent, Charles Foster, 'The Student's
Old Testament,' 206, 173.
Kenyon, F. G., 'Greek Papyri and

Recent Discoveries,' 208, 333-
'The Works of Robert Browning,'
217, 438.

Ker, Prof. W. P., 'Epic and Romance,' 208, 554; 215, 495-'The Dark Ages,' extract from, 212, 377 note -'Dante,' 213, 409-his article on Gray, 220, 410-'English Mediaval Literature,' 221, 457 note. Kerr, Captain Mark, on the range of torpedoes, 218, 463 note. Kerridge, Thomas, President of Surat,

221, 93-amount of his salary, 98. Kettle, Prof., on the increasing ex

penditure of Ireland, 217, 285– cost of the Insurance Act, 287.

Kew, Royal Gardens at, proposed amalgamation of botanical collec


tion with the Natural History Museum, 205, 494.

Key, Ellen, 'The Woman Movement,' 219, 147 et seq.

Khan, Sir Syed Ahmad, his loyalty to the British supremacy, 210, 693. Kharkoff, disorders in, 205, 602, Khartoum, fall of, 209, 40.

Khasis, customs of the, 207, 195. Kheidhar, 212, 361-castle of, 362– 364-plan, 367.

Khilkoff, Prince, Russian Minister of Ways and Communications, 202, 287-his mode of conducting the war with Japan, ib. Khodainamak,' or Book of Kings, 211, 41.

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Kinglake, A. W., his history of the
Crimean War, 210, 768-contri-
butor to the Quarterly Review,'
ib.-review of his 'Eothen,' 777—
his article on Invasion of the
Crimea,' 211, 308.

Kingsley, Rev. Charles, epigram on,
202, 7-on the number of mystics
in England, 207, 427-attack on
Newman, 217, 474.

Kipling, Rudyard, his tales of Indian
life, 203, 49, 67-style of his writing,
50-'The Neolithic Age,' lines from,
448- Finest Story of the World,'
220, 485.

Kirke, Colonel Percy, his 'Second
Tangier Regiment,' 205, 3 note.
Kirkham, lines from his ballad, 218,

Kirkman, Francis, his 'Famous and

Delectable History of Don Bel-
lianis,' 206, 41.
Kirkpatrick, F. A., Trafalgar,' 208,

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Kitchener, Lord, result of his attack
on Paardeberg, 205, 163–166-on
the number of Sikhs serving in the
army, 213, 201-his scheme of
land defence for Australia, 216,
237-on the maintenance of ade-
quate naval forces, 219, 494.
Kites, for military purposes, 220, 559.
Kittel, Rudolf, 'Studien zur hebräi-
schen Archaologie und Religions-
geschichte,' 212, 73.
Kittredge, G. L., Cotton Mather's
Election into the Royal Society,'
218, 32, 36-'Some Lost Works
of Cotton Mather,' 32.


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John, and the Scottish Re-
formation, 205, 169-works of
David Laing, 170-Dr McCrie, 173
-Prof. H. Brown, 175-relations
between Queen Mary and Knox,
176-his trial on a charge of treason,
178-Dr Cowan's book, 179, 192—
character of Knox, 180-Mr Lang's
book, 181-criticism of the 'His-
tory of the Reformation,' 183—


destruction of monasteries, 184accusations of falsehood against the Queen Regent, 185-187-his repetition of current slanders, 187 self-deception, 188-his views on the relations of Church and State, 189 Mr Mathieson's book, ib.Mrs MacCunn's works on Knox' and Mary Stuart,' 191-humility of Knox, 193-his relations with his mother-in-law, ib.-last hours, 194.


Knox, Philander, and the American

consular service, 215, 457.


Kotzebue, A. F. F. von, on the beauty
of Terracina, 215, 383.
Krapp, J. L., his mission work at
Mombasa, 221, 236.

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Kraus, F. X., Dante, sein Leben und sein Werk,' 213, 402.

Kromayer, J., 'Roms Kampf um die Weltherrschaft,' 217, 329, 344. Kruger, Paul, declares war with England, 204, 293-character of his administration of the Transvaal, 209, 437.

Kuhlmann, Baron von, Councillor
of Embassy, his opinion of England,
221, 447.

Knudtzon, J. A., 'Die El-Amarna
Tafeln,' 212, 88 note.
Koch, Dr, his discovery of the Kulm, battle of, 219, 532.
tubercle bacillus, 213, 54.

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Kurbski, M., his first impressions of
Tolstoy, 211, 184.

Kurds, their characteristics, 210, 250
-treatment by the Young Turks,
216, 213.

Kuroki, General, in command of the
Japanese army, 202, 282.
Kuropatkin, General, in command of
the Russian army, 202, 284.
Kurth, Godefroi, 'Histoire poêtique
des Merovingiens,' 208, 553.
Kutzo-Vlachs, 218, 478—their history
and origin, 210, 681—dialect, 682
-influence of the Greeks, ib.—their
characteristics, 220, 521.

Kuzmin, M., character of his plays,
217, 37.
Kuzmisky, Senator, his report of
the pogrom in Odessa, 205, 600.
Kwannon, the goddess of Mercy,
208, 113.

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Laberthonnière, Abbé L., Le Réal-Labourers, agricultural, decrease in

isme Chrétien et l'Idéalisme Grec,'

210, 588.

Labour and Capital, relations between,
215, 574- Solidarity,' 575 et seq.
-Colonies, views on, 204, 245-
proposed establishment, 209, 407

the number, 202, 260-condition,
218, 496-498, 503, 507-revolt,
498-hours of work, 507-housing,
ib.-amount of wages, 507; 219,
589 scarcity of cottages, 219, 590
-the value of ownership, 611.

-Commission, result of, 210, 78—Labrador, 216, 400-extent, 401, 412
Co-partnership Association, 219,
514, 525.

-, disputes, system of wholesale
industrial war, 213, 579-policy of
conciliation, 215, 590-compulsory
arbitration, 591.

Exchanges, the Central, 204,
240---result of, 210, 569-establish-
ment of, 213, 568.

Organised, and the War,
221, 478--action of the Triple Alli-
ance of Labour, 479-result of the
meeting of the Trades Unions, 481-
the building strike in London, ib.—
dock strike at Liverpool, 482-co-
operation and loyalty, 483, 484-
relief of distress caused by the war,
484-resignation of J. R. Mac-
Donald, 485.


-formation, 401.

Labruzzi, C., his sketches of the
Alban Hills, 218, 344.

Lacaussade, M., his translation of
'La Ginestra,' 218, 3 note.
Lacombe, Paul, 'Bibliographie des
Travaux de M. Léopold Delisle,'
214, 483.

Ladysmith, siege of, 205, 149, 155.
Lafaye, Georges, 'Les Métamorphoses
d'Ovide,' 210, 455.
Laforgue, Jules, characteristics of his
poetry, 211, 145-his gift of irony,

Lagarde, P. A. de, his opinion of St
Paul, 220, 46.

Lagden, Sir G., his history of Basu-
toland, 212, 125 note.

party, exaggerated strength of
the movement, 204, 582-584-dis-
advantages, 583-policy, 210, 623
213, 577-dependent position, 212,
587-formation, 213, 167, 174-
total number, 174-programme,
176 character of the members,
580-their opposition to the In-
surance Bill, 215, 557-grievances, Lake, K., "The Earlier Epistles of St
217, 567-loss of influence, 568.

Lagrange, Father J. M., Historical
Criticism and the Old Testament,'
206, 173.


La Hogue, battle of, 203, 629.
Laing, D., The Works of John
Knox,' 205, 170.

Paul,' 220, 45.

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