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ble excitement among Christians immediately ensued. In the wean time the number of meetings was increased-and they were all attended with a peculiar solemnity. At first, there were ten or fifteen who were present at the meeting of inquiry; but now the number is augmented to 100, besides, one hundred or more, feel that the chains of their bondage are broken and that by divine grace they may exult in the liberty of the children of light.

Thomastown, Me.—We have been favoured in this place during the year past, (says one of our subscribers) with our, Heavenly Father's smiles; we have seen numbers who appeared to be arrested in their sinful course, brought to bow to the mild sceptre of Prince Emmanuel. This town contains about 2700 inhabit ants; between 3 and 400 are professors of religion. The churches the year past received an addition of near 100: and we feel encouraged, that the Lord is now awakening some from their slumbers. The Beloved seems knocking, and saying, open immediately. We are afraid we are making excuses, that we have put off our coat and shoes, &c. At a prayer meeting last evening for a revival, in which all denominations united, the Lord appeared to be in our midst; many could say, “it is good for us to be here." Our ministers appear to be much engaged; may we be Aarons and Hurs to hold up their hands. We have reason to be encouraged, when a spirit of prayer prevails; when Emmanuel is petitioned by many wet eyes for assistance.

THE Rev. Reginald Heber has been appointed Bishop of Calcutta, to succeed the late Dr. Middleton.

· Donations-To the U F. M. S. during the month of March §- To the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions from the 13th of February to the 12th of March, $3,765, 63, also legacies $386, 52, and donations in clothing &c. to a considerable amount. To the American Bible Society during the month of March to constitute ministers members for life $210, laymen memhers for life, $30, donations $217, do from auxiliary societies $707, 14, in payment for Bibles $1,598, 41, total $2,672, 45. Issues from the depository, Bibles 2,284, Testaments 2,923, total 5,207-value $2,818, 69. Seven new auxiliaries acknowledged. To the American Education Society $340 during the month of March. To the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Prost. Epis. Church, $1,520.


Rev. James Richards, American missionary at Tillipally, on the 2d of August Jast.-Rev. John Ireland, formerly Rector of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, L. I. and late a chaplain in the U. S. Navy, 64.-At Washington city, Hon. Brockholst Livingston of this city, one of the Justices of the supreme court of the United States, 66.-January 10th, at Richmond Va. Rev John D Blair, 64; and December 19th, Rev. John Buchanan, D.D.-Feb. 24th, at Washington city, Rev. Andrew Hunter, D. D. chaplain, U. S. Navy.-At Norwich, Conn. Rev. John Tyler, Rector of Christ's Church, 86.-Jan. 26th, at Berkly, Eng. Dr. Jenner, the discoverer of vaccination, 74-At London, Dr. Charles Hutton, the celebrated mathematician, 86.-Rev. Enoch M. Lowe, Rector of Christ's Church, Norfolk, Va. 33.-On 17th, Rev. L. D. Parks, Pastor of the church at Saltcatchers, S. C.25th, Rev. W. Hilman, pastor of the Baptist Church at Powletown, Ga.-At Barnardtown, Mass. Rev Job Wright, 85.-At Eastport, Me. Rev. Hosea Wheeler, of the Baptist Church, 31.-At Bethel, Va. Rev. S. O. Henderson, of the Baptist

Church-At Cheshire, Conn. Rev. Roger Hitchcock, Pastor of the Cong. Church, 56.-At Georgetown S. C. Rev. Asa Blair. of Kent, Conn. 37.---Jan. 12th at Sangate, Va. Rev. Abisha Colton.


Having found it impracticable to insert at length an account of the services which take place at ordinations, installations &e. we shall in general hereafter make our record of them in the following manner :

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Leon Woods, DD

N. Perkins

Perkins DD

Robt. McCartee

5 Baxter Dickenson ::John A. Hemstead 13 S. P. Funk

Philip Hay

Peter S. Wyncoop
A. J. Swift

26 Samuel Green

* Deacon. + Priest.

R. D. Ghent, N. Y.

Tyacoke and Schaghticoke,

Ins. Cong. Boston, Mass. Essex St.
Installed. § Evangelist. Trinitarian Congregationalist.



There are various circumstances which might assist destitute Congregations in procuring pastors, if their situations were generally known. With a view to aid them, and unsettled ministers, we have prepared the following list (confessedly very imperfect) and propose, from time to time, to add the names of such vacant churches as come to our knowledge.





1822 N. York city, Murray-st. Pres J. M. Mason, D.D. Resig Pres. Dick.Coll. 1823 do Vandewater

For mer Pastor.

J. S. C. F. Frey.


Ag.Jews Society

[blocks in formation]

1822 and Mary's

Sep. 22 St. Mary's Co. Md.Will. Epis. John Brady

Sep. 15 Cecil Co. Md. St. Ste- Epis. William Nina

[blocks in formation]



Cong D. A. Clark

Resig. Prof. Am. Instit.

Pres. A.Woodworth DD. Dec


[blocks in formation]

1822 Litchfield, Con. S. Parish Cong. Amos Pettingill

Resig. Past. Waterbury

[blocks in formation]


1822 Bethany, Conn.


Huntingdon Resig.


Parmelee Dec.

[blocks in formation]

Collections made by the Rev. Mr. Frey, for A. S.M. C. J. from Jan. 7, to March 3.


Lancaster, Rev. Wm. Ashmead's church, 20 07


Baltimore, 1st Rev. Wm. Nevin, 106 50
2d do. Rev. Dr. Glendy,
Pres. ch. Tammany-st. Rev. J. M.

German Ref'd ch. Rev. A. Hel


Three Methodist churches.

Ref. Pres. ch. Rev. Mr. Gibson,
Itterbin's ch. a gold ring, Rev.
Mr. Schneider,

Baptist ch. Rev. Mr. Healy,

do. do. Rev. Mr. Reis,

Fredericksburgh, Ep. ch. Rev. W. E. Mc


Pres. ch. Rev. S. P. Wilson,

65 87

Richmond, 1st Pres. ch. Rev. Dr. Rice,
do. Shockoe Hill, Rev.
J. B. Hoge,



New Methodist chapel,


Norfolk, Pres. ch. Rev. Mr. Russel,

73 10

Baptist ch. Rev. S. Cornelius,
Methodist ch.

17 75


[blocks in formation]

St. Peter's ch., public meeting,

[blocks in formation]

Annapolis, Methodist ch.

27 89

North Carolina University,

17 25


[blocks in formation]

Washington, Rev. Dr. Laurie's ch.

36 57

Donations received by Mr. Frey:

Rev. Mr Post's ch.

55 25

Baltimore, from Mr. Gist,


[blocks in formation]

Washington, from Judge Ray, of Charles



28 62

2d do.

[ocr errors]

Mr. Andrews, 'VIRGINIA.

53 58

[blocks in formation]

9 09

Receipts into the


during the last month.

From Mr. Frey, at Norfolk, a draft on the U. S. Bank at Philadelphia, Messrs. Fridge & Morris, of Baltimore, being the amount left in hale hands by Mr. Frey,

404 73

From Mr. Frey, a draft on Mr. Cyrenus
Beers of this city,
Aux. Soc. Newport, R. I. by B. B.
Mumford, Esq. Secretary,



521 02

ton, S. C.

Scaman's Jagazine.

He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they giad because Psalms. hey be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.


(Continued from page 704.)

THE committee in attendance at Mr. Gardiner's boarding-house, No. 243 Water street, had an interesting meeting there on Friday evening, the 28th of February -The usual exercises were engaged in.-The sixth The remarks made on it went chiefly to chapter of Daniel was read.

show the true courage of Daniel in honouring his God; the happy influ ence of frequent and fervent prayer on the temper of his mind, making him to descend from the height of prosperity to the depths of adversity, with perfect composure, because God was as near to him in the den of lions as in the palace.-In the conclusion, the duty and safety of prayer was insisted upon, and each seaman was particularly urged to be careful that a Bible should be found in every ship he sailed in, and to endeavour to have it frequently read, as he knew not how much it might be blest to him, and to his shipmates.

A good looking seaman (second mate of a ship in port) then arose, "I know not how to and in a very feeling manner spoke to this effect. be silent on such an occasion; I bless God for such a meeting as this, to see so many of our seamen, some of them my shipmates, so richly enjoyI must declare the goodness of the Lord to my ing the means of grace. own soul, in bringing me, I trust, from darkness into light.-It was three years ago, on a voyage to Curacoa, at sea, without human agency, that blessed book, the Bible, which has now been so earnestly recommended to our attention, was in the reading of it sanctified to my soul.— I was awakened to see my true condition, not that I was better than my shipmates, but that I was a guilty sinner, lying at the mercy of a holy God. I betook myself to prayer, beseeching the Lord for mercy, and I trust that like Daniel I have felt its efficacy in a trying hour. I found that precious Saviour who bled and died for me, that I might have hope Oh how different has my life been since of eternal life through him. that gracious change. I give my humble testimony in favour of prayer, and of the grace and mercy of my God.-Oh that I could praise him as I ought! My dear fellow-seamen, I know all your dangers; I have encountered them often since my youth; I know your unwillingness to forsake your sins and to turn to God.-I am acquainted with the excuses you offer, for not giving immediate attention to the salvation of your souls; they are just such as I used to make; but what will they avail us at the hour of death.—Are they not vain and dangerous now? Blessed be God for such meetings as these, and for the kind concern now mani

fested for sailors; my heart prays, I trust, continually for a divine blessing on these means of grace, and that the hearts of mariners, may be opened to receive the truth in the love of it. I might say more but my heart is full. I shall never cease to pray for the precious souls of my brother-seamen. Praised be our God for such meetings as these."

The chairman of the committee in addressing this speaker said, "we desire to unite with you in prayer." This son of the ocean cheerfully obeyed, and poured forth his supplications, evidently under the teaching of the spirit, with humility, earnestness, good sense, and devout adoration of the God of all grace. The effect on a pretty large company present, was manifest; and many tears marked, as they fell, the melting of hearts throughout the assembly. The whole of the exercises during the evening were solemn and impressive, evidently felt by all. Indeed there was every reason to believe that the presence of the Lord of glory was given to them, that were met in his name, and that every heart beat in unison to that sweet confession of spiritual joy, "it is good to be here."

(To be continued.)


THE number of seamen who attend worship in the Mariners' Church increases, and the prospects of usefulness were never more encouraging. There is a Sabbath School for the children of seamen and others, kept in the Lecture-room of the Church. Measures have been taken to collect a Circulating Library for the use of the school, and some money has been given for that purpose, and a choice selection of a few volumes has been made. To supply all the scholars, a considerable number of books will be wanted in addition. Donations in money, or suitable books, will be thankfully received by the Rev. Messrs. Truair and Chase or Mr. John P. Haven, at this office.


THE third annual meeting of this society was held on the 31st of January. The Rev. Dr. Proudfit preached the annual sermon from Phil. iii. 8. after which a collection was taken up amounting to $72. In the report we find the following expression" it is believed there is not a vessel of any description sailing from Albany, without a supply of Bibles.

Bibles have been sent to Buffalo, Detroit, &c. and there has been some attention paid to the canal men.

Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Dr. Chester.

Treasurer, S. P. Jeamain.

A floating Chapel has been fitted up at Serampore and Dr. Carey preached the first sermon on board in August last.

Notice. In order to give the Narrative of the state of Religion within the bounds of the Presbytery of New York in this number (received at a late hour) we have been obliged to omit much interesting intelligence relative to seamen, whith will be given in our next.

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