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Bentham, J., his plan of a 'Panopti-
con,' 204, 229.

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Bentinck, Lord W., publication of
his papers, 212, 242. See Elba.
Bentley, Thomas, 'The Monument of
Matrones,' 221, 376 note.
Bentwick, Norman, The Law of
Private Property in War,' 208, 251.
Benzoni, Gisolamo, 'La Historia del
Mondo Nuovo,' 219, 138.
Bérard, M. Victor, Les Phéniciens
et l'Odyssée,' 202, 344 et seq.-

Les Cultes Arcadiens,' 351-
'L'Empire Russe et le Tsarisme,'
204, 248- British Imperialism and
Commercial Prosperity,' 206, 7-
'La Révolution turque,' 210, 668.
Berchtold, Count, his scheme of 'pro-
gressive decentralisation,' 218, 278
-his policy as Foreign Minister,


Berenson, B., Lorenzo Lotto,' ex-
tract from, 221, 490.

Beresford, Lord Charles, on the con-
dition of the navy, 211, 562-his
proposed increase of the personnel
of the fleet, 571-'On Home Rule
and Naval Defence, 217, 266.

Berger, P., 'William Blake,' 208, 25.

M., his life of Blanche of
Castile, 214, 490.
Bergland, Abraham, "The United
States Steel Corporation,' 216, 177.
Bergson, Henri, The Philosophy
of, 216, 152-'Les Données Im-
médiates de la Conscience,' 155-
'Matière et Mémoire,' 156, 159-
'L'Evolution Créatrice,' 156, 164,
167-his view on the nature of our
minds, 156-definition of intenser
sensation,' 157-distinction be-
tween two kinds of multiplicity,
158-freedom of the will, 159-
connexion between mind and mat-
ter, 160, 163-perception, 161, 163–
165-union of body and soul, 162

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-material objects 'images,' 163
-memory, 165-mental life, 166-
vital impulse,' 167-his theory
that nothing is real except minds,
168-arguments against his philo-
sophy, 169-176-the Kantian doc-
trine of space, 169-171.
Berkeley, Lord, of Stratton, Vice-
roy of Ireland, 220, 437.
Berlin Conference, on the Congo Free
State, 204, 49- -on the Copyright
law reform, 213, 485-the 'Free
Stage,' 220, 72.

. Treaty of, 207, 546-result of
the, 210, 668, 669.

University of, State endowment,
204, 500

Berlioz, H., character of his musical
compositions, 203, 84, 104.

Bermer, Mr, his book on India, 212,
457, 460, 472.

Bernard, Sir Charles, appointed Chief
Commissioner of British Burma,
207, 462.

[ocr errors]

Rt Rev. J. H., his Intro-
duction to 'The Correspondence
of Jonathan Swift, D.D.,' 218, 49,
56, 70.

Berne Copyright Convention of 1887,
213, 483, 484, 497.

Bernhardi, General von, 'Cavalry in
Modern War,' 206, 471-his views
on Pan-Germanism, 211, 588-
'Deutschland und der nächste
Krieg,' 218, 278; 221, 415.

Bernheim, Dr, his study of hypno-
tism, 218, 132.

Berriman, A. E., A Brief History of
the Aeronautical Society,' 217, 220.
Berry, G. G., his translation of 'Greek
Thinkers,' 204, 62.

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210, 650-relations with Lucchesi, Bible, The English, 215, 505-the

Berry, Miss M., publication of the
'Letters of the Marquise du Def-
fand,' 218, 513.

Berton, H., 'L'Evolution Constitu-
tionnelle du Second Empire,' 213,

Bertrand, Louis, Gustave Flaubert,
avec des fragments inédits,' 221,
327 note.

M., on the Celtic race, 205, 88.

and Reinach, Messrs, 'Les
Celtes dans les vallées du Pô et du
Danube,' 205, 88.

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tercentenary celebrations, 505-
recent works, 506-the Authorised
Version, 507, 522—a literary monu-
ment, 507-Matthew's Bible, 508
-Tindale's work, 509-512-Cover-
dale, 513-517-the Psalter, 516–
the Great Bible, 517-Geneva
Bible, 518-the Bishops' Bible, 519
-details of the revision, 520-the
Rheims New Testament, 521-pro-
cess of preparing the Authorised
Version, 522-bases of the work,
524-527-the Douay version, 527—
verbal improvements, 528-the Re-
vised Version, 529-need for some
new revision, 530.

the Tibetan, 203, 205.
Bickley, Francis, New Facts about
Matthew Prior,' 218, 91.

Bieberstein, Baron Marschall von,
his views on drifting contact mines
in war, 208, 246.

Bielschowsky, Dr A., his 'Life of
Goethe' reviewed, 206, 488 et seq.

Bethlehem, The Priory of St Mary Bienkowshi, M., on the date of

of, founded, 202, 402.

Bette, Thomas, his 'Ballad against
Rebellions and false Rumours,' 218,

Betting, expenditure of the working-
man, 208, 221.

Beust, Count, Memoirs of, extract
from, 210, 30 note.
Beran, Edwyn, 'The First Contact
of Christianity and Paganism,' 213,

Beveridge, W. H., 'Unemployment,
a Problem of Industry,' 210, 568—
'John and Irene,' extracts from,
219, 145.

Roman busts, 204, 123.
Bierbaum, Otto Julius, character of
his lyrics and stories, 221, 45.
Bigelow, Dr J., on the legal questions
of the revolutionary movement in
the United States, 202, 99-on the
new Federal Constitution of 1789,

Bigg, Dr C., his chapter on
ticism,' 213, 232- The Origins of
Christianity,' 221, 5—7—' Christian
Platonists of Alexandria,' 7.
Bigham, Captain Clive, on motor-car
regulations in foreign countries,
205, 522, 523.

Bewes, W. A., Stock Exchange Law Bigod, M., his model of the city of

and Practice,' 217, 88.

Beyle, M., his characterisation of
Julien Sorel, 215, 346-opinion of
* Gil Blas,' 350.

Rome, 209, 110 note.

Billingsley, Mr, on the condition of
Bridgewater Marsh, 216, 452.
Bills of Exchange, system of, 208, 534.

[blocks in formation]

Binnink, Simon, his miniatures, 211, Birmingham Canal, daily average


Binyon, L., 'William Blake,' intro-
duction by, 208, 25, 27—extract
from his poem 'The Death of
Adam,' 210, 196—' Painting in the
Far East,' 212, 228, 233, 238.
Biplane, invention of, 217, 234.
Birds and Their Colours, 213, 132
-meaning of the term concealing-
coloration, 133-composition of
feathers, ib.-black pigment, 134
-chromogenes, ib.-lipochromes,
135-the turacin pigment, 136 note
-the blue of Amphibians and
Reptiles, 136-production of green,
137-metallic or prismatic colours,
ib.-changes in the successive
stages, 138-141-the colour cycle,
139-factors influencing colour, 141
-food, 141-143-climate, 143-147
-the coloured light of their envi-
ronment, 147–149—monochromes,
150-combination of colours, 151–
law of ornamentation, 152-their
appreciation of colours, 153-sym-
metry in the colours of flowers,
154 the complementary colours,
155 the Parrot tribe, 157-genius
Ptilopus, 158.

Biré, E., 'Honoré de Balzac,' 206,
125, 133.

supply of water, 207, 383, 384.
Birrell, Rt Hon. A., M.P., his Educa-
tion Bill, 204, 597; 205, 293-on
the Devolution policy, 205, 563—
character of his Education Bill, 206,


Mr, his Record in Ireland,
208, 283-on its condition, 285–
under the Nationalist influence,
286-his Irish Councils Bill, ib.-
withdrawal, 287-statement
cattle driving, 288, 290-Bill for
facilitating the restoration of evicted
tenants, 289-his admission of im-
potence, 290 declines to use the
Crimes Act, ib.

character of his adminis-
tration of Ireland, 209, 261;
211, 622—his phrase 'minorities
must suffer,' 211, 619-his Irish
Land Bill, 620, 624-628-failure
as a Minister of Education, 622-
treatment of the Wyndham Act,
623-his views on the opposition
of Ulster to Home Rule, 217, 563.
Birt, H. N., Elizabethan Religious
Settlement,' 216, 84.

[ocr errors]

Birthrate, decline of, 209, 7; 217,

Bishops' Bible, 215, 519, 525.

Birmingham, record of an earthquake Bismarck, Count Herbert von, his

in India, 210, 485.

Bishop of, and Oxford Reform,
214, 434, 436-his Commission on
the teaching of Oxford University,

George A., characteristics of
his novels, 219, 42-his creation of
J. J., 43- The Search Party,' 45
-The Major's Niece' and 'The
Simpkins Plot,' ib.-"The Red Hand
of Ulster,' 46' The Inviolable
Sanctuary,' ib.

John, discovery of Nova
Coronæ, 212, 448.

letter to Donnersmarck, 215, 357.

Prince, his policy of Pro-
tection, 202, 268-his attitude
against England, 204, 286-cha-
racter of his administration, 206,
251-result, ib.-relations with
Prince Hohenlohe, 262, 265-267
-influence of his methods on
Anglo-German relations, 209, 272
-policy of nationalisation of rail-
ways, 211, 342—views against the
annexation of Austria, 586-origin-
ator of the scheme of National
Insurance, 215, 193-his relations
with Gambetta, 353, 357, 374--


his influence on Imperial Unity,
219, 559-relations with Emperor
William II, 561-his policy of
consolidating the German States,
220, 309-character of his policy,
221, 416-his Re-insurance Treaty
with Russia, 417-statements on
Anglo-German relations, 417, 418.
Bisons, measures for the preservation,
214, 346.

Bisschop, W. R., Rise of the London

Money Market,' 217, 88.

Blache, J. Vidal de La, 'La Régéne-
ration de la Prusse après Jena,'
22.1, 394.

'Black Book of Carmarthen, The,'
212, 377-379.

Sea fleet, mutiny, 203, 306;
204, 266.

'Blackbirding,' system of, 216, 64,
68-legislative measures against,


Blackheath Golf Club, 212, 101, 117.


207, 455-457-'A Vision of the
Last Judgment,' 457.

Blake, William, Poet and Painter,

208, 24—works on, 25-28-charac-
teristics of his poetry, 28–34-his
exquisite ear for rhymes, 33-
characteristics of his prophetical
writings, 34-main drift of his myth,
36-faith in vision, 38-40-com-
pared with Flaubert, 39-misuse
of language, 40-'The Marriage of
Heaven and Hell,' 41-character-
istics of his art, 42-46-his power
of self-delusion, 45-artistic treat-
ment of horses, 47-his frescoes,
48-method of painting, 49-relief-
etching of the Ancient of Days
striking the First Circle of the
Earth,' ib.-personal peculiarities,
50-religious views, 51-the 'Ghost
of Abel,' 52—his death, 53.

his protest against the
criticism of Fuseli's picture, 211,
412-his illustrations to Dante,


Blackley, Canon, his scheme for com- Blanchère, R. De La, 'Terracina,' 215,
pulsory national insurance, 206,
62-his National Provident In-
surance scheme, 209, 152.
Blackmore, Sir R., his two epics
'Prince Arthur' and 'King
Arthur,' 205, 58.

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Bland, J. O. P., and E. Backhouse,
China under the Dowager Em-
press,' 216, 538.

Blathwayt, William, letter from
Matthew Prior, 218, 108.
'Blauer, Ambrosius und Thomas,

Briefwech sel der Brüder,' 220, 116.
Blaze, E., 'Le Livre du Roy Modus
et de la Royne Racio,' 209, 345-
number of copies, 355.

Bles, Herri met de, identification of
his pictures, 211, 174-his picture
the Adoration of the Magi,' 213,

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Blockade, meaning of the term, 215,
2-difficulties of, 20.

Blois, palace of, 209, 130.
Blok, A., his 'Lyrics,' 217, 38- The
Stranger,' ib.

[blocks in formation]

Blomfield, C. J., Bishop of London, Boer War, lessons of the, 202, 280.
contributor to the Quarterly
Review,' 210, 757.

R., A History of Renaissance
Architecture in England,' 215, 156
-'A History of French Archi-
tecture,' 217, 136 et seq.

Blondel, his 'Cours d'Architecture,'
206, 80.

Blount, Sir Edward, his tribute to

Lord Lytton, 215, 445.

Blowitz, H. S. de, 'My Memoirs,' 210,
106, 108.

Blunt, Rev. J. J., 'Undesigned Co-
incidences,' 210, 757-contributor
to the 'Quarterly Review,' 757, 767.
Board Schools, accommodation pro-
vided by, 204, 597.

Board of Trade, report on the methods
of dealing with the unemployed,
202, 628, 640-result of interven-
tion in labour disputes, 215, 591.
Boarding-school, character of the
system, 208, 408-410-system of
education, 409-object, ib.-im-
provement in the conduct, 411-
deficiencies of the system, 412–414
-advantages, 415.

Boas, Prof. Franz, 'Descendants of
Immigrants,' 219, 378.

Bobcheff, M., on the fall of Adrian-
ople, 218, 567.

Boccaccio, extract from his 'Life of

Dante,' 207, 76, 78 note-on the
gardens of Italy, 495.

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War, The First Year of the,
205, 143-histories of, ib.-charac-
ter of the German book, 144-the
Times History,' 145-political
impartiality of the German authors,
147-criticisms on the deficiencies
in the training of the British troops,
148-investment of Ladysmith, 149
-battle of Elandslaagte, ib.-
epithets applied to Sir G. White,
150-strategical distribution of
troops, 151-battle of Colenso, 152
-strictures on General Buller, ib.

causes of the defeat of Spion
Kop, 153-methods of attack, 154
-failure to pursue after the cap-
ture of Monte Cristo, 155-opera-
tions under Lord Methuen, 156-
Modder River, 157-Magersfontein,
ib.-courage of the Highland Bri-
gade, 158-action of Stormberg,
159-Colesberg operations, 160—
Lord Roberts' arrival, 161—his line
of advance, ib.-moral effect of the
charge at Klip Drift 163-siege of
Kimberley, ib.-Lord Kitchener's
attack on Paardeberg, 163-166—
action of Poplar Grove, 166—vic-
tory of Driefontein, ib.-criticism
of the faults and failings of both
sides, 167.

War, effect on Germany, 209,
277, 588, 592.

Boers, Lord Milner's attitude to, 203,
289-the 'Het Volk,' 294--their
relations with the Colonists, 209,
432-prejudice against employment
of Chinese, 439-their mixed stock,
441-system of fighting, 210, 8.
Bohemia, the language question, 210,

Princess Elizabeth of, her
friendship with Descartes, 219, 60.
Boigne, General de, his career, 210,
633-marriage, ib.-character, 634.

The Memoirs of Madame


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