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William, The Return to Protection,' 202, 250- Economic Annals of the Nineteenth Century,' 216, 224.

Smartt, Dr, his support of the preferential trade question, at the Colonial Conference, 207, 273 note, 275.

Smeaton, John, 'Plumbing, Drainage, Water Supply,' etc., 207, 380 note.

Smith, Adam, his maxims on taxation, 206, 333-'Wealth of Nations,' 216, 447; 219, 407-409, 419.

Bertram T. K., 'The Postage Stamp and its History,' 218, 392.

Dr Bruce, Inspector of prisons for Ontario, his report on, 209, 170.

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Smith, Garnet, French Literary Criticism,' 203, 359-'The Contemporary German Drama,' 220, 69.

Prof. Goldwin, 'Irish History and the Irish Question,' 205, 574Reminiscences,' 214, 432.

Prof. G. A., Jerusalem: the Topography, Economics, and History, from the Earliest Times to A.D. 70'; 212, 74 et seq.

H. K., his estimate of the value of the Steel Corporation's properties, 216, 198.

John Raphael, his picture from the Inferno, 211, 410 note. John Thomas, 'Vagabondiana,' 209, 388.

Sir Llewellyn, on the application of mathematics to political economy, 219, 412.

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323-the 'father of English geology,' 216, 517.

Smith, Prof. W. Robertson, his article 'Bible,' 204, 436 note-Religion of the Semites,' 215, 105 note--his theory of Sacrifice,' 438, 440. Smithfield Market, 218, 502. Smoke Problem, 203, 157.

Smuts, General, his opinion of the Boer farmer, 220, 253. Smyly, Prof. J. Gilbart, 'The Flinders Petrie Papyri,' 208, 333. Smyth, Brough, his reports on the natives of Victoria, 203, 444.

Miss Ethel, 'Wreckers,' 210, 523.

Snakes, extermination of, 214, 328. Sneyd, H., 'The Gardens of Italy,' 207, 487.

Snowden, P., his policy of taxing the rich, 213, 505.

Soares, Mr, M.P., introduces a Motor

Bill, 205, 515.

Social Reform, Heredity and Environment in Regard to, 219, 364, See Heredity.

Socialism, Municipal, 205, 420. See Municipal.

and Labour in Australia, 206, 305. See Australia.

increase of, in the United States, 209, 455.

-, principles of, 211, 633; 213, 574-576.

policy of, 212, 294.

-: I. Its Meaning and Origin, 212, 409-a complicated subject, 410-the economic state of society, 411-process of fermentation, 413

-the period of religious ferment, 414-416-of intellectual ferment, 416-'social' questions, 417-rise of materialism, 418-increasing


interest taken in economics, ib.high aim of Socialists, 419-characteristics of Socialism, 420-422, 438-history of the movement, 422 -doctrines of Saint-Simon, 422

G. Babeuf, the first practical Socialist, 423-Godwin's 'Political Justice,'424-429-early Socialists, 425, 430-their ideals and works, 425428-Ricardo and Owen, 430-W. Carpenter's 'Social Economy,' 431 -theories of Marx, 432, 435-437Christian Socialism, 433—Chartism, ib.-result of the movement in France, 433-435-the revolutionary year of 1848, 435-the term proletariate,' 436-Prof. Schäffle's Quintessence of Socialism,' 437. Socialism: II. Its Present Position and Future Prospects, 213, 160— influence of Marx on the movement, 161-formation of a 'National Union of the Working Classes,' 162—the Red International,' 163—its political character, ib.-parliamentary strength, 164 the movement in Germany, 165, 172-France, 165, 173-Great Britain, 166-foundation of the Social Democratic Federation in 1881, ib.-formation of the Independent Labour party, 167, 174the movement in Austria, 168— Belgium and Italy, ib.-programmes of the parties, 169, 170– appeals to the working classes, 171 -numerical strength, 172, 174-relations between Socialism and trade unions, 172-conflicts between the Anarchist and Collectivist sections, 175-policy of Reformists or Opportunists, 176-collapse of the Marxian theoretical system, 177— materialistic view of life, ib.-false conception of history as a series of economic class wars, 178-Capitalism, ib.-theory of increasing misery, 179-proposed abolition of

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money, ib.-suppression of indi- Sollas, Dr Hertha, The Face of the

vidual ownership, 180-arguments for Collectivism, 181-result of State control, 181-183-question of private capital, 183-185-the ethical argument, 185.

Socialism, views on the character, 220, 204-208.

Earth,' her translation, 216, 535.

-, Dr W. J., his geological work, 216, 520 et seq.

Sologub, T., character of his plays, 217, 34-36.

Solomon Islands, 216, 77.

Socialist, meaning of the term, 209, Sombart, Werner, 'Socialism and


-, party demand provision for the unemployed, 208, 203—result of their teaching on the working classes, 213,567-doctrine of, 570views against capitalism, 577. Society and Politics in the Nineteenth Century, 212, 309-influence of women, 310, 338-the habits of Ministers, 311-Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, ib.— Lady Holland, 312-William IV and the new era, 313-social barriers, 314-Lady de Ros, 316-distinguished social leaders, 316–318— Lady Sarah Lennox, 318-long speeches and late hours, 319-importance of Drawing-rooms, ib.Lady Westmorland, 320-327character, 321-friendship with Wellington, 323-and Palmerston, 325-the Duchesse de Dino,327-330 -Lady St Helier, 331–336-infinite variety of her entertainments, 331 -her anecdotes of Mr Gladstone and Lord Salisbury, 334-Lady Palmerston, 335-Lady Salisbury, 336-gradual changes, 337-feminine political ambitions, 338. Sociology, School of, 206, 71. Soergel, Albert, 'Dichtung und Dichter der Zeit,' 221, 27. Sohm, Rudolf, Kirchengeschichte im Grundriss,' 210, 329.

Sole, number of eggs produced annually, 206, 154.

the Social Movement,' 213, 177. Somers, Mr, on the difficulty of providing work for the unemployed, 202, 633.

Somerset, The County of, 209, 78— characteristics, 79-five forests, 80 -the river Parret, ib.-Abbey of Glastonbury, 81-83-style of architecture, 83-85-result of the Norman conquest, 85-Leodgaresburg or Montacute castle, ib.-fall of Exeter, 86-forts, ib.-operations against South Wales, 87-priory of Goldcliffe, ib.-conquest of Ulster, 88-Edwardian times and the wars of the Roses, ib.-notable men, 89100-the Nether Stowey' set, 98. Somerville, Dr, his experiments in afforestation, 214, 109.


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Miss E., and Miss V. Martin, their literary partnership, 219, 30- An Irish Cousin,' 31—' Naboth's Vineyard,' 32-'The Real Charlotte,' 32-37 'The Silver Fox,' 37-'Some Experiences of an Irish R.M.,' 37-42.

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Miss Edith Enone, her hunting achievements, 206, 198-management of her pack, 199.

William, Chase,' 206, 214. Sommaripa, Crusino, baron of Paros, 207, 419. Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Prince William of, assumes the title of George I, King of Greece, 212, 514.

his poem 'The


Sophistry, rise of, 204, 74.
Sophists, compared with English
journalists, 209, 524. See Journal-

Sophocles, character of the tragedy
dipus,' 219, 93–95.

Sordello, the troubadour, 219, 429— history of, ib.

Sorel's Europe and the French Revolution,' 207, 534-career of the historian, 534, 535-strikes at the tradition of the Revolution, 536 -the war with Europe, 537-situation of European States, ib.-the liberalising movement, 538-rivalry with England, 539-attitude of Holland, 540-Spain, ib.-Italy, 541-Germany, ib.--Austria, 542Russia, 543-the Revolution welcomed, ib.-results abroad, 544— bad influence of the first émigrés, 545-the flight to Varennes, 546the Legislative Assembly, ib.-the Treaty of Berlin, ib.—Talleyrand, 547-Dumouriez, ib.-imprisonment of the King and Queen, 548 ---abolition of the monarchy, ib.pretensions of the new Republic,


Soudan, the Mahdi's rebellion, 219, 193.

Soult, Marshal, his invasion of Andalusia, 219, 11, 13. See Peninsular War.

'Sound, The Power,' 204, 207. See Music.

Sourian, M., 'La suggestion dans l'Art,' 204, 213 note.

South Sea Islands, 216, 59-discovery, 60-trade, ib.-beach-combers, 61, 75-system of 'blackbirding,' 75— creation of the office of High Commissioner, 76.

Dr Robert, his criticism on Milton, 220, 359.

Southey, Robert, his literary works,

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210, 745-contributions to the Quarterly Review,' ib.-review on The Doctor,' 779-his interview with J. S. Mill, 213, 282. Souttar, Robinson, Alcohol: Place and Power in Legislation,' 208, 568. 'Sovereign,' variation in the value, 204, 196-cost of production, 197.

549-the Regicide, 550-second Sozonoff, assassinates M. Plehve, 202, partition of Poland, ib.-Danton, 590.

551-Robespierre, 552-treaties of Spain, war with England, 202, 156—

peace, ib.-the Republic recognised, ib.-the Directory,553-Bonaparte, 554-556-Pitt's proposals for peace, 554-Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt, 556-troubles abroad, 557 -the second Coalition, ib.-the Empire established, 558. Sorel, Albert, 'L'Europe et la Révolution Française' reviewed, 208, 422-424.

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its two aspects, 157-the Flota policy, 161-protection of ancient monuments, 510.

war with the United States, 205, 309.


system of income tax, 206, 340,

condition of, at the time of the French Revolution, 207, 540.

Nineteenth-century, 208, 1— various histories, 2-4, 22-mixture of races, 4-return of Ferdinand VII, 5-character of his reign, 5– 10-revolutions, 6-French invasions, 7-the' Calomardian era,' ib.

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-Society of the Exterminating Spain, percentage of forests to total

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Angel,' 8- Apostólicos,' 9-ascendency of the Church and Crown, ib.-regency of Cristina, 10-14— civil war, 11-the Elliot Agreement,' ib.-Constitution of 1837, 12, 14-characters of Narvaez and

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Spalding, T. A., Life and Times of
Richard Badiley,' 205, 15 note.
Spanish-American war of 1898, result
of the, 216, 224.

Espartero, 13, 14-expulsion of the
Jesuits, 14-the reign of Isabel II,
15-18-system of the Caciquismo, Spanish Succession war, 205, 24–26.
16-revolt of Vicalvaro, 17-revo-

lution of 1868, 18-restoration of Sparrows, extermination of, 214, 328. Alfonso XII, ib.—Regency of Maria | Spectacles, Foreign, The United Cristina, 19-loss of Cuba, ib.- States through, 211, 367. See advance of trade and industries, 20-22—reprint of Borrow's 'Bible in Spain,' 23.

Spain, election of a Socialist Deputy, 213,165-number of Dreadnoughts,


and the Vatican, 213, 585-the clerical problem, ib.---economic

character of the crisis, 586-complex issues, ib.-nationalities in the nation, 587-influence of Castille, ib.-regionalism, 588-indifference to national politics, ib.electoral reform, 589-political absenteeism, ib.-contempt for the principle of national economy, 590 -opportunities for reform, 591neglect of economic opportunities, ib.—the sugar industry, 592-system of education, 593-596-schools of commerce, 594-anti-clericalism, 596-Carlist conspiracies, 597 -views of ministers, ib.-financial difficulties, 599-the Court of Caserta, ib.-anti-clerical campaign, ib.-the Concordat, 600-Law of the Cadenas,' 601-party developments, 602—a cabinet of conciliation, ib.-religious difficulty exaggerated, 603-effect on the monarchy, ib.--the future, 604.

origin of the general strike in 1909, 215, 593.

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United States.

Spectroscope, invention of the, 221,
175-its value in observations, 197.
Speech, The Varieties of English,
207, 86-number of words for one
meaning, ib.-correct pronunciation
of the dialects, 87-old meanings,
88-obsolete historical words, 89—
different meanings, 90-prevalence
of rhyming and alliterative com-
pounds, 91-typical expressive
words, 92-figurative names, ib.—
similes, 93-metaphorical expres-
sions, 94-proverbial sayings, ib.-
local, 95-historical, 96-pronun-
ciation, 97-use of pronouns, 98-
verbal endings, ib.-loan words,
99-hypothetical personages, 100—
their names, 101-omens of death
and ill-luck, 102-charms, 103—
home-made medicines, 104-plant-
names, ib.-weather-lore,
farming, 106-108-animals, 106-
birth and wedding customs, 108–
funeral, 109-ecclesiastical, ib.
Spence, W. G., Australia's Awaken-
ing,' 215, 305.

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Spencer, B., Native Races of Central

Australia,' 203, 445-Northern Tribes,' ib.; 207, 191; 215, 106, 110.

Herbert, his aphorism on education, 202, 211-view on religious

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