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Senator THURMOND. The Intelligence Service in the Defense Estab lishment.

Mr. SYLVESTER. Well, each service has one, and also, we have the Defense Intelligence Agency. None of those has.

Senator THURMOND. Have you had any research made of the origin of controversy generated following the Glenview, Ill., seminar"Education for American Security?"

Mr. SYLVESTER. At no time since I have been in office have I made use or suggested at any time that the intelligence facilities of the Defense Department should be turned on the civilian public.


Senator THURMOND. Are you familiar with the seminar held at Glenview, Ill?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I do not know which one, precisely, you are referring to. I know they have had them out there.

Senator THURMOND. I have here a copy of a letter from the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee to the Secretary of the Navy conplaining of that seminar. This is what it says:

While this program attempted to present the picture of being a ‘school," there is little doubt that in fact it was a propaganda platform for members of th rightest Christian anti-Communist crusade, the Birch Society and the Nation. Education Association and other undemocratic groups. We trust that you wi. give this matter immediate attention and inform us of the actions you have take to prevent reoccurrences of such Navy programs.

That letter was written to the Honorable William B. Franke, Serretary of the Navy, by Clark Forman, director of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee in New York.

Mr. SYLVESTER. That must have been prior to 1961.

Senator THURMOND. September 23, 1960.

Mr. SYLVESTER. That was the past administration.

Senator THURMOND. Of course, complaints were made of the seminars during the previous administration, just as they have bee made during this administration. What would have been your re sponse had you received this letter?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I have not any idea today, Senator. I think the first thing I would have done would be to try to establish the facts. Senator THURMOND. What is the status of the Emergency Civ Liberties Committee?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I might have to look into that and find what thi is before I responded to them. I might want to know who they wer Senator THURMOND. Is it a cited subversive organization?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I would certainly want to know if they were or not Senator THURMOND. I can say to you it is thoroughly influence by the Communists and is considered a subversive organization.


The Illinois Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union alcomplained to the Secretary of the Navy. This complaint is a litt more sophisticated, but it follows the typical socialist arguments th

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