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Board of, Labour Gazette, extract from, 221, 482.

of the British Empire, 216, 233 -foreign, ib.-Inter-Colonial, ib.

Depression of, Commission on the, 217, 483.

Disputes and Trade Combinations, Report of the Royal Commission on,' 204, 488.

Disputes Bill, 204, 497, 585; 205, 290, 303; 206, 288, 293, 435; 208, 157; 209, 260; 212, 296; 213, 504, 583; 215, 580, 586-method of drafting, 206, 288-result, 215, 586-proposed repeal of the measure, 587.

and Diplomacy, 215, 442. See British.

foreign, effect of the war on, 221, 536-538.

Municipal, 209, 409. See Municipal.

and Plantations, Board of, its functions, 221, 55.

preferential, with the Colonies, 207, 279, 286-294.

returns, 207, 266, 269. Trade-unionism, spirit of, 202, 62.

principles of, 219, 522.

Trade Unions and the Law, 204,481 -the principle of free exchange, ib.


-struggle between the principle of liberty and socialism, 482-tradeunionism and protection, 483— refusal to adopt the principle of free exchange, 484-ideal of the social reformer, ib.-labour a mobile force, 485-result of competition on commodities and labour, ib.importance of the home market, ib.-restrictive action, 486-tariff reform appeal to trade-unions, ib.— the socialist response, 487-compulsory arbitration, ib.-the Royal Commission Report, 488-picketing, 488, 494-the enforcement of membership, 489-points of conflict with the law, 490--the Taff Vale case, ib.-the Act of 1871, 492— exemption of the provident funds, 493-the law of conspiracy, 494— increased harmony between unions and employers, 495-restriction of output, 496-the need of specific contracts, ib.-Trade Disputes Bill, 497.

Trade Unions, effect of, 210, 79.

The Position of, 213, 567-disorganised agitation and unrest, ib.-Socialist attitude, 568 -labour exchanges, ib.-Workmen's Compensation Act, 569-the 'Socialist Labour Party,' 570-the Osborne judgment, 571 et seq.—new political character of trade unions, 573-the principles of Trade Unionism, 574-576-of Socialism, 574576-case of coal-miners, 575relations with the capitalist, 576– 578-vast areas of modern disputes, 578-result of the system of wholesale industrial war, ib.-labour members, old and new, 580-the North-Western Railway and party funds, 581-583-Congresses, 582; 215, 582-definition of a trade union, 213, 584-effect of reversal of the Osborne judgment, ib.

insubordination of the

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members, 215, 578, 581-the policy Traheron, Bartholomew, his translations of Vigo's works, 215, 121 note-tracts on divinity, ib. note.

of collective bargaining, 579—result

of the Socialist rule, ib.

Trade Unions, resolutions on the out- Trajan, his column recording his

break of war, 221, 481.

Trafalgar, battle of, compared with the battle of the Sea of Japan, 203,


The Centenary of, 203, 611 -pre-eminence of Nelson, ib.characteristics, 612-Napoleon's plan of invading England, 612614 failure of Villeneuve, 614ordered to Naples, 615-Nelson joins the fleet off Cadiz, 616-the 'Nelson touch,' 617-controversy on the traditional account of the battle, 617-plan of the battle, 620-623-evidence of the logs, 624 -interpretation of signal No. 76, 624-627-distinction between advance and attack, 627-change in the mode of attack, 627-629-battle, 629-results, 630.

Trafford, Sir Humphrey F. de, 'The
Foxhounds of Great Britain and
Ireland,' edited by, 206, 200-‘ On
the Origin and History of Domestic
Horses,' edited by, 547.

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Tragedy, The Origin of, 209, 504
-invention of the Dorians, 505—
the worship of Dionysus, 506-
origin of the worship and its spread
in Greece, 507-510-mimetic dances
in Attica, 510-in Argolis, ib.—
Sicyon, 511-honouring of the dead,
512-516-the thymele of Dionysus,
516-the four great Attic festivals,
518-Satyric drama or sportive
tragedy,' ib.-Thespis the founder
of tragic art, 520-performance of
'Mysteries' and 'Miracles,' 521—
the Ober-Ammergau Passion Play
and the Hindu drama 'Ramayana,'
ib.-plays performed by the Lamas
of Tibet, 522-ceremonies relating
to the Malay theatre, ib.
Vol. 222.

conquest of the Dacian kingdom,
217, 337-339.

Tramps, Vagrants, and Beggars,
209, 388. See Vagrants.
Trans-Persian Railway scheme, 219,
285, 287, 290.
Transvaal, mineral wealth, 203, 279-
281-population, 281-political
parties, 293.

-,grant of responsible government,
204, 379, 585; 206, 281; 210, 715
-nature of the constitution, 204,

mining shares, depreciation in the market value, 207, 263, 265.

effect of the war on the natives of India, 209, 221-result of the discovery of the gold-mines, 436— policy of exclusion, ib.-elections, 437.

-, system of administration, 210, 713-approval of the policy of unification, 717, 730.

-, growth of population, 220, 539.
Trapman, Capt., on the Greek army,
220, 512 note.

Trawl, use of, in fishing, 218, 437—
effect on fishing grounds, 442, 444
-Conferences in London, 442, 443
-in Hull, 443.
Trawling Commission of 1885, result
of the, 206, 155.

Treasury, authority of the, 221, 56.
Tregear, Edward, Secretary for La-

bour in New Zealand, 206, 319-
his Report, 320.
Tredgold, A. F., "The Study of
Eugenics,' 217, 43- Heredity and
Environment in Regard to Social
Reform,' 219, 364.


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Treitschke, H. von, influence of his Triple Entente, 211, 579; 214, 454,


writings, 209, 269–271, 586, 589– his hostile views towards England, 585 et seq.-extracts from his Politik,' 586, 587, 590 - his 'Deutsche Kampfe,' 588, 591character of his writings, 215, 170 -compared with Lord Acton's works, ib.

Trémoïlle, Duc de La, 'Une famille royaliste irlandaise et française,' 217, 370.

"Trent,' case of the, 207, 595.

Council of, 210, 347.

Trepoff, General, his control of the

police, 205, 592-dictator of Russia, 593-his instigation of massacres, 612.

Trevelyan, Sir Charles, a member of the Charity Organisation Society, 206, 70.

C. P., his translation of "The Referendum in Switzerland,' 214, 509.

Sir George D., 'The American Revolution,' 202, 109—' History of the War of Independence,' 211, 369- Early Life of Charles James Fox,' 220, 405.

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Entente, The Strength and Weakness of the, 215, 244-definition of the agreement, ib.-reasons for the formation, 245-Germany's dislike of it, 246-relations between Germany and Austria, 247, 259— impressions from the Potsdam interview, 248---superiority of the foreign policy of Germany, 249— power of the German Emperor to declare war, ib.-advantages of the Triple Alliance, 250-disadvantages of the Triple Entente, 251--subordination of foreign policy to domestic exigencies, 251-253 foreign policy of Russia, 253England, 254-France, 255-result of the absence of a definite treaty, 256-progress of Turkey, ib.-relations between Germany and Turkey, 257-Italy, 259-Austria-Hungary, ib.-revival of the idea of 'trialism,' 260-policy resulting from the amalgamation of the Servo-Croatian countries and Austria-Hungary, ib.

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Tripoli, invasion of the Italians, 216 218.

and Constantinople, 216, 248 -withdrawal of troops, 250-occupied by Italians, ib.-negotiations for peace, 253.

Tripolitan War from the Turkish Side, 217, 249-works on,ib.-Turkish headquarters at Aziza, 250-the battle of Bir Tobras, 251-retreat of the Italians, ib.-entrenchment at Ain Zara, 252-occupation of Girgaresh, 253-battle of Zanzur, 254-bombardment of Zwara, 255 -seizure of Bu Kamesh, ib.-Sidi Said, 256-position of the Italians, ib.-advantages of the Arabs, 257260-sickness, 260-cost of the war, ib.-co-operation of the Senussi,

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261, 263-consequences of the Trout fishing, 207, 520. Italian inaction, 262-264-of the seizure of Rhodes, 264. Trollope, Anthony, The Works of, 210, 210-continued popularity and fame, 211-career, 212-‘ The Macdermots of Ballycloran,' ib.--his tendency to pensive depression, 213

Troyen, F., lines from, 221, 378.

Trubetskoy, Prince E., on the mem-
bers of the Duma, 206, 589.
Trumpp, Dr, his translation of the
Adi Granth, 213, 203.

-The Three Clerks,' 215, 220-Trust, the National, and Public The Warden,' ib.-his first literary commission, 216-principles of construction of his novels, 217 -characters, ib.-humour, 218— 'Barchester Towers,' and 'The Bertrams,' ib.- Can You Forgive Her?' and 'The Small House at Allington,' 219-his dialogue, and description of English country life, ib.- Orley Farm,' 220—friendship with J. E. Millais and Charles Lever, ib.-'Phineas Finn,' 221–224

'He Knew He was Right,' and 'The Way We Live Now,' 224–230 -his characteristics, 225-acts of kindness, 226-industry, ib.-spells of idleness, 227--method of writing, 228 capacity for waiting and working, 229-charm and value of his writings, 230.

Troubadours: Their Sorts and Conditions, 219, 426-the song of Count Guillaume, ib.-Gaubertz de Poicebot, 427-Piere de Maensac, 429-Sordello, ib.-their different ranks, 430-Savaric de Mauleon, 432-Vicomte of St Antoni, ib.pastoral of Joios of Tolosa, 433– song of Count of Foix, ib.-poetry of Provence, 434-revival of the Pastorela, 435-love and its effects, 436 satire, ib.-poems of Piere Cardinal, 436-440.

Troubridge, Rear-Admiral Ernest, second in command in the Mediterranean, 221, 577.

Troup, Mr, on cottage-building, 205, 482, 483.

Amenities, 214,157-destruction of historical buildings, 158-foundation of the National Trust, 159— recognition of the claims of history and beauty, 160-members of the Council, ib.-total income, 161its policy of ownership, 162-list of properties, 163-influence on the open-space movement, 164— character of its work, 165-disfigurements from advertisements, 166 effect on the moral sense, 167-protection of the eyes, 169– good for trade, 170-system of waste, 171-publicity the essence of business, ib.—restriction of billposters, 172-condition in France, 173-Germany and other towns 174-signs of changed opinion, ib. -appointment of a Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, 175-first instalment of the Report, ib.-powers of the Board of Works, 177-Town Planning Act, 178.

Trusts and President Roosevelt, 207, 28-antagonism to, 29-result of exposures of the system, ib.-insurance companies, 30-railways, 32-38-private-car companies, 33Standard Oil Company, 35-38-the Elkins Bill, 37-cost of transporting live cattle, 38-scandals of the packing industry, 39-42-NeillReynolds Report, 42-interstate commerce clause, 43-position of the Supreme Court, ib.-exercise of power, 44-46-anti-trust legislation, 45, 50, 54-Traffic Association cases, 45-establishment of a Bureau of


Corporations, 48-penalties of rebating, 49-actions against, 50-53 -number, 51-difficulties of the work of regulation, 53-57. Trusts, prosecutions of, in the United States, 209, 465-469; 217, 551– work of the Bureau of Corporations, 209, 467-imposition of fines, 470. Truth and Fiction in Irish History, 210, 254. See Irish. Tschüdi, Dr H. von, his identification of Flémalli's pictures, 211, 162. Tsetse fly, infected regions, 214, 339. Tsikhotsky, Colonel, Police-Master, 205,599-his mode of issuing orders,


Tsong-kha-pa, a Tibetan reformer,
203, 207, 215.

Tubercle bacillus, discovery of, 213, 54.
Tübingen school, influence of, 210, 333.
Tucker, Rt Rev. A. R., Bishop of
Uganda, 'Eighteen Years in Uganda
and East Africa,' 221, 233.

Prof. T. G., 'Life in Ancient
Athens,' 208, 256.

Tuckwell, Rev. W., 'Pre-tractarian

Oxford,' 217, 10 note.


Tudsbery, J. H. T., Principles of
Waterworks Engineering,' 207, 380.
Tuke, D. Hack, Chapters in the
History of the Insane in the British
Isles,' 202, 399-his treatise on the
'Influence of the Mind upon the
Body in Health and Disease,' 218,

Sir John, on the work of the legal members of the Lunacy Commission, 202, 416.

Samuel, founds York Retreat for the insane poor, 202, 405. Tulloch, W. W., 'The Life of Tom

Morris with glimpses of St Andrews and its Golfing Celebrities,' 212, 103.

Tulse Hill Observatory, 212, 450.

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Túns,' or old English villages, 207, 138.

Turbot, number of eggs produced annually, 206, 154.

Turgeniev and Tolstoy: A Contrast, 211, 180-characteristics of his writings, 193-excessive praise given to him, ib.-beauty of his language, 194-his 'Sportsman's Sketches,' ib.-difficulty of translation, 195-'Poems in Prose,' ib. -characters in his novels, 196 -A House of Gentlefolk,' and 'Fathers and Sons,' ib.-' Virgin Soil,' 197-criticisms on On the Eve' and 'Smoke,' 198-"The Russian Language,' 199-admiration for the works of his rival, 200. Turgy, Jean François, on the code of signals with the prisoners in the Temple, 211, 63.

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Tudors, The, and the Navy, 202, 145-works published by the Navy Records Society, 146-Hakluyt's "Principall Navigations,' 146-148— maritime character of the Tudor period, 148-establishment of the Navy Board in 1546, 150—development of the sailing-ship, 151—M. Oppenheim's 'History of the Administration of the Royal Navy,' 152-achievements of Henry VIII, ib.-the warship, 153-during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 154-war with Spain, 156-its two aspects, 157-the 'Counter-Armada,' 159— causes of the failure, 160-the 'Flota' policy, 161-policy of Queen Elizabeth, 163-166-James I, 167 Turin, Sir Henry Wotton's mission -Charles I, 168.

to, 210, 37.

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