Transforming the Federal Government to Protect America from Terrorism: Hearing Before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session, July 11, 2002, Том 4

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Стр. 54 - ... those capabilities with the Federal Computer Incident Response Center (General Services Administration), the Computer Security Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (Commerce), and the National Communications System (Defense). The Department of Homeland Security would also unify the responsibility for coordinating cyber and physical infrastructure protection efforts. Currently, the federal government divides responsibility for cyber and physical infrastructure, and key...
Стр. 42 - ... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing or writings against the Government of the United States, or either House of the Congress of the United States...
Стр. 54 - FBI which will fuse representatives from FBI, DOD, USSS, Energy, Transportation, the Intelligence Community, and the private sector in an unprecedented attempt at information sharing among agencies in collaboration with the private sector. The NIPC...
Стр. 55 - By 2003, our economy and national security became fully dependent upon information technology and the information infrastructure. A network of networks directly supports the operation of all sectors of our economy — energy (electric power, oil and gas) , transportation (rail, air, merchant marine), finance and banking, information and telecommunications, public health, emergency services, water, chemical, defense industrial base, food, agriculture, and postal and shipping. The...
Стр. 8 - Third, missions or assignments that are limited in scope, where other agencies have the lead from the outset. An example of this would be security at a special event like the Olympics...
Стр. 34 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank our distinguished panelists for their testimony today, and in reference to Ms.
Стр. 11 - I delivered to the Congress the President's proposed legislation for establishing the new Department. This is an historic proposal. It would be the most significant transformation of the US government in over a half-century. It would transform and largely realign the government's confusing patchwork of homeland security activities into a single department whose primary mission is to protect our homeland. The proposal to create a Department of Homeland Security is one more key step in the President's...
Стр. 11 - Immediately after last fall's attack, the President took decisive steps to protect America - from hardening cockpits and stockpiling vaccines to tightening our borders. The President used his legal authority to establish the White House Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council to ensure that our federal response and protection efforts were coordinated and effective. The President also directed me, as Homeland Security Advisor, to study the federal government as a whole to determine...
Стр. 55 - Secretary shall serve as the principal Federal official to lead, integrate, and coordinate implementation of efforts among Federal departments and agencies, State and local governments, and the private sector to protect critical infrastructure and key resources.
Стр. 37 - I'd submit those in writing. Without objection, the hearing record will remain open for 30 days to submit those written requests and to place their responses in the record.

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